The last sentence of the floating house was like a thunderbolt, which made the audience's mood unable to calm down for a long time.

In the first video of "Past Tribulation and Evil", the power of the fish is shown, and it is learned that Liyue still has such a "guardian deity", but he has been tortured by the killing of many lifetimes.

In "All Sufferings", let them know that the situation of the fish was very bad before.

What exactly are the rays fighting against? Is it a monster? Or is it yourself eroded by karma?

There is no end to the battle for the rays, but fortunately with the help of Wendy, the piper player.

The 'Protector Immortal Yashalu' even showed how dangerous the early environment of Liyue was, and also let them know the destiny of the Yasha clan.

And in the last video, the last scene of the camera is aimed at the majestic mountains of Liyue, which looks so beautiful.

But under the mountains, there are also Fushe, Boyang, and those generals of the Thousand Rock Army who have not been mentioned.

It is precisely because of their sacrifice that Liyue can stand for a thousand years.

They use themselves as shields to guard the homes behind them.

Zhongli in the private room of Xinyue Xuan, after watching these two videos, couldn't help but sigh.

"The rulers in Liyue who knew the truth summed up the thousands of days and nights that Wei experienced as 'Jing Demon Dance'."

"The word Jing not only means calm and stable, but also alludes to the character of the fish."

"And the dance of the fish is not only the dance of the people of Liyue; Or a dance that keeps the contract; and, the dance of friends leaving.

Zhong Li looked at the fish in the light curtain, "Before you said that the night of Liyue, the lights of a thousand years, and the flower-filled streets are too far away from you.

"I only hope that after answering the question this time, they can accompany you to tour the streets and alleys of Liyue."

[Cutting the Moon and Tsukiyang Zhenjun: In the past, the abyss appeared like a torrent in the Strata Rock Abyss, Yasha was ordered by the emperor to fight bloody battles with the twisted creation of the abyss, and the Thousand Rock Army escorted many people to evacuate and flee. ] 【

Grandma Ping: The Thousand Rock Army fought until the last drop of blood also flowed into the earth, and only then did the filth be removed. [

Uncle Tian: After all, there are only a few warlocks who have the Eye of God or can use magic, and those who can really protect those who are powerless are mostly ordinary people like them. [

Awang: That's it! Therefore, every time we go to the mine, we will go to worship and pray for the blessing of the heroic soul of the martyrs of the Thousand Rock Army. 】

【Yan Qiu: Thinking of the previous trip to the Strata Abyss, I feel even more uncomfortable, alas~~】【

Xingqiu: I believe that those Thousand Rock Army and the warlock seniors who died in the Stratum Abyss can also be reassured when they see Liyue's current grandeur. 】

【Zhongli: Thousand rocks are firm, heavy and unwavering, dry city and armor, and Jing demon idleness. Even though mountains and rivers change with the years, their achievements never fade. 【

Yun Pansy: It is really an honor to be fortunate to meet the feats of our ancestors. The deeds of the predecessors should not be buried, and these words of Mr. Zhongli made me feel that I should do something. 】

【Ji Fang: The book "Records of the Protector Immortal Yasha" must also be reprinted.

【Nilu: Is Mr. Yun going to write a new play?】 When everything is ready, I will definitely go! [

Shinobu Kuki: Fortunately, at the last moment, Lord Fuki can remember what happened, otherwise it would be really a pity. 】Yelan

, who had to temporarily recuperate due to the damage caused by the 'Psychic Torture House', slowly got up after watching the video of Fushe and Boyang.

"Although I personally experienced the abyss and learned about the deeds of my ancestors, watching it intuitively through the video made my belief in my heart stronger."

"Don't be afraid of fear, because courage makes me strong! Thirsty for danger, because heroes are not willing to be mediocre.

"One day, I will follow the same path as my ancestors."

"First go to the Bu Bu Lu, heal the injuries on the body, and start investigating the recent frequent cases of missing people."

And in the answer space.

After watching the video, Jean also admired the Yasha.

"Starting from the live broadcast of Mr. Zhongli's video, to today's video of Wei Shangxian."

"These stories of Liyue all tell that Liyue is a poem that ordinary people and immortals walk together. They fought together, lived together, and wrote the past and the present together.

"And the disaster described in the video is the disaster five hundred years ago, right?" Mond also suffered a serious crisis at that time, and the founder of Zephyr Swordsmanship, the young wolf Rustan senior, also died in it. "

Rustan's senior lover also disappeared after that, alas~~"

Arataki Kazuto thought about Inazuma's attitude towards the oni clan today after watching the video.

"Little brother and their relatives seem to be very popular in Liyue."

However, the humans in Inazuma City are very wary of aliens, and as long as they are ghosts, they will not be trusted by humans.

After the first live broadcast, because he participated in answering questions for the first time, he also obtained treasures that attracted the attention of Thor, so that those people could take a high look.

But if you want to completely change the image of the ghost race in people's eyes, you still need to work hard.

Thinking of this, Arataki Kazuto immediately said proudly: "What do you want to do so much!" Uncle Ben is as fast as the wind and as dazzling as thunder.

"Whether it's the next question or something else, just let the horse come!"

The fish in another place, after watching the video again, also had mixed feelings.

"Now that I've scored five points, I've run out of cards, but I'm ahead in scoring, and as long as there are no major mistakes in the back, I can get at least a flawed version of the magic box."

"And in the flawed version of the magic box, it is possible to open the resurrection scepter!"

Dixia thought about the same thing.

"So far, I have been wrong about one question, and if I only get one question wrong in the future, it will be at least a diamond version of the magic box."

"I hope there are no more weird questions."

【Ding! At the end of the video, please answer the following three questions within 15 minutes! [

Sixth question, in order to track down the situation of this Yasha in the video, Rays once went deep into the abyss of strata, and even fell into the dangerous situation of nine deaths. ] 【

Excuse me: When the fish is about to fall into endless darkness, who rescued it?】 What truth does this convey to us? [

A: Kazuto Arataki; If there is no road, Uncle Ben forcibly carved out a way to live! [

B: Wei himself; Enemies, just kill. Blockers, just kill. If there is a hidden danger, it is good to kill. All foreign objects, kill it. 【

C:Zhongli; Before you go out, be sure to tell your parents about your itinerary. 【

D:Yelan; The winner, big or small, takes all. [

E: Paimon; The loveliest are sometimes often the most hidden. 【Question

7, among the following weapons, which one once belonged to the floating house?】 [

A: The Staff of Goma

] [B: The Hammer of the Rainbow

] [C: The Staff of Red Sand] [D: Resting Calamity

] [E: The Ridge of the Sky]


Question 8, as we all know, in the other world, the Dragon Immortal has many 'skins'.

】【Excuse me, among the following options, which is the 'skin' owned by the Dragon Immortal of the Other World?】 】


[A: Wei Shen Tsuru

] [B: Yae Ray] [C: Ray Dew

] [D: Night Ray

] [E: Shogun Weiden] [

F: All of the above, even more skins! Wei

: "Wei Shenhe? Hum! Disrespectful immortal masters. "

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