Unlike Gongzi's reckless battle with the evil eye, Yelan brings out the advantages of an 'archer' to the fullest.

With his excellent body and marksmanship, William didn't even touch a single strand of her hair.

The next time became a double show of Yelan Show operation and Gongzi carrying zombies.

On one side, thermal weapons such as shotguns, flamethrowers, and magnums fight the tide of corpses, and users dodge attacks and switch between various weapons, which is extremely ornamental.

On the other side, with the evil eye open, fighting passionately with zombies and the multi-form William all the way, it makes people's blood boil.

By the end of the battle, William in the G5 form devoured all the organic matter that could be absorbed nearby, turning into an extremely terrifying monster.

Everyone in the live broadcast room shook their heads when they saw it, but Yelan and Dadalia were expressionless, and the powerful heavy firepower all poured out.

After Dadalia struck the huge eyeball, with William's wail of pain, their journey to another world was also over.

[Wendy: It was a wonderful trip to another world, allowing us to see all kinds of high-tech that we had never seen before.

[Hu Tao: But this G virus is so terrifying that it can make William eventually evolve into that! ]

[Albedo: Maybe the last one was an imperfect evolution, and it was the G virus that became that way in order to survive. [

Alice: Zombies are slow and have no intelligence, but they retain their instincts and are also contagious. Only by blowing the head can it be truly destroyed, which is also a powerful weapon. [

Dortore: There is nothing to study zombies, and to create them, it is only the cost of time and consumption for me.

But this G virus has great research value, it breaks the rules of biological evolution. However, it is a pity that Gongzi did not bring back any samples from the other world.

[Tinaly: @多托雷, if you really study zombies, you are not afraid that the entire people of Solstice will fall? 【

Saino: If there really is a day, then I must judge you with my own hands!

[Diluc: @多托雷, you're as crazy as ever. [

Ning Guang: The final report said that a nuclear bomb will be dropped in Raccoon City for a large-scale cleansing, I wonder how the power of this weapon compares to my Qunyu Pavilion? If you have a chance, you can try it, @多托雷]

Unlike the saber rattling in the barrage area, Dadalia and Yelan were instantly teleported into the answer space the moment they cleared the level.

Dadalia lay on the ground somewhat weakly, breathing slightly shortly. But this trip to another world made him very satisfied.

Although Yelan was a little tired, she looked at Dadalia, who was a little excited, and spoke: "The more I get along with you, the more I feel that you are different from other foolish executives.

"Ha~~ Among the executives, some people like power tricks, some like experimental research, and some like to talk about 'grand plans', and I can't get along with those boring guys."

"Stance aside, you and I do things in some places."

"Does Miss Yelan want to join us fools?"

"That's it, I'm very happy with my current job and don't plan to leave just like that." But maybe, there will be a chance to contact you in the future.

"If there is a need at that time, for the sake of us answering the questions together today and breaking through the hurdles together, I will help within the scope of my ability."

Yelan just said it casually, but she didn't expect to get a promise from Dadalia unexpectedly.


Congratulations to Yelan and Dadalia for successfully clearing the level! ✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿】

【Before the reward is distributed, there is another link, that is, the part of collecting the "price" that everyone expects! 【

First of all, the "price" that Yelan needs to pay! ] The

prompt sound in the live broadcast room interrupted what Yelan was about to say, but she was not in the mood to continue at this time.

The first is her 'price', which she still didn't expect.

Although she is prepared for everything in order to get the best reward, including the risk of being charged a 'price'.

But the previous methods of the live broadcast room still made her a little worried.

【(1) In the next seven days, Yelan will lose its pain! But all the pain that accumulates in these seven days will explode after seven days! 【

(2) Get a debuff - every bet must lose! In the next seven days, you will lose whether it is dice rolling or any other game with all the nature of betting, quizzing, gambling, etc. [

(3) Expose Yelan's identity - she is the behind-the-scenes boss of the Iwakami Tea Room! ] ]

Since the operation of the live broadcast room, Yelan is also the first person to be charged a three-point 'price'.

But these three costs, many people feel that it is not painful.

But in the eyes of those who know the inside information, these three points are very serious for Yelan!

[Phil Godette: Miss Yelan turned out to be the behind-the-scenes boss of the Iwakami Tea Room? 】

【Lao Gao: Every gamble must lose? Roll the dice? Could she be the mysterious woman who has been famous for a long time? [

Ekaterina: No wonder there are rumors in the city that you should stop playing dice in the Iwakami tea room, especially when a strange woman invites you. [

Agui: There is no pain, which reminds me of some of the guests I have received before. They all like to press on their wounds and even don't mind if they use anesthesia when treating some troublesome injuries. 【

Bo Lai: And this kind of guest? Love pain? Could it be that Miss Yelan is too? 】

【Su Er Niang: 'Exposing Yelan's identity', does she have another identity? [

Xingqiu: One person has a thousand faces, well...]

Looking at everyone's various speculations about Yelan, Xingqiu even touched the edge of the truth and quickly diverted everyone's attention.

[Condensing light: Yelan hides the identity of the owner of the tea room on the rock, maybe just to make herself less noticeable. ] As for rolling dice, etc., that's all a personal hobby. But the first price is the deadliest. 【

Baiwen: Why did Lord Ning Guang say that?

[Condensing light: Because if there is no pain, then no matter how badly injured, you will not know it, which is very dangerous.

【Keqing: Not bad! 】【Keqing】 Even if you sit down to rest, if a nail protrudes from the chair, you will sit down without noticing, and eventually die. [

Chongyun: That's really dangerous, and I don't know if I get hurt. [

Nilu: Then in the next seven days, Miss Yelan will be extremely careful. 】

【Kuki Shinobu: Food, clothing, housing, and transportation, all trivial things must be carefully done. Seeing

that everyone no longer discussed Yelan's identity, the condensing light on the Jade Pavilion breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Iwakami Tea Room is an excellent source of intelligence due to its mixed visitors. Because of this, it was transformed into a secret office by Yelan.

"It's okay if her identity as the boss is exposed, as long as it doesn't involve other things."

"It's Gongzi, he seems to have sensed something."

Dadalia looked at Yelan, who was constantly tossing dice beside her.

When she first formed a team with her, Yelan said to him, 'I see you have inadvertently brought me some benefits'.

At the time, he was still a little confused about what the benefit was, but now it seems that it is about the Iwakami Tea Room.

Dadalia realized that not long ago, he was not only punished by Yelan for more than 100 million Mora, but also gave her a promise.

But now is not the time to think about that Mora, which is also the money of the rich anyway.

What really made him care was his turn to 'cost' next.

[Dadalya's 'price' is...].

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