With the familiar two paragraphs appearing, the next step is the long-awaited video.

When the moon is empty, the flowers are shivering.

In a melodious sound, the fish held a green spear and stood alone on a high place.


The music suddenly became urgent, and the fish jumped down from a height and removed the mask from his face.

The fish in the video seems to be looking at "you" through the lens at this time, with a handsome face and a cold voice.

"Immortals descend demons, people of the three religions and nine streams, do not disturb."

Just at the beginning of the video, everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked by the unique cold temperament of the fish.

And the next battle of Wei let everyone see his strength.

In the battle against the fools and debt collectors.

The fish is hand-held and kite-stricken, sweeping, pricking, picking, pointing, all of which are perfect. The moves are extremely smooth, making people look at it with an indescribable silky feeling.

Especially in the fight with a relic guard, this feeling reaches its peak.

Even though the Ruins Guard had locked the fish and fired multiple shells, the fish remained in place.

When the shell was about to hit him, the whole person turned into a green wind shadow.

With just a few spikes, he rushed in front of the relic guard, stabbing directly at its weak point.

"Hmph! Insect tricks. The

video is played here, and the most barrage brushes in the live broadcast room are - "So handsome!" But

the following content is incomprehensible to many viewers.

The video screen is constantly switching rapidly.

The picture is frequently interspersed, and there is always some not-so-pleasant clutter in front of the eyes, but everyone still stares at the light curtain.

Rays sometimes wear a face to descend demons.

Sometimes it seems like a struggle, looking painful.

Sometimes the noodles are just brought on, but the next noodles disappear, and the look of the fish looks like 'disgust'.

Sometimes, after putting on the face, the picture will turn blood red for a moment.

But because these pictures flashed too quickly, they didn't even stay for a second, and many details were not seen by everyone.

But occasionally the fish shows its true face, or a sad expression, or a sharp gasp like a pain and struggle that is about to suffocate, or a flat face with a mask.

In this form of expression, many people already have a premonition that the next content will be very bad.

Sure enough, the background music stopped abruptly at this time.

Surrounded by ominous black qi, he seemed to be in great pain, as if something was tormenting him.

He could only barely support his body with a spear, half-kneeling on the ground, panting.

The picture suddenly changed, the fish was entangled in blood-red strange filth, and the background music sounded again, but it became strange and oozing.

"This is the price, the reward for killing karma in the world."

"All things are impermanent, and everything is suffering."

As these filth became tighter and tighter, the fish standing in the piles of monster corpses gradually found itself!

"But... I was already awakened. The

fish's voice became more and more firm, and the arms that were entangled in death pressed down fiercely!

"Cut off!"


Untied and clasped hands, symbolizing his determination to move forward.

Once again, he brought with him the Yasha noodles that made the gods and demons tremble thousands of years ago.

Facing the monster that appeared in front of him again, he jumped into the air! With a cry of "Disperse!" "

With a very neat drop attack, these monsters were pierced on the spot by a blade condensed by the wind element.

When the monsters were all destroyed, a flute sounded, and the fish turned his head to look in the direction of Ogihua Prefecture, and the camera pulled farther and farther away.

But alas, the video doesn't give exactly what happened there, but goes back to the fish.

The picture still flashes a few times quickly.

Finally, in the cold eyes of Wei, and with the face of the face, the entire video also ends here.

Although the video was finished, the audience in the live broadcast room had a very complicated mood.

This video changes everyone's previous impression of the immortals.

Before the Wei gave people the feeling that he had few words, respected the Emperor of Yanwang, would learn to dance with Nilu, would show his youth with residual blood, and would be carried back by Qiqi.

But now, the fish gave them a most intuitive feeling - killing, powerful, cold, mysterious, and having a very strong belief!

Especially the scene where the immortal broke free just now could not be dispersed in their minds for a long time.

[Sugar: Good neat body style, such fast speed, worthy of being the immortal of Liyue. ] 【

Xino: The movements are clean and neat, without the slightest bit of mud and water, showing an unparalleled sense of strength. 】

【Xingqiu: The wielding of the spear is in sharp contrast to the slender body of the Wei Shangxian himself, and it is more crazy and dashing. It's like a warrior walking in the world, coming and going, dashing and free.

[Candice: But I care more about the details in the middle of the video, there will be a lot of stories in it. [

Thoma: And that very eye-catching mask, which is also very dangerous. 【

Condensing light: That's a noodle face, and the puppet play of the immortals is an ancient dance that worships gods to avoid ghosts, drives away plagues, and expresses Anqing. 【

Grandma Ping: The frequent flashing of the middle picture is an inner manifestation of the continuous struggle and painful struggle between the fish and the crime of killing. Fortunately, he got a copy of the Heart Sutra, otherwise...]

[Albedo: From the visual color point of view, unlike the brightness of the same rock god video, the video of the immortal is dark. Perhaps it represents the meaning that he silently guards Liyue and carries a heavy price to move forward.

[Paimon: But this is the first time I've heard the word 'scattered' from a fish's mouth. ]

Nilu, who had in-depth communication with Wei, understood the meaning of the video after watching it.

"The five Yasha are now the only one left in the Immortals, who can face endless demons and exterminates, only the remaining scars and pains in his body, and the killing day and night accompanies him."

"Alas~ I don't know how many lonely years he has experienced, but at least this time, he is accompanied by everyone in the live broadcast room."

"When the five Yasha return, I will go to Liyue again to share the dance with you!"

Wei, who is in the answering space, also has some emotion after watching the video.

After he followed the Rock King Emperor, he completely broke with his self who had slaughtered living beings in the past.

He is no longer a weapon, but an immortal in Liyue!

The power that once killed turned into the belief of guarding Liyue.

This is a duty and a contract.

【Ding! The video is complete! 【

Please answer the following two questions within ten minutes! 】 【

The second question, may I ask, who is the following who is known as the 'Piper of Ogihana State'?] [

A: Phil Godette

] [B: Yanxiao] [C: Wei] [D: Wendy

] [E: Traveler]


The third question, there was a "9.28 Wangshu Inn Attack" in another world, which caused many people such as Chef Yanxiao

to be killed, who is the real culprit of this case? [

A: Xiaolu

] [B: Dadalia

] [C: Zhongli] [D: Ray]

[E: Xiangling].

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