Although it is not the first time that Wei has danced in the live broadcast room, his mood this time is completely different from before.

In addition to the recent appearance of cannibals that gave him a headache, the family has successfully returned, and there is no need to worry about killing karma due to the existence of the Heart Sutra.

The emperor has also eliminated the wear, and Liyue is thriving.

The current life is not much different from the days that the fish once fantasized about.

And everyone in the live broadcast room was also waiting for Liyue's famous Devil Sage to dance.

Last week's live broadcast of Wei Shangxian made many people worried.

Now that they can see the dance of the immortals again, everyone is looking forward to it.

But a few seconds later, everyone in the live broadcast room saw a very unexpected scene on the light screen.

In the Wangshu Inn in Liyue.

Fusha and the others were standing next to the left and right of the fish, and each Yasha had his own face on his face.

Fushe: "This is the first dance since we got together again, and we can't let Jin Peng go on alone." "

Disaster:" It is also a deterrent, and it is best to suppress the little ones hiding in the shadows.

Yingda: "The interactive live broadcast room is also very interesting, and it's a pity that I couldn't see Fortune Wing's video." "

Mi Fu: "According to the laughing brothers, there are also scenes such as 'Wei Shenhe' and 'Don't Do Yasha', if only the live broadcast room could play back." "

The five Yasha standing together, even across the screen, can make people feel the murderous aura emanating from them.

In the next second, accompanied by a burst of drums and gongs, all the Immortal Yasha moved.

The five Yasha have different styles, and the scenes are very complex for a while, but they are also meticulous and rigorous.

Mizuyasha dances beautifully and movingly, Iwayasha's movements are strong and powerful, Thunderyasha is majestic, Naruyasha is emotional and cheerful, and Kazeyasha's rhythm is fierce and bright.

The five styles of dance should have been out of place, but under the interpretation of Wei and others, they surprised everyone in the live broadcast room!

It was also at this moment that many people finally understood why Liyue used to have the phrase "wearing a noodle is a god, and unloading a noodle is a person".

Although the time of the dance was not long, everyone in the live broadcast room had deeply imprinted the postures of the five Yasha and their otherworldly temperament in their minds.

[Nilu: It's so good to jump! ] It's a pity that I couldn't go to Liyue last week because of the cannibal. 】

【Ah Wei (cat of Wangshu Inn): Meow Meow~~Meow~~]

[Xin Yan: The five Yasha-sama are so handsome! I can't wait to perform a song right away! [

Barbara: If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe anyone would have been able to fuse the five styles of dance so well! 】

【Rishui Diesan Shin-kun: It's really gratifying to see the five immortal Yasha gathered together to dance again. 】

【Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang Zhenjun: Lord Emperor has been chosen again this time, and I believe that our former companions will also return to Liyue again. 】

【Fox Palace: Then again, what is the use of the forging technique that Wei Shangxian obtained last time? Is it convenient to say? [

Wagner: I believe that many people are very curious about forging, but I just asked Lord Barbatos not long ago to learn the art of strengthening the body, and Mora ran out. [

Condensing Light: Guys, I have learned it in the first time, but this skill is of no use at the moment. Because crafting equipment requires two items: refined iron and manufacturing guidebooks. [

Diluc: This is similar to the fairy wine I obtained, but it lacks key information. 】

【Hu Tao: The live broadcast room likes to sell this set, and nothing is white, so let's develop it ourselves. 【

Youra: From Albedo's decomposition machine, to my reinforcement machine, to the colorless small crystals, all of them are linked one by one. Just

when everyone complained, this live broadcast finally entered the topic.

【Ding! 】

【After verification in this live broadcast room, congratulations to Wei for completing the test of 'price' with 100% praise! ] 【

Since Rayfish is the 'price' collector, the other four Yasha are spontaneous actions, so none of them will receive any consolation prizes! 】

【All the links before this live broadcast have been completed, and the live broadcast of this day officially begins! 】 】

【As is customary, before you start playing the video, let's take a warm-up question! 】 【

First question! 】 In the Otherworld or on the continent of Tivat, Wendy of Mondstadt has many titles and nicknames. Excuse me, the following title or nickname is not Wendy's. [

A: The God of Games and Music

] [B: Little Sugar] [C: Bartobas

] [D: Baba Silk

] [E: The Singer of High Heaven]


Wendy: Huh? Small granulated sugar? Baba silk? In the interactive live broadcast room, are you sure you didn't make a typo? 】

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