The spirit of the piano in the answer space was shocked, and his hands tightened unconsciously, staring intently at the light curtain in front of him.

Although there was an example of a shang immortal in front, Ke Qin still did not dare to be careless.

[(1) For the next 15 days, the leader of the piano can only work up to eight hours a day, regardless of when and where, except for sudden emergencies. [

(2) Members and residents of the Zephyr Order who are still in the territory of Mond should adhere to the following two points in the next 15 days. [

1. The Order shall resolutely fight against criminals and protect the legitimate rights and interests of residents from infringement; Prevent and control the occurrence of various accidents, manage public order, maintain public order, and protect the safety of Mond. 】

【2, the residents of Mond should not waste the human resources of the Knights, and try to do it themselves in some trivial matters. As

soon as the 'price' came out, Qin and many people were stunned.

The same two 'costs', but her 'costs' lasted longer than everyone before, and the second article also made specific requirements in detail.

Jean also noticed the problem of time, but what she cared more about now was what Mond would do next.

"Although working eight hours a day is a little less, as long as the speed of processing things is faster, it is still no

problem, but the second one..." Jean analyzed the second article word by word, "There is a lot of room for operation here, but anyway, this is really a big problem for the Knights."

"But fortunately in misfortune, the price was limited to the knights and residents who were still in Mond, and did not have much impact on the expedition of the Grand Commander."

"After the live broadcast is over in a while, discuss it with Senior Diluc, Grand Commander, Wendy and others."

"I hope that the final prize will open up good things."

The audience in the live broadcast room can be described as some happy and some worried, and many of them had a big discussion about these points after seeing the 'price' of the piano.

[Xeno: The traveler is an honorary knight of Mond, should you also be affected? [

Empty: Well, most of the Mond commissions can't be accepted. 】

【Xingqiu: The cost of the live broadcast room (2) The summary is really concise, and you can change a word and use it directly. [

Chongyun: I feel that these 'costs' are very simple, guarding the safety of Mondstadt, protecting the interests of the people, and fighting criminals, isn't this the job of every Zephyr knight? [

Erin: That's right! Because of this, I especially admire Captain Qin, and joining the Knights is my dream! [

Bard Helen: The problem is the one below! What is the waste of human resources and trivial things of the Knights!! [

Yan Qiao: It is very easy to explain not wasting human resources, if someone intends to waste the military strength of the Thousand Rock Army, this is against the law in Liyue.

[Sugar: I can understand this, if it weren't for the fact that I had to find Captain Qin, I wouldn't have bothered her.

[Margaret: Is the law of Liyue so strict? [

Distressed Leanne: Doesn't that mean that in the next fifteen days, you can't issue commissions to the Knights to find sweet flowers, beast meat, and apples! 】

【Manly Jack: Can't entrust the Knights to find food, the family must also prepare well, just trim the nails neatly first~~ Everything is to prove that people are real men! 【

Mika: Although the duration has become fifteen days, I think with the efforts of the Knights, this will definitely not be a difficult task, and everyone must also believe in the head of the qin! 【

Zhongli: Two seemingly simple costs, but it is necessary to combine the actual situation of each region, and the specific situation should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

[Wendy: Jean will only be able to work eight hours a day in the future, which is not a bad thing for her as a workaholic. [

Kaiya: @迪卢克, if Captain Koto can't handle all the work in eight hours, shouldn't you help with it?" [

Amber: Huh? Yes! Lord Diluc should not be affected by the cost now, after all, he has already withdrawn from the Knights. 】

【Donna: The night hero incarnated by Master Diluc, has also been silently guarding us, Master Diluc~~]

[Coral Palace Xinhai: Hmm... I always feel that what is hidden in these two costs is not so simple. 【

Ding! Next is the 'price' of Arataki Kazuto! 】【

The price of Arataki Kazudou is...】Speaking

of this in the live broadcast room, with the example of the head of the piano just now, Kuki Shinobu also began to worry.

"The boss just ate so many beans, although he got the first aid measures in the live broadcast room, I am afraid that his appearance has not yet recovered."

"The 'price' of Captain Qin has affected the entire Knights and the inhabitants of Mond, and the boss, as the leader of the Araki faction, I am afraid that me and Gentai will not be spared."

The same opinion as Shinobu Kuki are Miyu Chiyo, Kitsunaiya, Ray Movie Sisters and others.

Lei Dian Zhen said to Lei Movie: "I was able to return to this world because he was willing to give you the 'Divine Charm'. Ray

Movie: "I understand, I have always wanted to repay this kindness, originally promised him that he could choose one of the rewards he would receive in the future, but he seemed to have forgotten about it." "

Fox Palace: "As long as the live broadcast room does not suddenly disappear, there will be a chance." "

During the sisters' conversation, the 'price' of Arataki Kazuto was also announced in the live broadcast room.

[(1) In the next seven days, Kazuto Araki will get a buff - great demeanor, chaos! ] 【

This buff is very peculiar, and sometimes the body may suddenly get out of control and do a series of 'very scary' things! [

(2) There is a famous saying in the other world - "Follow a fight, three days of hunger and nine meals!" "Over the next seven days, all members of the Araki faction get a debuff - Hunger! 【

Hunger: The food eaten can only maintain the nutrients needed by the body, and there will be no satiety. But in order to prevent accidents, there will be a protection mechanism to prevent you from dying! 】

Arataki Kazuto, who was still drowsy, heard the prompt sound in the live broadcast room, and suddenly a carp came to stand up.

"Interactive live room! You make it clear to Uncle Ben! What does it mean to 'follow a bucket and starve nine times in three days'? "

Now under the leadership of Uncle Ben, the Araki faction has long been different from what it was before!"

"Hey! Interactive live broadcast room? Live room?? "

Kuki Shinobu, who had been prepared to let the members of the Araki faction temporarily hide for a while, was stunned after seeing the 'price' and the boss's reaction.

She thought that the 'cost' would be to let the boss eat beans for several days in a row, or let her go back to the shrine, but she did not expect this.

Although seven consecutive days of starvation are torturous, it is not too simple compared to the "price" that others have been charged in the past.

Anyway, the boss, they are not hungry, and a few days have passed.

What worries Jiuqi the most is that big demeanor.

"The sudden loss of control of the body is really troublesome." Kuki Shinobu thought for a while, "The boss ran alone to a desert island in the desert area before and fought with crabs.

"Do you want to go live on that island for a few days this time?"

Shinobu Kuki is thinking about how to deal with it, and the process in the live broadcast room continues.

[Finally, the price of Dixia! ] 】

【Since the Dixia player used a prop card and charged an additional price, so...】【

For the next seven days, the Dixia player must eat a one-to-one replica of the 'Satisfying Salad' made by Lord Thor himself every day!

Disia: "What!! "

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