Resident Evil is divided into two levels in the table, and Yelan and Gongzi are exactly one person in charge of a line.

For the two, the plot of the game is secondary, and the most important thing is to feel the personal and exciting experience in it.

After reading the corresponding rules, the two also had a general understanding of the difficulty of hell and how to clear it.

【Ding! Be aware that you are about to be teleported to the world of Resident Evil! I wish you all a smooth clearance! 】

【PS: In order to take care of the underage viewers in the live broadcast room, the screen has turned on corresponding protection measures! 】 After

the prompt in the live broadcast room, Yelan and Dadalia were teleported to two places in Raccoon City.

Yelan was teleported to a gas station near a supermarket not far away.

The inside of the supermarket was pitch black, and the floor was covered with blood.

Yelan turned on the nuclear flashlight donated by the live broadcast room, explored it and collected relevant intelligence.

As for the zombies in everyone's mouth, Yelan has not yet encountered them.

But in the next second, when she pushed open the back door, she saw a policeman struggling to press a person.

Before Yelan could figure out what was going on, the suppressed man suddenly broke free and frantically gnawed at the policeman's neck.

In just a few seconds, the policeman died in his mouth, and his neck was a blur of flesh and blood.

At this time, Yelan and everyone in the live broadcast room saw the appearance of this 'person'.

It was an almost completely decayed face, with a miserable white complexion, and looked like it had been dead for a long time.

The gums are exposed, and blood is constantly dripping from the corners of the mouth, looking extremely terrifying.

Everyone really realized what a terrible thing a zombie is.

After Yelan and Dadalia met at the door of the supermarket with their walking position, the place had long been surrounded by zombies.

At this time, the weapons in their hands were only two pistols with a limited amount of ammunition.

The monster's head was blown up into blood-colored fireworks, and although the picture was extremely bloody, this feeling made people's blood rush.

[Kelly: The picture is all small squares, and Kelly can't see anything! ] [

Collet: What kind of horrible human experiments can make people like this. 【

Zhong Li: From the background information, this biochemical virus also has a strong infectious ability. 【

Beidou: Although the zombies look terrifying, if it is only this level, it is only a matter of time before you want to clear the level. [

Dixia: Yes, the zombie speed is not fast, just be careful. This was not a difficult task for Miss Yelan and the executive. [

Wendy: Both of them are good at using bows and arrows, and now they can fight with firearms, and they can also get started quickly and reduce the difficulty. [

Diluc: Since the head is the weakness of zombies, it should be possible to use weapons such as great swords to cut directly. [

Dortore: If zombies only have this level, it will inevitably be a little disappointing, at best, they are just some beasts full of lust for flesh and blood, and there is not much research value.

But soon after, Dortore became interested in the biochemical experiment again.

Because the tyrant and William have appeared one after another!

Yelan goes to collect various information, and Dadalia is responsible for finding key props at the police station.

Just as Dadalia was about to open a special door, suddenly!

There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and he hurriedly looked back.

A burly man in a black trench coat quickly walked towards him.

Dadalya, who has already come into contact with many zombies, can see at a glance that the strong man in front of him is not a normal person.

Without hesitation, he immediately took out his pistol and shot at the opponent's head.

"Bang bang bang!!"

But in the face of Dadalya's fire output, the strong man only paused slightly, and then a ferocious fist quickly smashed towards him.

After Dadalia quickly dodged, he engaged in a guerrilla war with the strong man.

When the grenades, bullets and other resources were almost exhausted, the strong man finally couldn't bear it and slowly knelt on the ground.

"Whew~~ This monster is somewhat threatening, but the IQ is not very high."

With the joy of victory in battle, when Dadalia turned to open the door, the mutation burst out!

Dadalia felt a dangerous aura, and with his fighting instinct, he quickly dodged to the side.

But it's a step late!

A pair of sharp claws tore a large hole in his chest, and a sharp pain struck.

Dadalia covered her wound and looked behind her in shock.

I saw that the strong man who originally fell to the ground actually stood up unscathed!

But although Dadalia was seriously injured, he did not panic at all, and his eyes were full of fighting intent!

"Hahaha~~ I didn't expect you to have the ability to resurrect, it's good!"

In the next second, Dadalia made a move that everyone did not expect!

He directly picked up the pistol and fired a shot at himself without hesitation!

The audience in the live broadcast room were taken aback by his sudden action.

But as Gongzi's body was covered with a circle of pale green light, many people suddenly remembered something.

[Hu Tao: I almost forgot, Gongzi has dark eyes! ] After

being reminded by Hu Tao, everyone understood Gongzi's actions just now.

But even if they know, many people recall the effect of the Dark Eye and admire Gongzi's courage.

Although he will not die, but even so, it takes courage to dare to come directly to himself like this.

Dadalia, who was already fully revived, slowly stood up and put the mask containing the evil eye on her face.

"Your strength is indeed a little interesting, then let me see how far you can go!"

With the blessing of the power of the evil eye, the battle between Gongzi and the tyrant began again.

Even if the tyrant's recovery ability is very strong, in the hands of the prince who uses the power of the evil eye, it is just a target that can withstand a little fighting.

Even if the military coat is destroyed and there is no restraint, it is still not Gongzi's opponent.

Yelan, who was standing at a high place, saw the whole battle in her eyes and had a new understanding of her temporary teammate.

"Using the Evil Eye consumes life force, but the Dark Eye can restore physical functions to peak state in a short period of time after receiving fatal injuries."

"It seems that with the blessing of these two props, the list of special attention in the General Affairs Department will re-evaluate this executive."

With that, Yelan turned around and walked in the direction of the sewers.

"The documents of the police department are almost collected, the tyrant has also been solved by Dadalia, it's time to go to the next place."

"Although my physical fitness is actually not very good, but after accumulating energy for such a long time, let's strive to finish the work once!"

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