a few minutes ago!

Kaiya, who had been secretly following Kelly, saw that Kelly ran to the location of the Liyue Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard.

A moment later, in the light of the blast, everything around turned to ashes.

When the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the "Super Me" video of the fish began to play.

"Although Kelly didn't understand the story of the fairy brother, Kelly felt that the fairy brother was an indispensable family member of Liyue, just like everyone in the Knights and Kelly."

"Last time on Keli's birthday, this strange stone of the big lizard was given to the traveler, and this time it was given to the immortal brother."

"Huh? Captain Qin sent me a private message, but Kelly doesn't want to go back now. Kaiya

also received a private message from Jean, and after sending a message to Qin that "everything is fine in Mondstadt", she heard the latest prompt tone in the live broadcast room.

"Captain Koto's secret? Kelly speaking in public? Although

it is not clear what the secret is, the live broadcast room was accompanied by a funny smiley face, and Kaiya felt that things would not be so simple.

"The Knights of the Zephyr are the swords and shields that protect Mond, and the Captain of the Qin is one of the souls of the Knights."

"If it's a video like Albedo and Youra, it's fine, but if it's too image-destroying, I'm afraid there will be a gap in the hearts of the people of Mond."

But Kaiya didn't have time to think too much, and the video began to play.

In the background at the beginning of the video, there is a photo of Keli's ID and her identity.

"Today's Mond special is... Mond's claim of being underage.

"Today's proposition is the secret of everyone in the Zephyr Knights."

[Barbara: This voice seems to be Lord Barbatos's voice? [

Wendy: It's just like, but it's not me~]

[Lisa: I'm curious about what secrets everyone in the Zephyr Order has.

【Simon Page: The secret of Jean...】In

the video screen at this time, Kelly stands on the hands of the standing statue of the wind god in the square, with a very cute smile on her face.

"Today, I have a lot of things to share with you, first of all, Captain Qin!"

But as soon as she finished saying the three words 'Captain Qin', Kelly's expression changed, and her tone was much weaker, as if she had thought of something bad, "Although Captain Qin is usually a little scary..."

But in the next moment, Kelly recovered, "But always working seriously and helping everyone when they are in difficulty."

"Such a diligent Captain Qin is a good person!"

The Qin Captain in the square wearing the dream of the sea breeze was very pleased after listening to Keli's speech, "Keli..."

But the Qin Captain was obviously pleased too early.

"But... Even such a piano leader has a very cute side! "


Under the stunned consternation of the Qin Regiment, the picture turned and came to the Qin Regiment's office.

There were several books stacked on Jean's desk, and she herself looked at one of them intently at the light, completely oblivious to the half of Kelly's little head sticking out by the window.

"Yesterday I saw Captain Qin reading a novel."

"At that time, the face of the head of the piano was very red, which was really completely different from usual!"

"But everyone usually doesn't let me read that book at all, it's so strange..." The

face of the leader of the piano in the square had turned red at this time.

She didn't expect that this matter would be seen by Kelly, and it was even more said in front of the public.

Just when everyone in the live broadcast room was expecting what would happen later, the picture suddenly went black.

【Ding! End of video playback! 】

【Since it is the secret of the piano, the follow-up content will not be released.】

】【But there is a lot of follow-up content in this video, in a simple word, everyone is a good person! 】 】【

Maybe in the future, if you have the opportunity, you will contact the full version~~】Although the

video is over, it leaves everyone in Mond with infinite reverie.

Not to mention some of the 'good people' that Kelly said, the secret of Captain Qin alone is enough to surprise them.

In Mondstadt's 'Angel's Gift', the atmosphere of the originally lively cocktail party was sluggish, and many people were thinking back to the video content just now.

If they're not mistaken, Captain Qin is watching "The Melancholy of the Girl Vera", right?

"Captain Qin, she... Can you actually read romance novels? "One person who attended the drinking party was a little unsure if he was drunk.

In their minds, Jean is a person who spends his time at work all the time.

She is strong, kind, reliable, hardworking, serious, self-disciplined, strong....

In order to allow the residents living in Mondstad City to live a peaceful life, she sent Yura and others to clean up the monsters in the wilderness, and let Hoffman and others guard the order of the city and help them solve various big and small incidents.

For the fact that Captain Qin read a love novel, although most people were surprised, they still understood, after all, people, a little hobby is nothing.

But since Qin is the acting head of the Knights of the Zephyr, it is best to give priority to the affairs of Mondstadt in everything.

But just as they were about to speak in the barrage area, several people took a step ahead of them.

[Wendy: Oh~~ It seems that Jean listened to my words last time, and really learned to combine work and rest, so that I can rest assured. [

Lisa: @琴, you workaholic who works day and night several times until the wee hours of the morning, it's not bad to have this hobby to relax.

[Thoma: Miss Jean is notoriously excellent and upright, and I was worried about whether she would fall on the job.

[Rosalia: The main thing is that in addition to completing her own work, she will often finish for others, which is worthy of admiration. 【

Condensing light: Captain Qin's style of doing things is rigorous and delicate, I think it is influenced by hobbies, and I should also have some knowledge in this regard. 【

Noelle: Koto-sama has always been my role model, and recently Inazuma has published a lot of 'healing' love novels, so I have to try to see them!

[Amber: I didn't expect Captain Qin to have such a side (/ smile)]

[Barbara: @琴, acting group leader, everyone likes you, I... Me too. [

Keli: Keli broke into trouble again~~ Captain Qin must be very angry now. [

Jean: @可莉, it's none of your business. @芭芭拉, thank you... Don't push yourself too hard. Seeing

everyone's speech in the barrage area, Jean understood what this meant, and at the same time felt relieved.

"Although I don't know why only this one secret was exposed, there is a 'price' next, I hope it will not affect too many people."

【Ding! 】

【Since this video is a video from another world, Kelly is the protagonist, so she won a consolation prize! 】 【

Congratulations to Kelly for obtaining the Bell of Pacification X1! 】 Kelly

immediately took out the soothing bell, and the clear bell was very beautiful.

"Although Captain Qin said that it is none of Keli's business, if she gives this to Captain Qin, she will be happy, right?"

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