The video that just played was very joyful, making the audience in the live broadcast room laugh very painfully.

[Empty: I didn't expect this past to develop into something like this in another world. 【

Jiang Xue:.........】【

Paimon: Does he really care so much about his height? [

Lushan: Senior, I suddenly remembered one thing, that is, when the 2.0 live broadcast, the warm-up question, the options in it are not high. [

Keqing: This should be just a pure coincidence. 【

Morning grapefruit: When will you grow taller?】 [

Kavi: That's how it is! So it's to look up and don't see you down~~ahhaha~~]

[Sarah: I'm very curious, what happened to the master who called Yanxiao? [

Yan Xiao: It seems that you should be more careful when you speak in the future, I didn't expect that the Devil Descent Great Sage's hearing was so good! ] But seeing the name Xiao Hao... [

Sorbet: I've never been to play with her in so long, mainly because her ballad is a little oozing. 】

【Xiangling: I remember that the traveler once only shouted the name of the immortal on the fish, and the next second the immortal appeared on the fish, which should be the legendary immortal method. [

Barbara: But why does Lord Kazeshin have the title of 'Pied Piper of Ogihana State'? [

Wendy: This is too troublesome to explain, I think the live broadcast room will explain it later. @迪卢克, it's rare for everyone to get together today, let's take out some fairy wine, can you!

[Diluc: @温迪, @凯亚, I didn't expect you to actually have a drinking party. [

Kaia: @迪卢克, anyway, the piano is not in Mond now, so let's relax a little without affecting Mond's normal order. 【

Miyu Chiyo: That kid of the oni clan, his luck is really good. But look at his way of thinking... It's really... I heard that he is still the boss of the Arataki faction? What is this gang for? 】

【Shinobu Kuki: Lord Chiyo-sama, I'll send you a red envelope later, which contains the business card of the Arataki faction, and the service content is all-encompassing. If you need it in the future, you can contact us at any time through the live broadcast room. 【

Kamisato Ayato: After coming into contact with him, you will find that he is actually a very simple and interesting person. 【

Kujo Hiroshi: He can honestly admit that he lost after the competition, and he does have some responsibility. But the movement he made really gave me a headache. 【

Shikanoin Heizo: My best friend is indeed a very optimistic person, he used to sing often when he was in a cell, and he sang well. [

Yae Miko: I think Goro of Kaijima must have a 'very deep' understanding of him. 【

Miyu Chiyo: Listening to you say that, I'm becoming more and more interested in this kid. I'll definitely meet him when I'm done, but... Squatting cell?

[Nasida: Although Dixia said the wrong question, her perception ability is indeed extraordinary. 】

【Blazing Beast Member: Dixia! Dixia! Beautiful and powerful Dixia, our treasure Dihia! [

Alice: Oops~~ It seems that Miss Dixia is also very popular, I wonder if you want to become an idol? [

Hu Tao: Doesn't anyone care about the first 'kinsen' to speak after the video is played? Who the hell is he? 】

【Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: Benxian tried, and he couldn't @ him, as if he didn't exist in the live broadcast room. 】

【Interactive live broadcast room: hehe~ Maybe everyone will have the opportunity to learn more about such existence, such as... Dragon Brother, Little N, Alejandro (/ Aunt laughs) and more! [

Amber: Brother Long? It's the one who talks very uh... The unique dragon brother? 【

Ayaka Kamisato: Little N?

[Tinaly: Who is Alejandro? Why did the live broadcast room add this emoji after his name? [

Xino: I don't know, but suddenly I have a bad premonition.

【Interactive live broadcast room: @全体, let's stop the chat, let's quickly enter the next video! 】 【

Ding! 】

【Before answering the question, please watch the video - "All Sufferings Are Gapless"】 "

A long time ago, someone also saw a dark shadow in Liyue Port."

"This lonely shadow is fleeting, and soon it disappears into the sky lights."

"All difficulties in the world have their names, and this is a thousand-year calamity, which cannot be eliminated and cannot be stopped."

"Occasional naps are only like the light of a horse, and they cannot be expected."

Like the first video, this video still begins with a melodious flute sound, full of Liyue's flavor.

