Outside Mondstadt at this time.

Fischer and Bennett came to the meeting place on their front and back feet.

Bennett was carrying a huge package, and Fischer said very excitedly: "Thank you very much Miss Fischer for inviting me to the Blue Star Huaxia of the other world."

"I have all my Mora in my bag, and I hope to exchange a little more currency from another world in a while, so that I can bring more gifts from other worlds for everyone and daddy."

Fischer's reaction to Bennett was not at all surprising.

Among many people, only Bennett always believed that she was really the "queen of conviction".

Bennett also wanted to venture to her "country" more than once, but she swallowed and prevaricated.

Bennett even thought that his own strength was not enough, afraid that he would be in danger when he came to my "country", and thought that I cared about him in this way.

So after getting this otherworldly crossing card, Fischer first thought was Bennett.

She's going to take Bennett on a real trip to another world.

For this trip, Fischer prepared for a week, did many commissions from the Adventurers' Association, and took out all the Mora at the bottom of the box.

Bennett suddenly asked, "Miss Fischer, may I ask, why do we have to go at night?"

Fischer: "Originally, the Pure Land of the Dark Night was the territory of this queen's daughter, and only in the darkest time could you get a glimpse of the whole picture, and the New World should be the same."

(Oz: To explain to you, Miss means: you may be able to find out a little information if you go at night.)

Fischer also carefully considered, after all, he was going to a completely strange other world, and he could not use the power of the Eye of God yet.

Fischer had extensive experience as an investigator for the Adventurers' Guild.

For the sake of safety, even if there is danger in the other world, they can mediate at night under the cover of night.

Fischer saw that the time was almost the same, so he took out the crossing card, "O person who tested fate, let's go with this royal daughter to witness the splendor of the other world!" "

But Fischer just took out the prop card, and the abnormality suddenly appeared!

Bennett sensed something was wrong and shouted, "Danger! The

piercing sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded, and several wind blades quickly attacked Fischer.

Bennett pushed Fischer away, and the wind blade almost grazed Fischer's wrist.

The sudden attack caught both by surprise.

But in the next second, more than a dozen extremely strange figures slowly walked out of the shadows.

"This! Are these these!! Zombie? Bennett was taken aback when he saw what these things looked like in front of him.

Yelan and Dadalia had been to Resident Evil's Raccoon City before, and the various zombies in it left a deep impression on everyone in Tivat.

Now the dozen or so things in front of Bennett and Fischer are no longer human at all, and there are even a few monsters chewing human stump in their mouths.

This scene made the faces of the two instantly pale.

At this time, in other parts of the continent, many people also began to encounter this man-eating monster one after another.

"Listen to me!"

"The evil demon retreats!"

Chongyun originally thought that this Devil Descent commission would be another time when he couldn't see a ghost.

But he never expected that he would encounter such a zombie-like cannibal monster.

Xingqiu and Hu Tao, too, encountered this kind of thing on the road.

Yan Qi: "How could Liyue suddenly have such a thing?" Walnut

: "Right now, the whole of Tivat can make this kind of zombie monster thing, except for Dortore, I can't think of any other possibility."

Xing Qiu: "Everyone be careful!" If they are all zombies, as long as they are scratched or bitten, they will be infected. "

The fish that guarded Liyue in the dark all year round were also sensed the moment these monsters appeared.

Ray, who was exchanging heart sutras with several Yasha, and was waiting for the arrival of Walnut and the others, immediately became very serious and immediately took action.

On the way home, Kavi also encounters a man-eating monster with a low IQ.

There are also travelers who are exploring outside Fontaine, preparing to go to Kamisato's house for hot pot for a while;

Sugar and Albedo, which are doing the final step of research on the snowy mountains;

But while fighting, everyone who encounters monsters finds that these monsters are very difficult.

"The wind without phase... Made!

"This is the moment of birth!"

Albedo is convinced that he has killed the cannibal once again, but it doesn't take long for the cannibals to attack him and Sugar again with an astonishing recovery speed.

If it's just tenacious, a few of these cannibals will use some special moves to attack.

Traveler: "Blood magic?

Paimon: "Watch out travelers, they're coming again!" "

But the most stressful places are Fischer and Bennett.

"With everyone around, the wound won't hurt!"

"Night Illusion!"

The cannibals who attack them are not only numerous, but each has a special attack method.

But one thing is very strange, these cannibals will kill Bennett, but against Fischer, they will show mercy.

And they are different from ordinary zombies, as if they have the ability to think, they know how to use various tactics.

In the face of such a difficult opponent, the two of them avoided dangers, not to mention that these monsters did not give them a chance to escape at all.

If Bennett hadn't had the skill of 'astrology', something would have happened to them a long time ago.

Just when the two of them were trying to figure out the encirclement...

"Don't try to escape!"

The sudden powerful wind field instantly absorbed all the cannibals together.

And the voice of the visitor made Bennett and Fischer very relieved.

"There should be such a thing in the territory of Mond, this is my previous hunch?"

Wendy's expression was rare and serious, looking at the large area of man-eating monsters in front of her.

But when he turned to Bennett and Fischer, he returned to the appearance of the very cute bard.

"Aren't you going to another world tonight? Leave it to me here, remember to bring me some wine from another world~ preferably Rafay in 82!

Bennett: "Huh? But this happened, if we

go to the other world at this time..." "Don't worry, maybe after you go to the other world, it will save a lot of strength for the people of the Knights." After Wendy finished speaking, she looked at Fischer with a smile.

Fischer also remembered what had just happened during the battle.

Although I don't know why these monsters show mercy to her subordinates, Fischer is convinced of Wendy's words.

Fischer immediately came to Bennett's side, took out the crossing card again, and quickly used it.

【Ding! Traverse card used successfully! Enter the cooldown period! 【

Teleport to Blue Star soon!】 Have a great trip!

With a flash of blue light, the two disappeared in place.

But Wendy noticed that one of the monsters had a slight change in his expression after the two left.

Wendy: "Let me guess, it's you Torre who is looking through these monsters, and your target is Fischer's crossing card."

"After all, this is a magical card that can travel to another world infinitely, and I believe that the other world has a great attraction for you."

"It's a pity that Miss Fischer's crossing card has been bound to herself, and if she dies, the crossing card will disappear, so you will let these ghosts stay merciful."

"But what makes me curious is, if Miss Fischer is really in your hands, how are you going to control her?"

And at this time on a street in a certain city of Blue Star.

Not long after Bennett and Fischer landed, they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

The two who had just experienced a vicious battle were immediately shocked by the night scene and the sea of people here!

Because of the people here!

It's just too much!!

Fischer's original night reconnaissance plan officially failed!

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