【Time is up! 】 The correct answer is announced below! 【

The correct answer is D!】 Congratulations to Kaiya, Condensing Light, and Kazuto Arataki for answering correctly and each getting a point! 【

Please take a break, the next video will be played in five minutes.】 Kaiya

wiped the non-existent sweat on his head, "Phew~~ Fortunately, this question is right, it seems that my intuition is quite accurate." Ning

Guang: "There are still two questions, my props are not yet useful, the advantage lies in me."

Arataki Kazuto: "Hahahahaha, did you see it!" Sure enough, Uncle Ben is the strongest, if there are those who want to join the Arataki faction, you can hurry up.

Collet was a little frustrated, "I didn't answer correctly, and I wasted precious props." The next second Collet immediately perked up, "There are two more questions, you must answer them correctly."

In the live broadcast room, some viewers guessed the correct answer to this question.

[Xino: Sure enough, it's the fourth option, Collet is a pity. [

Tinari: It's okay, Collet has grown a lot, believe her, let's keep watching. 】

【Shinobu Kusaki: I didn't expect that the boss could be blindsided with two questions in a row, is this a transfer?】 [

Kaedehara Manyo: I'm curious about the other three options. [

Yae Miko: @优菈, can you come out and explain?] 【

Yura: How do I know!】 When did I become the Mond Dance King!!

[Albert: That's right! The Mond Dance King should be the shining idol Miss Barbara, Barbara Rush Duck! [

Barbara: I'm not a Mond dancer, and! Mr. Albert stop rushing——! 【

Ding! 【

Since everyone is curious about the other three options, here is a special explanation.】 Seeing

that the live broadcast room wanted to explain, everyone stared intently at the light curtain.

[First of all, option A, since Yura's mantra is 'this revenge, I wrote it down', but most of the time it means 'I remember you as a person', not really revenge, so some fans in the parallel world call it a vengeance knight. ] 【

Option B, the Beggars Gang is also an organization in this parallel world, and most of its main members are homeless people who live by begging. 】

【Because Yura is very good to feed, basically you can use a big sword, so she is ridiculed by many fans as a gang leader. [

Option C, in this parallel world, people's way of getting to know Tivat's characters is mostly in the form of the kind of video just now.

[There are many people who can dance in Mond, but only Eura appears in that video, so he is called the King of Mond Dance. [

As for the D option, it is the nickname given to Kaiya by the people of this parallel world. ]

It's good if you don't explain, after this explanation, the barrage in the live broadcast room went crazy directly, and it blew up many diving people.

[Ph.D.: Parallel world? That's so much fun.

【Zhongli: So it is, just like travelers come from other worlds, Tivat is just one of many worlds. 】

【Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: That world knows us through this kind of video? I don't know what Benxian's video will look like.

[Nasida: So the dancer in the first video is dancing in this way to imitate Yura. [

Ray Movie: So, this interactive live broadcast room, will it be a product of that world? [

Wendy: It's really an interesting conjecture, but I really didn't expect that Captain Kaia would be called Ice Crossing Sea True King! ] [

Diluc: He has a bit of an immortal look? [

Albedo: So what kind of form does this live broadcast room have? Who made it? [

Ying: If Thor's hypothesis is true, and this live broadcast room breaks through the barriers of the world and descends to Tivat, then my journey with my brother...]

[Empty: @荧! Did you turn out to be in the live broadcast room? Where are you now? 【

Ding! Screen to exit the live broadcast room, today is not allowed to enter.

[Dainsreb: @空, don't worry, believe that you will meet again. Yura

, who had already excused herself to go out to eliminate the monster, was greatly relieved at this time.

"Fortunately, everyone's attention is not on me."

"People in parallel worlds are also true, they actually gave me such a nickname, this hatred, I wrote it down!"

However, before Eura could relax for too long, the voice in the live broadcast room sounded again, making her heart churn.

【Ding! The break is over! 【

In the Mond late-night tavern, if you are willing to share a table with Yura, who drinks alone, you will have the opportunity to hear this drunken female knight tell you about her various "revenges" today. [

But... Will she really go "revenge" for this? 【

Please watch the next video, "Late Night Tavern Encounter"...】At

the beginning of the video, as the lazy music in the tavern sounds, the first thing that catches your eye is the two long black silk legs stacked by Yura.

As the camera slowly moved up, it was clear that Eura was already a little drunk.

I saw Yura shaking the wine glass in her hand and sighing slightly.

"Thank you for being willing to share a table with me."

"Those drinkers are actually avoiding me."

"Hmph, I wrote down this hatred~~"

As soon as Yura finished speaking, she slammed the wine glass in her hand and put it on the table a little harder.

Then shook his head slightly, and sighed softly, "Really, do you care so much about my bloodline?"

"Even if I go for revenge, I won't be able to take their turn?"

As soon as Youra's voice fell, the picture turned, the voice of the piano sounded as a narrator, and the family crests of the three families appeared in the video.

With the explanation of the piano in the video and the vivid display of the video animation, many viewers in the live broadcast room who did not know the history of Mond also suddenly realized.

[Beidou: It turns out that this is the case, no wonder in the last video, Yura will claim to be a descendant of a sinner. ]

[Mona: Eura has broken with the family, so in the options above, Eura's name is not added with the word Lawrence. [

Goro: At that time, people lived in dire straits at that time, why didn't Lord Fengshen come forward?

Wendy: Ah this... [

Jean: Our Lord Barbatos, the god of wind, is a god who symbolizes freedom, so I think Lord Wind God must have his own considerations.

[Wendy: That's right, that's it.

Paimon: Really? [

Goro: In this way, this Lord Vanessa is great! Leading people to rebel against the old nobles and forming a knight order is not similar to the nature of our rebel army! 【

Yae Miko: Resistance? Hehe! [

Hu Tao: But then again, since the Lawrence family has such a big hatred with Mond, why did Miss Eura join the Knights? This

question from Hu Tao asked the question in the minds of many people.

And the answer soon appeared in the next video.

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