【Ding! Congratulations on the success of the crossing! [

Mora has been converted into the currency of another world, and has temporarily issued documents such as identity certificates. 】

【Reminder: Please be sure to abide by the law, if any accident occurs during this period, this live broadcast room is not responsible. 【

Finally, I wish you all to have fun! 】

Fischer and Bennett now have the kung fu to watch the news in the live broadcast room.

The lights outside all kinds of high-rise buildings, street lamps on both sides of the street, all kinds of food stalls, and squares with a huge flow of people...

All of the above reflect the three big characters of "City That Never Sleeps" hanging high above their heads and shining gold.

Bennett and Fischer saw such a rich city for the first time.

The two of them were like dirt buns entering the city, stopping and walking all the way, and everything felt very fresh.

But in less than twenty minutes, the two discovered a lot of problems.

On the big screen of a tall building, the situation when a dragon lord named Danheng Yueyuejun killed the enemy was playing on a loop.

Bennett and Fischer ran downstairs to the building, both looking very serious.

They were still wearing the same outfit as before, but due to the previous battle, there were many places damaged.

Along the way, people around them looked back at them frequently, and many pedestrians took out exactly the same "mobile phone" that Arataki had obtained, and wanted to take pictures with them.

Although the situation in front of them was a little unexpected, they did not feel malice in these people, and they just took a photo, so they let them go.

Bennett suggested to Fischer, "Miss Fischer, how about we go change our clothes first?" As for the rest, wait for tomorrow to start!

"And Mr. Wendy's '82 Lafael, also look for somewhere to sell."

Fischer nodded, "The trajectory of fate cannot be easily shaken, and there are still three days of Broken Demon Locks entangled around him. But even so, be prepared to bear the great wisdom of this queen daughter!

Bennett hurriedly found the Fischer Dictionary that he had specially carried.

Bennett listened attentively to Fischer's every word, trying to understand the meaning of the words.

While thinking back to what happened ten minutes ago...

At the beginning, the group photo was fine, especially Fischer's unique speech, which won the praise of many people.

But what those people behind said, they couldn't understand at all.

"This tone is too similar to the imitation, it is simply the queen daughter herself."

"I'm Miss Fischer's dog!"

"I C! Living queen daughter and banye! When my original god was in the stage of clearing the snow mountain, it was these two who led the whole process + decrypted.

"Just spent this month's salary on the cold-faced little green dragon, tomorrow the original god draws the bell to leave the old man, and the banye wishes me to be 'crooked'!"

“666! Your wave belongs to the reverse flag.

"Didn't a top imitation Brother Doozi appear on a certain live broadcast platform a few days ago, and even Jean Goro followed the fire."

"I also saw that there was still a recording of that live broadcast on my phone."

"They're a war-damaged version of COS, right? When the next questionnaire is conducted, in addition to filling in very simple, you must also write down the fact that the character's blood will be 'battle damage'. Bennett

and Fischer couldn't understand what these people were talking about, but they still grabbed several key words - mobile phone, live broadcast, imitation, Genshin!

Bennett: "The Brother Douzi and a certain live broadcast platform they are talking about, shouldn't it be Arataki Ichidou?"

"And the mobile phone in their hand, in appearance, it is exactly the same as the reward that Arataki Kazuto received."

Fischer thought of the rewards given in the live broadcast room, and in the vast majority of cases, they were distributed in a targeted manner.

So what kind of message does the live broadcast room want to convey to her when she comes to another world?

But what Fischer couldn't figure out was why Goro of Kaijima Island caught fire after Ichidou's live broadcast?


At this time, on the continent of Tivat, Dotore was continuing his experiments in a laboratory on the border of the Winter Kingdom.

The two new slices he had made to test Kaiya's burnt fruit have now changed dramatically!

A slice was sitting in a wheelchair, looking horriblely old, looking at least seventy or eighty years old.

The other slice, whose complexion was as pale as paper and whose eyes had turned plum red, was eating human stump.

These two sections were caused by Dotorre's injection of E-series mutant mold and "drug", respectively.

With Totonight's surprise attack from the cannibal, Dotore is very satisfied with the progress of his current experiment.

"This prescription really brought me one big surprise after another! Ghost blood can even give others new abilities! Even ghosts can improve their strength through cannibalism.

"Ghosts are immortal and immortal, as long as they are given enough nourishment and time, I don't know if they can grow to the point of surpassing the gods."

"In this way, it is very ridiculous to Araki Kazuto and Miyu Chiyo, who are also of the Oni Clan."

Dotore also recorded experimental data on mold.

"The ability of mold is also very powerful, and the mother body can fundamentally change a person's thinking, but unfortunately it takes some time to take effect."

As for what the consequences of these two things would have for Tivat, Dortoré did not consider it at all.

The development of things is varied, or human intervention, or natural.

As long as he can enjoy the experimental process, this is enough.

"It's a pity that you can't go to another world this time, but there will be a chance in the future, as for the next..."

Dortori suddenly turned to look at the two slices, his eyes flashing with excitement.

"It's time to combine mold, ghost blood, and demon god residue, and I'm really looking forward to what kind of grand scenery will appear then."

At this time, at the border of the Winter Kingdom, Yelan, who had already used the transformation technique, was also approaching the location of Dorore under the guidance of the wanderer.

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