Nasida gradually perfected her theory by immersing herself in books on computers for two weeks and experimenting with Xino's notebook.

Through learning, Nasida compares the World Tree to a hard drive with huge storage, and taboo knowledge is a highly contagious virus.

What she's going to do now is transfer these viruses to this laptop.

All notebooks today have different functions, but they have one thing in common – they can't be destroyed in any way!


Taking a deep breath, Nasida used her own power to connect to the World Tree!

As taboo knowledge is transferred to the notebook like a file transfer, the World Tree gradually comes to life, and the resurgent demon scale disease quickly disappears.

Once again, the people of Meru embraced one beautiful dream after another in their dreams near midnight.

After doing all this, Nasida looked a little tired, but her face was full of happy smiles.

"Just in time to complete the operation before the BUFF disappeared in the live broadcast room, and did not let the people of Meru suffer, then next..."

Nasida used the skill - Gem Merchant!

"Sunstone can increase damage, radiant stone can increase qi and blood, moonstone can increase defense, and various attributes absorb gemstones, etc.!"

"As for gem synthesis, it's all two-in-one, but if you count the failure rate, it's absolutely astronomical to go from level 1 to level 20."

"But there is also room for manipulation here, so let's contact the 'Miss Hina' from Kaiji Island tomorrow."

At this time Dortorre was in a laboratory somewhere in his place.

I don't know what has been experienced here, and I can't see what the original laboratory looks like at all.

It was surrounded by gray-black mold, and experimental materials that had completely turned into fungi were wandering around.

Immediately after the dissolution of the answering space, Dortore came here to begin his research.

After a night of research, even if it was only the tip of the iceberg of mold and prescriptions, Dotore's spirit was extremely excited.

"It's amazing that mold can affect a person's consciousness and thoughts, as well as give the host super vitality and resilience, and even give the host 'talent'!"

"But to be completely infected, it takes a certain amount of time, and the metabolism of the infected person may increase dozens of times." To suppress this metabolism, more sample data is needed. After

Dortore recorded the new mold experiments, he went to another part of the lab.

Compared to the previous lab, this is a bloody hell.

Various severed arm stumps, as well as an experimental subject who wanted to attack Dotole, but was instantly nailed to his limbs by a cone nail manipulated by Totore.

"Although the prescription lacks a medicine, the effect is still amazing!"

"Like biochemical viruses, it is contagious, tenacious vitality, and strengthens physical fitness."

"The fly in the ointment is that the requirements for the host are very strict, and there is also a desire for human flesh and blood."

"The Achilles heel is only in the head, so what else can the last 'cyan flower' do?"

Just as Dotore was thinking, as the sun rose, a ray of sunlight hit the subject.

The sunlight caused great damage to the subjects, accompanied by a wail of pain, and eventually dissipated.

The doctor, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, thought thoughtfully.


Today, Arataki got up early, cleaned up from top to bottom, and then took a boat with Shinobu to Kaijima Island.

Hisagi Shinobu was originally not interested in this idol activity, so if you have this time, it is better to repair the general-sama's automatic cooking machine.

But today's meeting is a little quirky.

"Shinobu, it's a pity that you didn't go to the special report with Miss Hina before, but Miss Hina wrote back to everyone in the support club afterwards."

"Uncle Ben kept his promise and filled my room around Miss Hina, I think Miss Hina will be greatly moved!"

While listening to how his boss praised Miss Hina for her kindness, she looked around at the boats that seemed to be as many as dumplings.

Since the development of tourism in Kaigijima, many people have been attracted to visit, but definitely not as many as it is today.

Although there are fans of Miss Hina, according to Shinobu Kuki's observation, these fans only make up a small part of the crowd.

Most of the rest seem to be adventurers and Inazuma merchants.

And their communication with each other also confirmed Kuki Shinobu's conjecture.

"I just brushed a superb water injury cup, but unfortunately, the secondary attributes after strengthening are all crooked to small attacks."

"I'm the same, that's why I came to Kaijima to find Miss Hina. In Miss Sheena's fairy shop, there is a magical item that can restore the fortified holy relic. "

The Little Auspicious Grass King has obtained a special gemstone that can be hit on the holy relic, then this kind of superb holy relic must be cultivated well."

"I tried it before, and I couldn't @Miss Hina in the live broadcast room, @了五郎大将后, but as soon as he heard that he was looking for Miss Sheena, he immediately ended the conversation."

"I came here to earn Mora in business."

Hearing this, Kuki Shinobu already understood it all, no wonder so many people would go to Kaijima Island today.

Brush the relic – crooked – restore – repeat the first two steps until the relic is perfected – and finally hit the gem on it.

Thinking of this, Kuki Shinobu felt that today's event was even more problematic.

Will 'Miss Sheena' really show up today?

These people also said that as long as they mentioned four words to Goro, Miss Hina would end the chat immediately.

In that case, what is going on at today's meeting?

With a full of doubts, Kuki Shinobu and Arataki landed on Kaijima Island.

When the two arrived at the meeting scene in the crowd of people, there was a scene that made Kuki Shinobu wonder if he was dazzled.

Goro is leading a force to maintain order, while Miss Hina is shaking hands with every fan who comes forward with a healing smile.

Kuki Shinobu looked at Goro and then at Miss Hina, wondering for a moment if he was hallucinating.

'What the hell is going on here?' After

a while, Kazuto Araki also finished communicating with Miss Hina.

Jiuqi couldn't help but think that the old man was happy, but she saw the boss walk back silently, with heavy steps, and a serious face.

"Boss, you are..."

Arataki Kazuto said very painfully, "Shinobu! I don't seem to have feelings for Miss Sheena! "

Huh?" Kuki Shinobu is a little confused, so, what is the situation?

"Although I have only seen it on the standing sign, Miss Hina originally smiled very healingly."

"What's more, I used to have close contact with Miss Hina, whether it was talking to me silently or quickly leaving Inazuma Castle's back, it was very agile, but now..."

Arataki Kazuto said this, the expression on his face was very painful.

"But now, although Miss Hina maintains a sweet smile from beginning to end, this smile feels too fake for me! It's like a programmed robot!

"Is this idol baggage? O my Miss Sheena!!

Jiuqi Shinobu's mind seemed to be a white light quickly streaking through.

The boss's casual words made her suddenly open!

The video of Lord General has been shown in the live broadcast room, and her puppet-making skills are obvious to all, whether it is a wanderer with feelings or a 'guardian of eternity'.

'This Miss Sheena may be a doll made by Lord General!' If you think along this line of thought, everything that is unreasonable makes sense! '

Kuki Shinobu figured everything out and was about to comfort the boss, but Arataki Kazuto had already regained his fighting spirit by this time!

"Nope! I can't let Miss Hina continue like this, as a member of the support club, I must make Miss Hina change back to her original form!! Kuki

Shinobu: "..."

Forget it, go with the boss."

"Ahhhh Goro sneezed, "Why do you suddenly feel a chill in your spine!" Looking around, he didn't find anything abnormal, "It seems that I am overthinking." "

Huh? Someone chatted with me privately... This! This is!! Kusanagami-sama!! "

[Nasida: @五郎, I need a batch of Super Golden Willow Dew, which can be exchanged for special gems. Wait

a minute!

Lord Kusakami did not look for Lord Coral Palace or Lord General, but directly found me!

Doesn't that mean!!

[Nasida: Well, I saw them all. "

Hiss~~" No wonder I felt a chill in my back just now.

Is this the wisdom of the God of Wisdom? I can actually know what I am thinking!!

Could it be that Kusanagami-sama can't read minds?

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