Officially watching the video to come to a warm-up question is already the consensus of everyone.

But today's warm-up question is really imaginative, and the number of barrages is also increasing exponentially.

[Miyu Chiyo: Although the ghost kid in the answer space doesn't look very smart, the speech he just made is worthy of recognition! ] [

Yan Qi: He is indeed quite persistent, and he has been shouting gracefully. 【

Yuantai: Come on boss! 】 Let's make the Arataki faction great again! [

Tinari: The role of the warm-up question is generally to lead to the protagonist of this live broadcast. 【

Bennett: Eh... This little bell should not refer to Mr. Zhongli, right? [

Wendy: It must mean the old man, but Xiao Zhong ~~ (/ smiley)]

[Cutting the moon and building the sun: How can it be so reasonable! How dare to call the emperor like that! 【

Zhongli: It's okay, it's just a title. @温迪, the next time you come to the Shoshodo to remove the wear and tear, I have a good game recommendation that you will definitely enjoy. [

Hu Tao: This kind of thing of carrying the coffin was also carried during the 'joyful burial' of a chuchu after the second live broadcast. [

Noelle: Option B is also unlikely to be the correct answer, allowing the rock god to open his shield, then how powerful the enemy will be! ] 【

Xiangling: Then option C is even more wrong! 】 Although Wei Shangxian has a noble status, Lord Emperor is the god of Liyue. If C is right, it's not all messed up! 【

Xingqiu: Liyue is very particular about the elders and the young, but the question says that it is a different world, then everything is possible. [

Condensing light: Then option D, the one who said this is Gongzi or Lady. 【

Barbara: Learn to sing as a traveler?】 Did the traveler also sing? [

Paimon: Sung oh~~ And more than once. [

Shinobu Kuki: This question is not easy to judge, and I am only half sure, I hope that the boss's good luck can be directly corrected. ]

In the answer space, except for Kazuto Arataki, everyone is analyzing this question!

Koto: "If according to the national theory, it was Meru last time, then the protagonist this time will be one of Rigetsu, Inazuma, and Mond.

"Mr. Zhong Li was the protagonist in the second live broadcast, but this warm-up question is printed on Mr. Zhong Li, so the protagonist this time must be an acquaintance of Mr. Zhong Li."

Disia: "If you think about it this way, it seems that only A and C are the most likely!" But how can we further precise the answer? Take a closer look at the problem again. Although

Wei disliked option C, he had to admit that C was the one most likely to be the correct answer.

"The word 'thunderous' is specifically mentioned in the stem, which means that this sentence is very impressive."

At this point in the analysis, Wei already has the answer in his heart.

But it was really hard for him to imagine this scene.

As for Kazuto Arataki....

"These options have similar word counts, and three short and one long don't work at all!"

"I'll see... Hiss! It seems that each one is right... Ahhhh Just talked to the little brother, I chose him! Not

long after Arataki finished choosing the answer, the system's prompt sounded again.

【... 3... 2... 1! 【

End of answering time! 】 The correct answer is now announced! 【

The correct answer is C!】 】

【Congratulations to Koto, Ray, Kazuto Arataki, and Dixia for answering correctly, each getting one point! 】 【

Next, please watch the video - Little Bell! 】 Hurry up and kowtow to the Fish Shangxian Fairy! 】


light curtain slowly lit up in the expectation of everyone in the live broadcast room.

At the beginning of the video, Zhongli, Wei, and Walnut appear, but Rays and Walnuts are all very cute young images.

Wei blinked his beautiful eyes and looked at Zhongli for a moment.

On the side, Walnut has a loading symbol that keeps spinning in a circle, but her heart makes people almost spew out.

'The past life hall does not raise idlers, and it is not easy for Wei Shangxian to come here, and he must leave a good impression on Wei Shangxian.

Hu Tao, who thought so, suggested to Hakqing: "Little Zhong, according to the generation, how can you kowtow to the Wei Shangxian."

As soon as Hu Tao finished speaking, the body of the fish on the side shook, and his eyes widened in an instant.

Although the video only played for more than ten seconds, judging from the conversations of several people and the scenes, this is the previous Hai Lantern Festival.

But at that Haitang Festival, more than three people came, but Wendy was there!

Sure enough, the next second, Wendy's image appeared in the video.

His mental activity is as wonderful as a walnut.

I came all the way here, but Zhong Liqing didn't even give me a sip of wine. Oh, it's too much~~'

Wendy, who thought so, looked at the excitement and said without hesitation: "Xiao Zhong, let's give us a fairy kowtow." At

this time, Wei had tears in the corners of his eyes, his cheeks were red, and he desperately refused.

And Zhongli also looked a little distressed, but after thinking for a while, he actually readily agreed to this request!!

"It's okay, then the little bell is polite." Zhongli hugged his fist and really smashed a fist at the fish!!

Travelers who saw this scene immediately turned into starry eyes, and kept chanting, "Bump to knock!"

Xingqiu, Chongyun, and Xiangling also nodded and applauded one after another.

As for the party's fish....

After the phrase "the world chewed me", I was stimulated to fall to the ground!

The light curtain also turns black at this time, indicating that the video is over.

In the live broadcast room, everyone didn't know what to say after watching this short video of less than a minute.

[Qiqi: Hall Master Hu is really bold. [

Hu Tao: Then it's not me! It's another world! Another World!! [

Grandma Ping: If something like the one in the video really happens here, I believe that for the Great Sage of Demons, it may be more serious than carrying karma for thousands of years. [

Empty: But Wendy in the video seems to be real.

[Wendy: This is wronging me, I have always admired the old man, and I would never do this. [

Wanyan: If the video happened during the Demon God War, it might be a different story.

According to the records of the Fudo Xuanshi phase, the rock god at that time had revealed the appearance of boundless killing, and gentleness never belonged to him, even if the old friend turned against him. 】

【Tian Tiezui: It's just a legend, it should not be true, otherwise there would be no various wild histories. 【

Lei Dian Zhen: Let's not talk about these real and false things, at least for now, I already know that this live broadcast is about fish. 【

Kaia: Answering questions about yourself will be a big advantage!】 [

Shinobu Kuki: But the boss actually answered correctly again, which was a little unexpected, but there was a sense of reason. [

Candice: Dixia's analytical skills are also very good, I hope she can go to the end. The

fish in the answer space also breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it is about their own live broadcast, the question behind is simple.

"This time, at least get the flawed version of the magic box!"

【Ding! Next, please watch the video - Past Evil!

"All deeds are impermanent, and everything is suffering."

"The old grudges never rest. After thousands of years of calamities, even if the sin karma burns the bones, "Yasha" vows to sweep away all calamities. "

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