After six rounds of answering questions, the audience basically had a good idea of what could be opened in the magic box of various levels.

This is the first time that a book from another world has been opened from the diamond box, and there is only one.

When everyone was waiting for the live broadcast room to annotate these two rewards, Ning Guang, who was also watching the live broadcast, suddenly received a private message and a red envelope.

"Yelan? What did she suddenly send me red envelopes for? "

[Yelan: @凝光, the son of the fools was arrested in Fontaine because it was related to the disappearance of a young girl twenty years ago, which is really ridiculous.

But in many recent cases of disappearance and death, although I tortured many foolish soldiers in the torture house, they all said they didn't know, but my intuition told me that this incident was probably related to the doctor of the fools.

I want to investigate, rest assured, I have mastered the transformation technique and will be fine. Yelan

rarely said such a big paragraph, and Ning Guang also understood that this matter was very important.

[Condensing Light: @夜兰, no one knows Dortore's means, he won two rewards not long ago, so you must be careful. [

Yelan: Understand, as for the contents of the red envelope, I will leave it to you just in case. After

Yelan said this, she showed the status of being offline, and Ning Guang also checked the red envelope.

[Yelan uses the red envelope function to give Condensing Remy's aid X900! ] Ning

Guang was stunned, she didn't expect it to be this thing.

[Remy's assistance: After use, 30% of qi and blood can be restored.

"It's a great thing."

"It's a pity that it can't be copied, otherwise it will also be a strong guarantee for the Thousand Rock Army."

While Ning Guang was communicating with Yelan, the process in the live broadcast room was also continuing.

[Sword in the Stone: A very powerful weapon! ] There was once a story circulating in the other world that when a "teenager" was rushing to protect his brother's life and honor, the sword in the stone blessed the boy. 【

General History of the World: It is a work of different world history, which comprehensively introduces the political, military, economic, cultural, scientific, technological, legal, religious and other fields of world history. 【Tips

: Please be sure to read the book carefully when you have time, maybe you will have unexpected gains! 】

In the blink of an eye, two rewards were handed out in front of Jean.

Qin did not pay too much attention to the sword in the stone, but first looked at the "General History of the World".

Because she also deeply understood a truth, everyone who did not listen to the warm tips in the live broadcast room before suffered a big loss.

But when Jean saw a sentence in the introduction, she was directly taken aback.

'Three million years ago, the first humans...

' Jean didn't expect the history of the other world to be three million years long!

In contrast, everything in Tivat seems to be in its infancy.

Qin immediately realized the hidden value in this history book and quickly read it carefully.

[Wagner: The sword in the stone turned out to be just a mediocre sword inserted in the stone? [

Adventurer Jack: Since the live broadcast room is said to be a very powerful weapon, it will definitely not be so simple. [

Wendy: 'When the boy fights for the lives and honor of other brothers', it seems that there is also a very legendary story behind the sword in the stone.

I really want to know the name of this teenager, so that his story can be passed on in Tivat. [

Paimon: Huh? Singing, what's wrong with you all of a sudden? How does your tone sound... Seems a little sad?

Wendy: Yes? But if you are curious, maybe when my video is played in the live broadcast room, you will mention it~]

[Barbara: I am very much looking forward to Lord Barbatos' video and want to know more about your deeds. [

Mona: @温迪, as a soothsayer, I have a hunch that the content of the next live broadcast will be about you. But I really want to see the "General History of the World" by the head of the piano! [

Collet: This "General History of the World" seems to be similar to the "Twenty-Four History" obtained by Lord Xiao Jixiang Grass King before.

[Nasida: There are still very different things, I translated the "Twenty-Four History" for a long time, and even now, there are many ambiguities. [

Al Heisen: Miss Jean also has a lot of literature to analyze, which seems to be much more convenient.

【Zhong Li: Reading history can broaden your horizons, but the most important thing is to learn lessons from history. 【

Raiden Shin: Wait until I have the opportunity to see if I can introduce this work of otherworld history to Inazuma.】

While everyone was discussing, a sound in the live broadcast room disrupted their rhythm.

【Ding! The homeless exited the live broadcast room and is no longer allowed to enter today. 【

Ding! Dortoré withdrew from the live broadcast room and could no longer enter today. The

two men exited the live broadcast room one after another, reminiscent of a few minutes ago, when Dotore invited the Wanderers to form a group.

But then it's time for the lottery of the immortals, and let's put the rest later.

"Whew~~" The fish in the answer space held the magic box tightly with both hands, exhaled deeply, and wanted to calm the rapid agitation heartbeat as much as possible.

Although the live broadcast room has already passed the reward with him, when the reward is really opened, even if it is the state of mind that has been tempered for thousands of years, it is still difficult to hide the excitement in the heart at this time.

With both hands, he squeezed the magic box at once!

In an instant, a large number of streamers fell from above, many of them hanging on the hair, but he didn't care to tidy up at this time.

[Congratulations to Ray for obtaining the powerful version of the Resurrection Scepter (4/4); Otherworld Skill: Forge! 【

Powerful version of the Resurrection Scepter: Unlike ordinary Resurrection Scepter, the probability of this scepter being resurrected each time is 100%! 【

Forge: You can learn it yourself or teach it to others.】 The upper limit is 160 levels, and after learning, you can spend physical strength to create a weapon from another world, but you need specific materials. 【

PS: The Mora spent by others to learn the skills of the fish will be dominated by the fish himself. The

chatterfish behind the live broadcast room no longer care.

"Fury, Trouble, Yingda, and Floating House, finally..."

This live broadcast has been successfully concluded, thank you for your enthusiastic participation. 【

So at the same time next week, who will become the protagonist?】 Let's wait and see! Hehe~~].

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