【Ding! All videos of this live broadcast have been played! 【

Next, I'll ask Kazuto Araki to complete the previous challenge, and an "unexpected price"! ] 】【

Unexpected price: about to connect to a live broadcast platform in another world, and have ten minutes of live performance time, you can play the performance content at will, you can use any props. 【

But at the end of the time, ask for at least 70% of the number of viewers!】 Otherwise, there will be extremely serious consequences ~~]

[The live broadcast will officially start in one minute, please be prepared! ]

"What! Live from another world!! Arataki quickly got up, asked for a mirror from the answer space, and quickly straightened his hair.

"The bottom line for men is that the hairstyle can't change no matter what! What's more, in front of people from another world, you can't lose the face of the Arataki faction and the ghost clan!

"Answer space! Uncle Ben wants a stage, a background board. "

Akira, Genta, Mamoru, Ugly, and Shinobu are coming too!" Miss Sheena's handwritten replies and plaques in my room, as well as recent Miss Sheena's articles. "

[Akira / Genta / Mamoru: It's the boss! 】

【Ugly: Moo~~】【

Kuki Shinobu: Boss, you... What exactly do you want to do? Araki

Kazuto: "Since I want to perform, how can I do it alone, of course, everyone went together!" "

Arataki Kazuto asked for many things, but except for a few people, everyone's attention was all on his 'price'.

This 'price' is indeed the same as the name, which is unexpected.

But it's a great opportunity to get up close and personal with another world.

[Kamisato Ayato: Although I don't know what this praise is, from the context analysis, at least 70 people out of 100 must like him. 【

Miyu Chiyo: The conditions are a little harsh, but let's read it first.】 If the conditions are not fulfilled, I will help no matter what the consequences are. 【

Goro: Why did he end up wanting those three things!!】

[Nobuhiro: Mr. Ichidou is worthy of being the pillar of Miss Hina's support club, and he never forgets to spread the beauty of Miss Hina to the world. 【

Yae Miko: This live broadcast is very exciting in every aspect. @珊瑚宫心海, you say yes? 【

Coral Palace Shinkai: The preparation time of thirty seconds is very short, and in the urgent situation of this situation, I hope that Mr. Ichidou can stabilize his mind. Goro

understood what Lord Coral Palace meant, and he had to stabilize his mind.

Goro looked at the puppet Hina next to him, "Now that this doll is here, there will definitely be no more accidents." "

In the midst of much anticipation, this live broadcast of Tivat's first close encounter with the other world has officially begun!

It's just after noon.

At this point in time, many students and staff from another world ushered in a lunch break, and many of them were eating while scrolling live on a platform.

Can brush and brush, a live broadcast room that although the live broadcast was opened, but there was no picture, it appeared in the top few of the recommendation list on the home page, and the name and avatar of the anchor ...

"Big brother of the Arataki faction? Isn't that Kazuto Arataki in Genshin?

"But what's going on with this avatar?" That's too much like that! "

The title of the live broadcast is actually called 'Let's see the live Arataki Ichidou', is this the COS of live makeup?"

"But I just looked at it, this anchor is still a newcomer, today is the first live broadcast, so how did he get to the top of the recommendation list in this live broadcast room?"

In various speculations, the picture of the live broadcast room finally lit up.

When the anchor shows his face, the barrage is all neat "Lie // groove!" and "666".

And when Arataki Kazuto opened his mouth, the number of barrages increased exponentially.

"Hahahaha... The first fight in the world of Arataki is here! Hello people from another world!

"You can call me "Araki Worldwide Solitary Fight", "Araki Sumo Sumo Oniko King Ichidou", "Araki Ghost Clan Pride Fight", etc., these are my common names."

"It's okay if I haven't heard of the Araki Sect before and Uncle Ben's name, because from today onwards, I will become the most eye-catching figure on this platform!"

Many viewers who are watching the live broadcast see this realistic ghost horn, 100% restored makeup, carefully restored game scenes, and most importantly... His abs don't look like a fake!

Coupled with this iconic loud voice, the audience immediately decided to watch it.

Arataki said seriously to the camera: "Dear friends, I have a challenge now, and I need a lot of likes.

"But this like, Uncle Ben will pass the performance and make you hand it over in a dignified manner." So let's enjoy the performance of the Arataki faction! "

A ugly: "Moo~~"

live broadcast, whole life, want to like, publicize, bring goods... The audience knows this routine, but now it's just a free like, it's nothing.

What's more, Kuki Shinobu has restored such a look, they are still so deep into the play, and they can't say it without praising this!

But the anchor's next performance was a little too surprising for them.

Because of Arataki Kazuto... Unexpectedly, Hanamisaka's stage play was staged again in the original place!!

Even Ichidou raised Genta with one hand to restore it, and the demonic laughter.

Being able to lift such a big person with one hand without blushing and without a heartbeat, his arms have not even trembled in the slightest!

This anchor has something ah!!

“666! Although Ayato's Easter eggs are gone, just for these few hands exposed, this live broadcast room can definitely be followed!

"Where did you find these talents?" This is too much like that!

"No wonder it was on the recommendation list on the homepage before it started, and the union behind it spent a lot of money."

"The common routine is the set of network red roads processed by the assembly line, which is a pity for the appearance of these people."

"It's time to bring goods or sell classes in a few days."

But what they never expected was that this anchor actually came to a more "ruthless" job!

I saw Kazuto Arataki bring a very realistic Miss Hina standing card, and carefully took out an envelope and a magazine in his hand.

But this Miss Hina standing card is not like the others.

Not only is the workmanship very well-made, but the clothes on "her" are still the same set that Yae Miko carefully prepared during the third live broadcast.

More importantly, the image of the standing card is what "she" looked like when she challenged the Holy Remains Beast with Kaede Man Ye barefoot.

"Uh-huh! Let me solemnly introduce it to you.

"The one next to me is Miss Hina, the popular idol of Inazuma today, the confidant writer of the Q&A column of the "Gossip Monthly", and the recruitment ambassador of Kaijima Island!!"

Audience from another world: "Haiji Island conscription image ambassador?? "

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