In the midst of Liyue's uncertainty.

After recovering his health, Baishu also maintains a healthy schedule.

Soon after his return, due to the time of the consultation, he refused to allow other guests to come to the visit, except for the emergency department.

As for the 'blank scroll of the Dragon Earth Cave', it was temporarily put aside by him.

"The unknown is dangerous, and besides, this scroll doesn't even know how to use it, it's better not to try it easily, so as not to cause irreversible consequences."

Changsheng: "This is really a pity, I still want to see what kind of scene is inside the Dragon Earth Cave."

"Good things have to be appreciated slowly to be interesting."

"I see you're just used to a slow-paced life and don't want to make trouble."

Compared with Bai Shu, Yelan is much more bold.

"Shooting and Transformation is really a good skill, and it provides a lot of convenience for future operations."

"It's just that there is no pain for the next seven days, which is a lot less fun. Every gamble is bound to lose, and there will be many variables.

"Let's wait until the condition gets better, and then go and finish the work all at once."

"Let's go and catch a fool or treasure thief group in the evening to test the 'psychic torture house'."

"However, the second young master of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce seems to have detected my identity from my price (3)."

The situation was just as Yelan thought, Xingqiu was chatting privately with Chongyun.

[Xingqiu: Miss Yelan sometimes seems like a kind and steady big sister, but sometimes she seems like a stranger who refuses to be thousands of miles away, and I have noticed this feeling more than once.

[Chongyun: That's why you said she was 'one person with a thousand faces'. [

Xingqiu: But judging from Lord Tianquan's attitude at that time, there will definitely be no problem with Miss Yelan's true identity, we should not know. [

Chongyun: I met Miss Yelan once in private, and there was not much intersection, so I knew what to do. So have you figured out what martial arts cheats you want to change? 】

【Xingqiu: No hurry, there are still two weeks to go, but I am currently very fond of "Yue Nu Sword Method", and there is a secret book called "Sunflower Treasure Book" (/ squint smile)! 【

Chongyun: Why do you want to send this emoji?】 Is there anything special about Sunflower Classics? 【

Xingqiu: To say that it is special, it is indeed special, if you are interested, I will exchange it and share it with you immediately. [

Chongyun: Don't be, you have a lot of bad thoughts, if something bad really happens by then... I won't tell you, I temporarily took on an exorcism task and left first! 【

Xingqiu: It's a pity.

Compared to the other three countries, Meru seemed a little calm tonight.

Nasida, the god of Meru, is now loved by everyone, especially after the video about her.

Ellheisen's personality is difficult to accept, and the people who come to him are just a few people.

Elheisen had changed into a new belt, wore headphones, and was reading a book at home, but there were always various voices echoing in his ears.

These sounds were so mixed together so chaotically that he couldn't hear anything at all.

But at this moment, Kavi walked over with slight footsteps.

""The Night of the Faircher Queen"? Isn't Fischer your teammate answering questions? That's not any one of the 108,000 copies, right?

Elheisen looked at Kavey, "This is the item in the red envelope she just sent me, and besides, I have good hearing now, so I don't need to speak so loudly." "

Huh? The red envelope she sent you? Kavi curiously picked up another copy of "Fischer Queen's Night Night Polar Night Fantasy Suite" and read it.

As soon as Kakavi read more than a dozen pages, he put the book back in its original place.

Although the book has a gorgeous art design, the setting of the world view is very gray and does not suit him very well.

"Didn't Ning Guang say that Liyue's loach treasure jade has a good sound insulation effect? That...... Do you need me to build you a temporary lounge with this material? And

those books..." "The lounge is free, I'm going to build a new house to put those books, and it's only been seven days."

"Tomorrow's speech..."

"This month's repayment date is coming, you still have to worry about your own expenses." If nothing happens, I'm going to put on soundproof headphones and read a book a little quietly. "

Elheisen, you! You! Hum! "My own kindness was rejected by Elheisen in a row! It's really me off!!

After Carvey left angrily, Elheisen finished reading the first volume of "The Night of the Queens of Fischer" and closed the book.

"I didn't expect to use lips one day, but for the next seven days, I really want to find a way, and tomorrow's speech... And the story in this book..."

Another Nasida in the Pure Goodness Palace, a pair of small hands quickly typing various unreadable codes on the keyboard.

After typing the last character and checking for no vulnerabilities, Nasida was relieved.

"It's done! People of Meru, after tonight, you will not be affected by forbidden knowledge! Using

herself as a medium, Nasida linked the notebook with the World Tree and began her bold operation!

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