[Hu Tao: Personal battle~ After the arrival of the live broadcast room, it was used during the first two live broadcasts, and after such a long time, I miss it a little.

[Kaiya: Actually, it didn't take long, just a month. 【

Walnut: I don't see it in a day, like every three autumns! 】 】

【Liuyun borrows the wind Zhenjun: But individual battles mean that the rewards issued in the end will be reduced. 【

Zhongli: If there are at least six questions, or nine questions like last time, it will be very difficult to get a full magic box. [

Condensing Light: @夜兰, where have you been for the past seven days? Why didn't you reply to your private chats? 【

Yelan: I'm fine now, but it will take a little time to go back to Liyue. [

Xingqiu: Miss Yelan, shouldn't you have used the torture house in the past seven days, and then all the pain today has been eaten up? 【

Fools/Treasure Raiders: %#@#@&**&】【

Ella Musk: Huh? Between the fools and the treasure thieves, is it the same as the Chuchu people, and they still have their own language? [

Tinari: There seem to be several new faces in the live broadcast room. 【

Sasayuri: Hello everyone! The first time I watched the live broadcast, please take care of it. 【

Kujo Jura: The patriarch of the former Tengu clan, your return is a crucial event for the Tengu clan. 】

【Miyu Chiyo: The live broadcast room is really magical, and there are also red envelopes, groups, and private chat functions. 【

Takuya: You are the Miyu Chiyo-sama who went deep into the dark abyss and repelled countless evil things! 】

【Yorumiya: She is also a female warrior who bears the pattern of "Thunder no Mieba"! 】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Lord Miyu Chiyo-sama has a face like the moon, and the chance encounter in Inazuma Castle a few days ago really made me want to cover my face with a fan. 】

【Miyu Chiyo: Everyone is so polite, my long-cherished wish is to make an immortal achievement and justify the name of the oni clan! In the future, if we meet in the answer space, I will not show mercy! 】

【Kitsunaomiya Palace: Hello everyone, in Shimokusai Palace, the former Narukami Taisha Shrine Miyakoji, his hobbies are song cards and making pastries. 【

Xino: Song card! [

Paimon: Pastry! (/ drooling)]

[Goro: The Miyaji of Narujin Taisha Shrine! (/frightened)]

[Ding! 【

After the construction of the answer space is completed, ten minutes later, the lucky contestants who participated in the answer will be randomly selected! 】 The

vast majority of people are eagerly waiting to be chosen.

The fish in the Wangshu Inn clenched the two bottles of Ouhuang potion in his hand, thinking about whether to use it or not.

"Although the order of this round of live broadcast has been broken, the probability of Liyue's turn this time is also one-third."

"I have looked for a lot of ancient books of Liyue in the past two weeks and learned a lot of people's information, if it is really Liyue's turn this time..."

Wei saw Lord Thor resurrect his former friend, and he said in his heart that he was not envious, it was a lie.

Seeing that the countdown was about to end, Wei Yi gritted his teeth and decided to gamble!

【Ouhuang potion used successfully! 】 The probability of being selected by the answer space increases! 】

【... 3... 2... 1! The time is up! 【

Congratulations to the four contestants Koto, Ray, Kazuto Araki, and Dixia! 】 Another

person who had been in the answer space was selected, and the audience in the live broadcast room also saw a little clue.

[Nilu: Last time it was Miss Coral Palace, this time it was Mr. Kazuto Arataki. [

Albedo: Once may be a coincidence, but twice in a row, it is the person who intentionally entered the answering space before choosing in the live broadcast room. 】

【Miyu Chiyo: It seems that this oni kid named Kazuto Araki has been chosen for the second time, not bad! ] Let me look forward to your performance. [

Kelly: Captain Qin is not in Mond now, then Kelly can go out! ] After my mother sent the Poké Ball back, she never opened it! [

Kaia: I can also take the opportunity to sneak around. 【

Wendy: Jean is selected, then I will hold a cheering party at the gift of the angel, let's cheer for Jean together! 【

Mika: Still have a drinking party? It's just close to noon!

[Six-fingered Joseph: Since Lord Barbatos has spoken, let's all participate. [

Diona: Is it too late for me to take the cats and cats with the gift of angels? [

Lily Sasa: Everyone in Mondstadt is really... Relaxed, I was a little surprised. 】

【Shinobu Kuki: The boss's luck is really good! 】 But why do I have a faint feeling of unease? Just like before the third live broadcast. 【

Goro: Before the third live broadcast?】 Uneasy feelings? 】

【Dina Zedai: Dixia has been chosen, you must come on, and strive to answer all of them correctly! 】

[Candice: It's a little worrying. 】

【Chongyun: The two bottles of potion used by the Devil Great Sage were also chosen, and it seems that it is inevitable. 【

Grandma Ping: I hope he can get good results and make up for regrets.

The four selected people were shrouded in a white light, and when they saw things clearly, they had already appeared in the hall of the answer space.

Dixia looked confidently at the other three selected contestants, "Hey! Meeting is fate, whether it is a fight or a commission in the future, as long as you open your mouth.

Jean sighed softly, "I hope everyone in the Knights will be during my answers... Able to work seriously. Arataki

Kazuto walked up to Wei, his tone was a little bad, "Little brother, I haven't had much contact since that incident, but Uncle Ben looks at your current situation, but it's a lot better."

Wei said flatly: "Well, it's the credit of that heart sutra, and it's only to this extent, there's nothing to fuss about." Seeing

that the fish was so bland and Arataki became even more angry, "But I learned afterwards that after you used your last strength to send us out, you were in danger and almost died inside!" Wei

: "That's the way it was at the time, and it's the best choice, there's no other way."

"You! Do you know the story of 'Blue Ghost and Red Ghost'? At that time, you were very similar to the previous green ghosts, both sacrificing themselves to fulfill others, but this practice, Uncle Ben will never approve of it! Arataki

Kazuto looked at Rays extremely seriously, "Uncle Ben swore that under Uncle Ben's nose, no one can sacrifice himself casually!"

"When this happens again, Uncle Ben! I'm going to get in the way of you!! We must live better with everyone! "

Besides, Uncle Ben is invincible, and he is a big man known as 'Arataki World's Exclusive Fight'!" When something happens to your companions, of course, you must step up! Hahahahaha... Ahem...,"

Ryu looked at the laughing Arataki Kazuto and snorted softly, "I will carefully consider your opinion." The next question is an individual battle, and I will not keep my hand. "

The destiny of the Yasha clan is sad, and the fish has also met his fate, but he will never be afraid.

【Ding! The time is up!

As soon as the voice in the live broadcast room fell, the four people were teleported to their respective answer areas and got an initial prop card.

[Before officially watching this live broadcast, let's have a warm-up question! ] Please answer within five minutes! 】

【There is a thunderous phrase in the other world, called "Little bell, hurry up...", excuse me, the full version of this sentence is the following one?] [

A: Little Bell, hurry up and help Hall Master Hu carry the coffin! ] [

B: Little Bell, hurry up and open a shield to block the damage! ] 】

【C: Little bell, hurry up and kowtow to the immortal of the fish! 】 【

D: Little Bell, hurry up and hand over your God Heart! 【

E: Little bell, hurry up and learn to sing for travelers! 】 】

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