The live broadcast room has not been updated for a long time.

The three patches of today's live update are all mentally shocking except for the second point.

[Ray Movie: It's good that a number of new seats have been added to the answer, and there will be more people who get rewards each time. 【

Nassida: Fontaine was also arranged in the interactive live broadcast room, maybe you can see the live broadcast about Ferina in the future! 】 [

Ferninga: More than my video, I hope that the live broadcast room can provide me and the people of Fontaine with a unique trial. [

Navillette: I hope that the live broadcast room can explain the "prophecy" clearly, and even avoid the recurrence of disasters.

[Paimon: @那维莱特, don't worry, the traveler will definitely help solve this matter in the end, it's just a matter of time. [

Sora: There is still too little information about the primordial sea water and the original water god, and I am more concerned about the ogres and Tore now, and...@迪希雅, is Mr. Kucera okay?

[Disia: Well, he made the same choice as Tikriti and others, and this is the best ending. 【

Mona: The water of the primordial fetal sea? I remember a legend that this sea existed before the birth of life in Tivat. It is the origin of all things and will devour all life.

[Servant: That's why I came to Fontaine. As for the cannibal thing, that's Dortore's personal problem, and it has nothing to do with me or the other executives. 【

Miyu Chiyo: @空, traveler, it is said that when you were traveling in Inazuma, you met the Iwazo lineage created by my son Michikei. But I shouted a few times in the barrage area, but no one replied to me. [

Empty: Er... The Earth Fox of Shadow Mountain recorded Mr. Daoqi's last words, "Thirteen years of floating dreams, Shadow Pass Crimson Snow is flying smoke, and Gu Jun is far away." [

Miyu Chiyo: Huh?] Daoqi's last words? Why did you suddenly talk about this? [

Wendy: Let's not talk about these things, it's close to noon, cannibals can't appear, everyone rarely relaxes, after all, this is a weekly live broadcast. 【Kelly

: Recently, Kelly always feels strange in the city, big brother who sells music, do you know why? [

Timaeus: Speaking of weird... Bennett has approached me several times recently to say that he wants me to develop a cell tower called "data traffic," and I don't understand what he's talking about.

[Bennett: Eh...]

[Emperor of Judgment: @班尼特, after little Amy returned from the other world, she locked herself in her room for several days, do you know why? [

Bennett: This is because we found out...]

[Wendy: Oops~~ The thoughts of young girls, let's not guess, or concentrate on watching the live broadcast, I believe that when the time comes, everything has its own answer! [

Kaia: Hehe, it's a pity that you can't chat privately or @ interactive live broadcast room, otherwise there are really a lot of questions you want to ask it. [

Jean: Like Wendy said, there will be a chance in the future, but for now, let's pay attention to the next questions of Noelle and others. 】

【Master Xuan: Xiangling's girl can be regarded as being chosen, she has long wanted to answer the question space, but she has been thinking about this matter for a long time.


Lynette: Linny won't be doing anything strange again... It's a bit reassuring. 【

Coral Palace Shinkai: Why does it feel that Mr. Toma's face seems a little bad?】 One hand still covering your stomach?

[Kamisato Ayato: He's just been eating a little too much Indian street food lately, so there's no problem. [

Dolly: Kavey has finally been selected, he is a person who will strive for his ideals, I admire him and hope he can achieve good results. 【

Hu Tao: The guest secretary has been selected twice, why has the hall master not been elected once? [

Trafig: My brother has also been chosen twice, but it's strange, why hasn't my brother spoken in the barrage area recently? [

Empty: @托克, he has only been too busy selling toys in Fontaine recently, and he will reply to your message in a few days. [

Yan Qi: @胡桃, there are still many people who have not been selected by the live broadcast room, don't be anxious, I think they can get their turn. 】

【Little Bird: @行秋, the cheats exchange coupon should expire, so what martial arts cheats did you exchange? 【

Xingqiu: It's just a five-word ancient poem, a poem engraved on the stone wall, 'Who can write Your Excellency, Bai Shou Tai Xuan Jing'. 】

【Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: The poem on the stone wall is a martial arts secret? Interesting! However, the action in the live broadcast room this time is fast, but it seems that there is still one link missing. 【

Grandma Ping: Today will be a good day, Xiangling's child and Mr. Zhongli have been chosen, but as Liuyun said, it seems that there is indeed one link missing. In

the answer space, the six selected contestants were teleported here and greeted each other.

