As soon as the first video began, the picture of the first act shocked everyone!

Endless beasts with dry bones, broken and ruined barren mountains, flowing purple-black filthy earth, etc.

All proclaim what cruel things have happened here!

In this context, Zhong Li, as the background voice of this video, slowly tells the past that happened here....

"In the primeval era, Liyue was full of miasma and monsters."

"The decaying body of the defeated demon god spreads hatred and resentment to the earth, turning it into 'demons'."

"Whenever demons are restless, plagues, ghosts and abnormalities will follow."

Everyone now knew that this video was about what happened during the Demon God War.

The scene at the beginning of the video is the impact of the remains of the demon god.

Through the display of video pictures, let them know that the demons affected are not only humans, but also beasts and elemental creations affected by the earth's veins.

For example, the huge vine rooted in Liyue is like a huge vine full of anger that never stops spitting flames.

Someone thought about the name of the video, and the destiny of the Yasha family, and realized what the content of the video would be like next.

At this time, the Rock King Emperor was not Zhong Li's attire, but dressed in a white robe and wearing a hood!

"The Rock King Emperor summoned the 'Yasha' among the immortals to eliminate the demons."

"They swore to the emperor to kill for the protection of the Dharma, except for many sufferings, such as through years..." In

the video of the fish, the red filth that trapped the fish reappeared, but this time it became spiderweb-like.

And you Yasha are like prey bound by cobwebs, struggling, only tightening more and more!

"In the long bloody battle, they will inevitably be bound by karma and contaminated by the hatred of the demon god."

"or madness falling into fear; or cannibalism; Or go crazy. "

Of the five most powerful Immortal Yasha, three died, and one did not know what to do."

Naruyasha's mask shattered suddenly, wailing in pain;

Iwayasha and Mizuyasha lose their minds and attack each other;

Thunder Yasha, who was born with four arms, stepped on the corpse of the monster and eventually disappeared.

The masks symbolizing the five Yasha also shattered one by one.

"After thousands of years of calamities, only one Great Sage of Devil Descent still exists in the world."

"Only on a moonlit night, the floating light of the Lone Cloud Pavilion and the piper of Ogihua Prefecture still remember his figure..." Zhong

Li's voice gradually faded at this point, and beside the overgrown Ogihua Prefecture...

Wendy sat high, slowly swinging her legs, looking at the bright moon in the sky, playing the flute.

And the fish hand and the kite stood in the distance, looking at Wendy.

The video also ended in this widely circulated 'world famous painting'.

[Tinari: The remnants of the demon god have caused countless tragedies in the history of Tivat, and I hope that there is a way to completely eliminate this filth. 【

Thunder Movie: Demon gods are immortal bodies, and the wreckage will turn into filth and pollute everything around them.

[Nasida: Although there is no way to do it now, maybe there will be a turnaround in the future. [

Nilu: Although I have read the relevant books before, I know about the past of Yasha . But now that I have watched these videos, I have learned more about the selflessness and greatness of the Yasha family. [

Bennett: Mr. Zhongli said that 'only the piper of Ogihua State remembers the figure of the immortal of the fish', but Mr. Zhongli also knows about this, and he must have been silently paying attention! [

Barbara: Just as Lord Fengshen remembers every citizen of Mond, Mr. Zhongli must also always care about the people of Liyue. 【

Xiangling: Of course! There will be a video in a moment, but the name ... Give me a bad feeling.

【Xingqiu: Only old memories, simply put, only the meaning of past memories, should still be a sad story. 【

Ding! Watch the second video next! 】

【3... 2... 1! ]

"呲la ~~"

With a fire fold being lit, some sad background music sounded.

Under the light of the fire, the four-armed Yasha in the previous video appeared in the camera.

Holding his head with one hand, he asked a little weakly, "Mi Fu, where did you go just now?" The

middle-aged man holding the fire fold sighed softly, "Brother Yasha, you are confused again." How many times have I said that my name is Boyang, and I am a warlock who fought with you in Strata. "

Boyang... Boyang? Yasha repeated the name in his mouth, very puzzled, "You are Boyang, so who am I?"

Boyang smiled awkwardly, "I would like to call you by your first name, otherwise we said that we would stay here together, but we couldn't even call your name, what a pity." "

Stay here?" Yasha seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said, "No! You have to go!

Boyang hurriedly refused, "Brother Yasha, don't say stupid things, aren't we ready to stay here forever?" That seal can't be broken..." "

The seal... Ah, yes! I am... Yasha who came here to fight. The

two supported each other and walked slowly under this rock formation.

Amid the sound of firewood, a small child is reflected on the stone wall.

Boyang's voice sounded a little helpless at this time, "Today, I saw my family in this underground, you say, am I also crazy?"

I don't know how long they walked, the two sat facing each other again, and Yasha suddenly asked, "Boyang, do you want to go home?"

"They all decided to keep Rong Zhao on the ground, of course... Of course I want to go home.

"I should... Family too, right?

"Brothers and sisters, there are always some."

"Brothers and sisters... Yes, who am I and where is my family?

Yasha's chest heaved violently, indicating that he was already very weak at this time.

In the next second, Yasha's body suddenly leaned forward, and Boyang quickly helped him up.

"Brother! What happened to you! Hold on! That's all I'm left here! You, don't die first..." Yasha

was already at the end of his life at this time, and he suddenly saw the person in front of him wearing a green robe, very similar to someone in his memory, and the name blurted out subconsciously.

"Jinpeng... Is that you?

"What Jinpeng, you memory... You..."

but Yasha still said to himself as if he hadn't heard, "Ahem! I'm so embarrassed, it's hard to see you.

"You see... There's someone over there..."

"Those people... Be... Be... It's mine... My..." At

Yasha's words, the picture he saw in his eyes was magnified.

The tragedy of the once Yasha is repeated.

But the picture changed at this time.

It was the most cherished memory in his memory.

It was an ordinary life with my family.

It was his laughter when he played a prank on the face of the fish.

"I remembered... "These

brothers and sisters are here to pick me up, Boyang."

Bo Yang understood that this Yasha brother was already in the dying moment.

Although Boyang felt very uncomfortable in his heart, he must know the name of this Yasha. Record it in notes so that when future generations find out, the hero's name can be recited there.

"Brother, you're awake! At least... At least tell me what your name is!

Yasha's eyes flashed quickly with his former siblings, and everyone was calling his name.

Yingda: "Big brother! "

Brother Fushe!" "

Hey, Float!

With a wound on his face, Jin Peng stretched out his hand to him and said softly, "Fushe."

At this moment, Fushe remembered everything, "I... My name is Fushe, which means..." Fushe

sat up straight and used his last strength to shatter the mask on his face.

The black qi that originally surrounded his body was also dissipated at this moment.

Even though blood was flowing from his mouth, Fushe's voice did not have the previous feeling of weakness, but with pride.

"Floating for a moment, everything is gone."

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