Although Dixia's 'price' is only a little, in terms of terrifying level, everyone in the live broadcast room is afraid.

If they remember correctly, Lord Thor's dish was filled with highly concentrated bitters!

[Dina Zeda: Dixia hates bitterness the most, and she doesn't like satisfying salads either.

[Candice: It's good that I only eat once a day, and I will be there for her. 】

【Wanderer: Huh~ remembered something annoying. [

Paimon: The cattle herders and the Arataki pie are also too pitiful, and they can't feel full for seven days, which is worse than my 'price' at that time. [

Kujo Jurao: He may not be able to control his body, which is a big problem. 】

【Lei Movie: @珊瑚宫心海, I remember that there is a skill called 'Clear Heart' in the Dragon Palace inheritance, which can lift the abnormal state. 【

Coral Palace Shinkai: Sorry General-sama, I tried it before when the soldiers of Kaijima Island were irritable, but it didn't work at all. But this time the price of everyone...]

[Goro: Lord Coral Palace, did you notice something? 】

【Miyu Chiyo: @久岐忍, wait for this kid to come out of the answer space, I'll go to the Arataki faction, if there is anything I need help with, just open your mouth. 【

Shinobu Kuki: Thank you very much, Miyu-sama Chiyo, I already have an idea in my heart.】 [

Dortore: @流浪者, when the live broadcast is over, do you want to set up a group to chat? 】

【Wanderer: Oh~ you dare to take the initiative to send it to the door! 】 The

Coral Palace Shinkai on Kaiji Island flipped up the information of the barrage area.

The 'cost' will often work on your pain points, and she knows how much trouble the 'cost' brought to Haiji Island.

If it weren't for the fact that she happened to have the inheritance of the Dragon Palace, Goro would have been able to restrain her sanity enough, and Yae Miko and Kujo Jura also happened to arrive in time, and that battle would definitely have suffered heavy losses.

"But these two points of Captain Qin seem a little strange, why did you suddenly increase the time to fifteen days?"

Xinhai flipped up the barrage area, "Judging from the statements of several residents of Mond, it seems that they have been "taken care of" by the Knights in normal times.

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult to temporarily get them out of the care of the Knights for a while."

Xinhai sighed after looking at the four words 'frivolous', "But the next is the link of opening the magic box, I hope that Captain Qin can handle this matter well and avoid any conflict." "

[Ding! The prizes of the contestants have been counted! 】

【Congratulations to the highest score, and all the questions are answered correctly, and the reward is a magic box! 】 【

Congratulations to Jean for winning the second place, and the Diamond Edition Magic Box is rewarded! 】 】

【Congratulations to Dixia and Arataki Kazuto tied for third place, each rewarding a gold version magic box! 】 【

Next, please open the box! 】

Disia: "I'll come first." "

Although eating such a meal every day made Dixia very uncomfortable, it was finally time for the lottery!

"It should... That item will appear, right?

Dixia pressed her hands on the magic box, and she could clearly hear how fast her heart was beating at this time.

【Ding! Congratulations to Dixia for obtaining the Divine Charm X1 (bound), Otherworld Red Envelope X1! 】

【The Divine Charm has been prescribed by contestants before, so I won't introduce it too much here.】 】

【Red envelope from another world: After opening, you can get a large amount of love funds! 】 Funds are automatically converted into Mora in a certain proportion!

Dixia quietly looked at the divine charm and a red envelope that appeared in her hand, and her heart beat faster than before, feeling as if she was in a dream.

Dixia suppressed the excitement in her heart, and immediately carefully kept the charm and red envelope.

Even though she had become a true "blazing lion", she missed the dead figure very much, and she had a lot to say to him before she had time.

The red envelope is also very important, although I don't know how many Mora will eventually be opened in it, but she can also do her part in helping the children of the desert.

On the other side, Kazuto Araki also opened the magic box after not answering his questions in the live broadcast room.

[Congratulations to Kazuto Araki for getting an improved wireless phone from another world! ] 】

【The phone has unlimited data, unlimited power, extremely large memory, and can take photos, videos, and upload videos in a mysterious website in another world. 【

All earnings from uploading videos will go to Arataki Pai.】 】【

Tips: This phone cannot be damaged in any way, but in the subsequent answer rewards, it is possible to upgrade it to a notebook~~ Please continue to cheer!

Dixia's charm is familiar to everyone, and Mora is also an ordinary thing. They didn't pay much attention to her reward except for a blessing.

But this one by Arataki Kazuto is different.

[Wendy: Wow~ It's another high-tech piece from another world, and it can be upgraded into a notebook. ] 】

【Pure Water Elf Idia: The recording video function has the same effect as the spotlight? 】

【Nasida: Arataki Kazudou broadcast live to another world before, this mysterious website, shouldn't it be that live broadcast platform? 】

【Ayato Kamisato: This reward is also good, allowing people from another world to better understand the Oni clan and Inazuma. By the way, @空, don't forget to eat hot pot tonight, I ordered all the Indian dishes. [

Paimon: But this phone is not bound, I am really worried that he will be taken away by others! [

Ray Movie: @全体, if you want to come and grab this phone, just try it. 【

Erin: Captain Qin is going to open the magic box, it must be a good thing! 】 【

Ding! 】

【Congratulations to Captain Qin for obtaining the sword of another world-sword in the stone; The full edition of the General History of the World in six volumes, as well as related analytical literature! 】

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