Kavi: "I'm Kavi, the architect of Meru, and I must have been transferring recently!" Not only did Ellheisen want me to design a new home, but even the answer space chose me! Hope all goes well today!

Thoma: "My name is Thoma, I'm sorry to let you see such a bad look."

Xiangling: "I'm Chef Xiangling!" Although I am very happy to be selected, it is really true to answer the questions with Lord Emperor..." Zhong

Li: "It doesn't have to be like this, just call me Zhong Li." Now that cannibals are ravaging Tivat, I look forward to your good results. Linney

put away the initial prop card, took off the top hat on his head, and solemnly gave everyone a very standard gentleman's greeting.

"My name is Linney and I am the best magician in all of Teyvat! It is my pleasure to answer questions with you. Seeing

that Linney was so solemn, Noelle quickly pulled the hem of her skirt with both hands and gave the same very standard maid salute to Linney and everyone else.

"I am Noelle, maid of the Knights of the Zephyr, and it is a pleasure to answer the questions with Lord Iwami and all of you. If you encounter any troubles or troubles in the future, I will do my best to help you solve them.

Linney: "Miss Noelle is so reliable that it reminds me of my dear sister Lynette." She must think I can't think about it now! So...... Boom! In

Linny's empty top hat, an iridescent rose suddenly bloomed.

Seeing such a magical scene, Xiangling wanted to find out if there was any magic mechanism in Linny's hat.

But Linney quickly took the flower out and gave it to Noelle and put the top hat back on his head.

"Miss Noelle has a rose on her hand armor, and she thinks she loves flowers. Give this rainbow rose to Miss Noelle, and may Miss Noelle's dream come true.

Noelle: "Huh? Thank... Thank you.

Although Noelle was a little surprised, he still took the flower very solemnly.

She also hopes to make her dream come true, and this answer is an opportunity!

Zhongli, who was not far away, looked at Linny.

Even if he didn't know that Zhong Li was the Rock King Emperor, being stared at by his gilded eyes would have a lot of pressure.

Krinney smiled calmly to meet Zhongli's gaze, "Is Lord Iwami curious about the magic I just did?" So I'm performing once?

Zhong Li: "What the eyes see is not real, and magic is also a performance controlled by humans." However, as long as it is a performance within the rules, it is also a form of compliance with the contract.

Zhongli's 'words in words' made both Kavi and Toma realize what seemed to have happened just now.

But before they had time to think about it, everyone was teleported to their respective answer areas to prepare for the next answers.

"Whaaaa Is this the cuisine of another world? Finally able to eat! As

soon as she came to the answer area, Xiangling immediately tasted all kinds of food.

Linny asked for a few things, but I don't know if it was intentional in the live broadcast room, and the appearance was made into a cat.

Linney carefully looked at the appearance of the food in front of him, "I know the habits of cats well, but all cats' ears are pricked forward, is it hinting at something?" "

Zhongli in the other place has had an experience once, and has already begun to ask for all kinds of expensive things from another world.

Noelle is very restrained, always maintaining the etiquette of the Knights, and is strict about the next answers.

Toma looked at the strangely shaped stargazing pie, black pudding with blood, and malmai sauce with an unknown smell on the table, and immediately felt a tumble in his stomach.

"Originally, I wanted to learn about otherworld cuisine, so let's concentrate on answering questions."

【Ding! 】

【Before you officially start answering the questions, please pay the 'price' that has not been completed last time! 】 (/Quick, applause)].

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