Under the quiet night sky, patches of flowers gently sway with the breeze.

In such a quiet atmosphere of the years, the fish is still descending demons and eliminating demons.

The noodles of the fish are fighting with many monsters, slowly telling the destiny of the Yasha clan....

"All demons and evil spirits have karma."

"Or turn into a ghost, Panfuxian Mountain Cave Mansion, and have been living for calamity for decades." Or incarnate as an epidemic and calamity, and plague the world for more than a hundred years

" "I wait for the Yasha race, respect the contract, and send down demons and remove demons."

"However, after a thousand years of killing and accumulating thousands of years of karma..." Although

he had already destroyed all the monsters and the face of the fish had also faded, a thick black aura lingered around him.

His originally flat tone also gradually became heavy.

"If you are not careful, this body will also be degenerated into a ghost and god, and in a trance, this body is also a terrifying enemy."

Although the fish had suppressed these black qi, the monsters around it had also been wiped out.

But the next second!!

The fish turned his head sharply, as if he saw something very terrifying.

In an instant, the fish fell into a fierce battle again.

The video also became the style of ink painting at this time, but the audience in the live broadcast room immediately recognized that it was the 'fish' wearing a noodle who was fighting with the fish at this time!

Combined with the first video, and the few lines of text released before this video plays, many people know in their minds what is going on.

"A thousand years of calamities, boundless killing, life and death are blazing, and all things are different."

In the blink of an eye, the fish has already subdued the 'Face Fish', and the tip of the gun of Pu Kite is pointed at each other, and he can kill each other at any time.

However, the whole body of the 'Face Fish' suddenly erupted with blood-red filth, swallowing the entire picture.

Suddenly, a slight flute sounded.

Lying in the grass, the fish suddenly opened his eyes, looking palpitating.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that the previous content was a dream!

But just as they thought so, the next content made them wonder again.

Under the bright moonlight, the fish came to a small stream, but in the reflection of the river, it was the 'Face Fish'!

But from his surprised tone and movements, it can be seen that this one in front of him is clearly not a 'noodle fish'!

And 'Ray' appeared behind him.

The picture is briefly black, and when it lights up again, I realize that everything that just happened is just a 'dream within a dream'!

Lying on the bed, Wei wondered why he was here, and Bai Shu and Qiqi who were not far away answered his doubts.

While recording the medicinal properties of a medicinal herb, Bai Shu said to the fish: "You have been asleep all day, but fortunately you wake up now, otherwise you will miss this year's Hai Lantern Festival."

Qiqiyi's small hands grabbed the edge of the bed, looking at the fish that had already sat up, "I'll carry you, I'll give it to you... Take the medicine. But

when Qiqi returned with the medicinal herbs, the fish had disappeared.

Wei didn't look very good at this time, staggering down the street of Liyue, his breath was obviously a little unstable.

In a trance, the fish seemed to see himself wearing the face again.

But after he blinked a few times, the person in front of him turned into a cute little girl with a noodles.

"Did it scare you, big brother? It's okay, the face is used to deter demons and monsters, but it's amazing, you don't have to be so afraid of him. The

little girl saw that the fish never reacted, and asked curiously: "Huh?" Big brother, are you tired?

"Grandpa! Let's give big brother a sake brewed balls! "

No one knows what happened after that, because the picture went black again.

But some people noticed that the background music here changed from erhu to the familiar flute, as if suggesting something.

When I think of the second question, 'The Pied Piper of Ogihana State', I understand.

Wendy held a glass of wine, sniffed the aroma of wine, and sat high above the Wangshu Inn.

Just as Wendy was about to drink the wine, the fish woke up.

Wendy saw that the fish had woken up, and immediately smiled and invited him, "Oh, friend, don't you come for a drink on such a good day?"

As if she had just noticed Wendy, she looked at him.

Wendy suddenly said to the fish playfully, "Oh? It seems that you already have a little bit of alcohol on you..." Wei

was slightly surprised, and immediately turned around and said, "No need, tonight... I want to take a break.

Wendy looked at the figure of the fish, "Hehe, that's really good." "

Alas... It's okay to take off your mask once in a while. As

the camera gradually pulls into the starry sky, the whole video ends here.

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