A few minutes ago!

After explaining the reward of the piano leader in the live broadcast room, the wanderer withdrew from the live broadcast room.

The reward live broadcast room of Wei is considered a spoiler in advance, and there is no need to watch it.

Instead, the fact that Dortorre wanted to set up a group with him made him more interested.

The wanderer took out the tracking charm he had obtained two weeks ago, "Where is Dortore now?" "

[Use successfully!] The tracker enters a cooldown period and can only be used again after an hour!

In an instant, the current location of Dortori appeared in the wanderer's mind.

"He's in this place now... It should be some kind of experimental base at the winter solstice. "This is the first time the Wanderer has used it since obtaining this treasure.

Dotore is thoughtful, extremely powerful in his own right, and has a lot of hole cards in hand.

Although he was eager to use all of Tivat's torture on Dotore, he would not rush to find it until he was absolutely sure.

"But now Dortorre actually took the initiative to contact me, it was nothing more than this thing." The wanderer looked at the cyan flower in his hand.

What is the use of the 'magic prescription' obtained by Torre, no one knows yet.

But Nacida, who had teamed up with Dortore, saw part of the prescription, and among them was the cyan flower in his hand.

Combined with the recent frequent disappearances in many countries, it is easy to think that Totorre is experimenting in search of alternatives.

【Dingtone~~ Dortorre wants to establish a group relationship with you, do you agree.

Just as the homeless clicked the agree button, another prompt sounded.

【Dingdong~~ Yelan wants to establish a group relationship with you, do you agree.

"Huh? Yelan? What is she looking for me for?

Although the wanderer was puzzled, he still agreed to Yelan's invitation first.

The next second after the group was established, Yelan sent him a message.

[Yelan: I want to cooperate with you, you just need to provide the location of Dortore when I need it. In exchange, you'll get the intelligence you want. [

Wanderer: It sounds like I took advantage, so what is your purpose in trying to investigate Dotore? 【

Yelan: Boyang is my ancestor, and the blood of heroes flowing in my body makes me unwilling to settle for mediocrity. [

Wanderer: Then you have to be careful, in case others know that your hero has cooperated with me, a sinner, I will not be responsible. [

Yelan: Thank you.

After Yu Yelan told Dortore's location, the wanderer agreed to Dortore's group request.

[Dotore: You left the live broadcast room one step ahead of me, I thought you would agree to my application at the first time, but it took so much time, hehe. ] [

Wanderer: Small talk is not necessary, I don't have much patience to listen to you disgusting bug. [

Dotore: I want the cyan flower in your hand, and in exchange, I will give you an original sample of the E-series mold. [

Dortore: Don't rush to refuse, this deal is valid for a long time, you can find me at any time.

After saying this, the doctor also went offline.

"Hmph! How can this thing get your hands on it!

"First wait for Albedo's research results, Yelan will also share my intelligence, and finally she can get the information of the prescription."


After the live broadcast, Dixia had just been teleported back, and she saw Candice, who had been waiting here for a long time, and her heart warmed.

"Sorry Candice, made you wait for a long time, right?"

Candice shook her head slightly, "It's nothing, after all, the duration of the live broadcast is not something you can control." Without mentioning this, you better hurry up and use the two rewards.

Dixia also couldn't wait to meet her father, and had something very important to say to him.

Immediately took out the Divine Charm, and moved carefully, for fear of damaging it.

The divine charm floated into the air to form a magic array, and a moment later, out of the magic formation came a figure that was very familiar to her in Dixia's memory.

"Here it is... How did I end up here? Dixia! Although

Dixia already knows that the props in the interactive live broadcast room are very magical, many people have recalled their former relatives and friends in the past month.

But when this kind of thing really came to herself, she didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that it was a beautiful dream that would be shattered when touched.

When the light and shadow dissipated, Kusela slowly opened her eyes and spoke to her, Dixia could no longer bear it and quickly came to Kusera's side.

Kusela didn't understand what was going on, but he was able to confirm that the big girl in front of him who had already come out of the pavilion was his treasure - Dixia!

Dixia looked at her father, with a little starlight in her eyes, "You always told me stories before, the brave defeated the evil dragon in the forest, and the mercenaries overcame all difficulties and finally rescued the princess."

"I thought it was just a childish, old-fashioned fairy tale, and it wasn't until recently that I understood what was going on and what you did."

"But now, Daddy... Welcome back.

"Dixia, I didn't expect to see you one day, you... You've really grown up.

Dixia originally had a thousand words, but when she saw her father, all the words turned into the joy of seeing her again.

"By the way, what about Idrishi, Bashar, and Tikriti and the others?" Kusela looked around, but did not see these people.

Candice then stepped forward and explained to Cucera everything that had happened before.

"After everything was over, they all voluntarily went to the group of thirty to surrender and accept the trial they deserved."

"The toy sword that used to be, in your hands, has become a holy sword capable of killing evil dragons."

"It is precisely because of your protection that Dixia has grown into the current Dixia and become a very lovely person."

"Candice!" Dixia's face suddenly turned a little red, and she immediately ran to Candice.

When Kusera heard the current situation of everyone, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He burned the archives so that the mercenaries could break free from the shackles from the "Relics of the God King".

But after everything settled, all the members who had been freed, who had the opportunity to escape the punishment of the law, collectively chose to turn themselves in.

Maybe...... They have long been tired and tired of the days of daily fear.

I have long been hopeless, and now I can take a look at Dixia, which is already the mercy of the gods.

Kusera also made a decision, limped to Dixia's side, and said with a smile: "Dixia, it's rare that we can meet again, let's make another fiery cauldron for daddy."

"Daddy!" Dixia looked at her father's eyes and understood what he wanted to do.

Although she is very reluctant, there is still a long time in the future, and she will definitely wait for the day when she will really reunite with her father.

【Ding! Today's special version of 'Satisfying Salad' has been delivered, so please enjoy it slowly!

The next moment, a plate full of 'delicacies' suddenly appeared in front of Dixia.

Candice: "It's okay, eat, I'll keep it."

Kusera: "It's just a satisfying salad that doesn't look good, what's the problem?" Disia

: "It's... What Lord Thor did...

"Kucera: "? "

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