When Dixia was very 'enjoying' the extremely rare food, the Wangshu Inn at noon that day was very lively.

Except for the Cutting Moon Tsukiyang Zhenjun, who went out on a long trip, they were all rushing back.

Zhong Li, Grandma Ping, Gan Yu, the Dragon King of Ruoda who turned into human form, and Lishui Dieshan, Liuyun Borrowing the Wind, and others.

When they were spoilers in the live broadcast room, they all quickly waited near the inn.

Compared with the previous sealing demon god Ossel, this time everyone gathered only to celebrate the fact that everyone could get together again in the past.

Wei clutched the resurrection scepter and returned to the Wangshu Inn, with various colorful streamers hanging on his body.

The moment Wei just landed, he found a person standing in a circle not far away, and Lord Zhongli was also among them.

Liuyun explained by borrowing the Wind True Monarch: "The five Immortal Protectors Yasha can gather again, such a big day, we naturally can't miss it. Grandma

Ping: "Liuyun is right, not only us, but also many Liyue people, are now looking forward to your return." Grandma

Ping looked at the resurrection scepter held tightly in Wei's hand, and remembered the end in her heart.

With the advent of the interactive live broadcast room for more than a month, it has made up for the regrets that many people have had.

She believes that as long as there is enough time, she will definitely be able to recall her former friends such as Guizhi, Narumai Qixia, and Tongque one by one.

Zhong Yizhong also had similar thoughts to Grandma Ping.

He went to answer the questions before, and he was rewarded with what he needed at that time - to eliminate wear and tear.

Zhongli had a hunch that if he was allowed to go up again, then the final reward would definitely be a resurrection prop.

Zhong Li: "It's good to wait for the time, but today's light is just right, and the osmanthus should carry the wine, and the deceased will drink it together." Wei

also understood, "I wish Lord Zhongli what he wants, then next..." Wei

held the resurrection scepter, and according to the method given in the live broadcast room, he silently recited the names of Fushe, Fa Nan and others in his heart.

The Resurrection Scepter quickly flashed four times of light, and then dissipated into heaven and earth.

The fish held his breath and stared at where the light shone.

Not long after, as the light faded, those buried in the memory came to everyone again.

"Jinpeng! Lord Emperor! Stay in the clouds!! And also...... Now what exactly is this..."

Fire Yasha Yingda was the first to be recalled, and she had just returned to her senses, looking at a large circle of familiar figures around her, and she was still very confused.

Anger and Anger also followed, and after the two came back to their senses, they quickly looked at the emperor and the fish.

"Jinpeng! Lord Emperor!! Are we this... Resurrected? "

The last memory of the two is to attack each other to death.

Now seeing himself appear here intact, and the wounds on his body have all disappeared, I can't help but feel a sense of magic.

Zhong Li simply explained to the two: "Welcome back, you can return, all the credit of the fish, but there is still one person left at the moment." With

that, Zhongli looked at the last light in the clearing.

Everyone followed Zhong Li's gaze, also expecting the figure.

Under everyone's gaze, when the last ray of light dissipated, the familiar four-armed Yasha figure slowly appeared in it.

"Float! Big Brother Floating House! Fushe..." In

a familiar call, Fushe's consciousness gradually came to his senses.

Seeing all the former relatives return, the young immortal's perennial cold face also softened, and the corners of his mouth slowly hooked.

"My lords, what's going on here?" Floating House is relatively stable, and after knowing that their siblings are really resurrected, they immediately ask the reason.

Zhong Li: "My name is Zhong Li now, and I am the guest secretary of the Past Life Hall. Now that the time is right, we will "accompany" you while eating, and let the fish tell you about the recent events on the continent of Tivat.

Yingda exclaimed, "Huh? My lords... Accompaniment? Is that what I understand? Grandma

Ping: "It just so happens that there are 2,000 portions of almond tofu in the fish, so let's serve some of them later, and let everyone see the craftsmanship of people from another world." Gan

Yu: "Also, in seven days, the fish will dance again, and Miss Nilu will also come over." "


four newly resurrected Yasha, you look at me, I look at you, they don't understand what dumb riddles they are playing.

I don't understand why Jin Peng's face suddenly became very strange.

But in any case, the fact that the five of them can be reunited again is indeed something to celebrate.

Not long after everyone took their seats, Zhong Li suddenly received a private chat.

"Hall Master Hu, did something happen to me at this time?"

Inside the Hall of Life a few minutes ago.

"Although there is no laptop in the reward for this live broadcast, the laptop function of Ayato Kamisato has been upgraded, and there are more regions in the other world where you can communicate."

"And since the second live broadcast, there have been videos of people with similar voices to us."

"The game Honkai III is also, there are so many familiar sounds in it, why didn't I find it before?"

"There must be a big problem in this live broadcast room."

When Hu Tao just finished the live broadcast, he sorted out many problems found in the live broadcast here and sent a private message to Zhong Li.

But after waiting for a while, Zhongli returned to her.

[Zhong Li: @胡桃, Hall Master, you may be overthinking, if there is really someone behind the scenes, why does it give out so many rewards? Not to mention the resurrection props. [

Walnut: Hmm... That's true, too. [

Zhongli: I speculate that the live broadcast room may be an unknown product of the other world, and Miss Fischer of Mond is going to the other world in the next few days, maybe something will be discovered. [

Walnut: Yes, let's wait a few days. However, in the evening, the main hall mainly feasted on the Dragon Immortal and other Yasha, and also had to worry about the guest secretary who was tired and told him. After

Hu Tao ended his private chat with Zhongli, he turned around and pulled Xingqiu, Chongyun, Qiqi, Xiangling, Yanxiang, Yelan and others into a group.

[Walnut: Guys! Tonight, I plan to have a banquet for Wei Shangxian and all the immortals Yasha, everyone and Wei Shangxian are acquaintances, and they come together to be lively and lively, which can be regarded as helping him complete the 'price'." [

Yan Qi: This is a good thing, I will definitely go in the evening. 【

Xiangling: Naoba is also very much looking forward to meeting with all the immortal Yasha. 【

Chongyun: I have a temporary commission to remove demons, but I will definitely arrive at night. [

Xingqiu: I'm okay with that. [

Qiqi: Just finished talking to Mr. Bai, I can also go. 【

Yelan: Sorry, I don't have a job, so I won't go.】 Also, the night has been a little unpeaceful lately, but it may be a complete small matter for you, but it's better to be careful. 】

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