When Dixia saw the problem, she immediately picked up her spirits, recalling the speech that Wei Shangxian had made in the live broadcast room, and all the details in the video just now.

"The piper in Ogihua Prefecture is literally a Liyue person, and a person who is proficient in musical rhythm."

"Filgodette, if I'm not mistaken, someone in the barrage area called her the proprietress of the Wangshu Inn before, is she a Mond who does business in Liyue?"

"Option B is also the same, although I don't know Yanxiao, but the stem of the third question explains his identity as a chef."

"Option C is the most likely, after all, this is a video about the immortal of the fish."

Jean thought of the same thing, but she set her sights on the D and E options.

"It's also possible for travelers to travel far and wide, leaving a title somewhere, and option D."

"Although the first video is a video from another world, it is true that Lord Fengshen participated in the Liyue Sea Lantern Festival, and he is also proficient in musical rhythm."

"And at the end of the 'Past Tribulation Evil' video just now, the shot where Wei Shangxian looks into the distance, and the sound of the flute

..." "As for the third question..."

Jean thought about it and decided to use her prop card!

[Item card used successfully! ] 【

Advanced Delete Card: Randomly delete 1-3 error options! 】

On the light curtain of the piano, the two BC options are then eliminated.

Jean not only breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that the most likely two were deleted."

After all, how outrageous the video of the other world is, everyone can see it.

When playing Mr. Zhongli's video, he also asked questions about the Dragon King of Ruoda, and Qin did not dare to guarantee whether Mr. Zhongli would be involved this time.

"But I really didn't expect that the correct answer would be this. But the prop card has already been used, for the follow-up answer, should I pay the price to change one? "

And Arataki Kazuto...

"The piper of Ogihana State? Inn attacks? No matter! The first question is right to choose the little brother, and the little brother has appeared in these two questions, so just keep choosing! "

As for the fish.

The second question is a sub-question for him, and the difficult question is the third question.

He thought that unless he and Lord Zhongli had completely lost their minds, they would not have done such a thing as attacking the Wangshu Inn.

But this is a matter of another world, and he can't be sure.

Wei didn't waste time either, and directly used the prop card.

[Item card used successfully! ] 】

【General item cards with large side effects: After use, you will get a top deletion card, but after all the questions and answers, a video of another world will be randomly played! 】

Top-level removal card: Removes several error options until there are only two options left. After

getting the item card, the fish immediately uses the third question.

When he saw that his name still appeared in the options, Wei was silent for a moment, and then chose himself.

【Ding! The answer time is over, and the correct answer is now announced! [

The answers to the two questions are D and D. 】

【Congratulations to Qin and Wei for answering all correctly, add two points each! 】 】

【Congratulations to Kazuto Araki and Dixia for answering a question correctly, each getting one point! 】 【

Next, please watch the video - Wei: Too much deception! 】 】


The people in the live broadcast room were also very interested in the third question, and quickly looked at it seriously.

The video begins with the traveler and Paimon talking to the chef at the Wangshu Inn.

Under the cheerful background music, Yan smiled and said: "Traveler, if you are idle now, can you help me make a satisfying salad?"

Paimon asked curiously, "Why satisfy the salad?" Yan

Xiao: "You know, there is a person on the roof of the inn, just that one who looks very handsome..." Without

waiting for Yan Xiao to finish speaking, the camera turned to the roof of the Wangshu Inn.

Sure enough, it is here, fiddling with a flower and grass.

And then a magical scene happened!

The fish actually heard the conversation between the laughter and the traveler in the kitchen!!

After hearing the words 'handsome', Wei snorted arrogantly.

But the full version of this sentence is....

"Just that handsome, not very tall guy."

Suddenly, the whole person immediately seemed to be fixed.

The ears kept ringing, "Not too tall!" Not too tall!! Not too tall!! "

Background music also becomes dangerous at this point.

Next second! And the kite appeared in the hand of the fish!

The fish suddenly used a full 16 sections of wind wheel two stands, and in less than two seconds, he directly killed from the roof of the inn to the kitchen.

The next shot was not given to the kitchen, but with the sound of "Beo~~", the voice of the cold immortal sounded.

"Almond tofu? It seems that you have come prepared. Then

, there was the scene of the fish returning the same way in two directions using the wind wheel.

The video only played for half a minute, but the audience who saw this all laughed and looked forward to the follow-up plot.

Yan Xiao and the others continued to discuss the topic just now as if nothing had happened just now, not understanding at all that one of Liyue's idioms was that the wall had ears!

"Apart from almond tofu, I have no other hobbies."

"The boss asked me to take care of him more, but he eats and drinks every day..."

Wei stood proudly on the railing on the roof of the inn at this time, still not waiting for the joke to finish, "Don't use mortal standards to speculate on immortals!" "

It's hard to serve!"

Subsequently, the familiar plot played out again!

"No taboos? It seems that you came prepared. Yan

Xiao, who had escaped the disaster again, had not yet learned his lesson, and was still talking about the fish, but he did not know that the fish had already put on a face at this time.

"Traveler, see if you can teach me how to make satisfying salad, and I can make it for him."

Paimon: "It's actually going to be made for the fish, you guys are good to him." Hearing

this, the fish unloaded his face, but he obviously didn't remember the first two experiences.

Sure enough, in the next second, he heard Yan Xiao saying: "Life is in the world, for those who 'look up and don't see those who look down'." The

fish immediately detected the key word, and his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

Next came the familiar plot again, but this time....

"Just because I don't hurt your token, doesn't mean you won't be harmed."

"It's gone!"

With a familiar green figure, the entire Wangshu Inn was cut off!

Then the picture turns, Wei is wearing a "very special" outfit, and two Qianyanjun are guarding behind him.

"The attack on the 9.28 Wangshu Inn has now been solved, and the suspect... Forehead... So-and-so, confessed in front of the Qianyan Army, and knelt down for a long time to deal with..."

Sorry, he is standing! But

it was too late for him to change his words.

With the sound of blood gushing, the entire video was completely blackened.

[Kinsen: Hahahahaha 】

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