After the video was played, many people who were familiar with Mond's history also understood the timeline in the video.

This happened when the thousand-year-old nobles were newly dead and the Four Winds Guardian was just established.

Many viewers also recalled some of the things Wendy did, especially the final scene of 'Four Gods with Children'.

Thinking of his rambling, fishy personality, everything makes sense.

Twalin's last words are the finishing touch, perfectly lighting out Wendy's character.

But what they didn't know was that Barbatos was not personally involved in the construction of Mondstadt in order to establish a belief in freedom.

Instead, they visit the guardians of the wind in turn, hoping that they will help build the 'new' Mond.

This also laid a solid foundation for today's concept of Mond's 'freedom'.

[Condensation: The four-sided windmill at the beginning of the video symbolizes the later guardianship of the four winds, and it is also the wind of the four directions. ] [

Tinari: The four winds converge to form Mr. Wendy, which represents the relationship between the four winds and Mr. Wendy. [

Chongyun: But why is Mr. Wendy disgusted no matter who he visits? I think Mr. Wendy is pretty good. [

Xingqiu: I think it may be that the guardians of the four winds at that time all had their own work to do. [

Rosalia: It is clear that the wind god did nothing at that time, which caused everyone's dissatisfaction.

[Jean: According to relevant records, Lord Winessa's original words at that time were 'the wind god is very idle, only needs to deal with the responsibility of the guardian of the four winds, and he is responsible for the entire territory of Mondstadt.']

[Boria: I thought that the wind god was the most unruly one, and he was not qualified to teach me a lesson.

[Bennett: Huh? Why did Lord Wolf King say that? Did something happen before?

[Wendy: Nothing else, but I wanted everyone to understand for themselves what 'freedom' is. But through the subsequent Mond Dragon disaster, I understood more about what 'freedom' is.

Barbara: Was that Lord Barbatos' speech at the Angel's gift a few weeks ago? I always keep that theory of freedom in my heart. [

Grace: Lord Barbatos is really a gentle god, not only remembering the names of everyone in Mondstadt, but also thinking about everyone at all times.

[Fischer: But what is the point of this so-called freedom if it is false?

[Wendy: Even if everything will eventually disperse in the future, poetry that travels with the wind will spread all the good hopes of this world to every corner of the sky, earth and sea. 【

Jean: Do your best to do your best, just leave no regrets, and cherish the present. [

Fischer: .........]

[Paimon: Huh? What are you playing dumbs? Why does it feel esoteric? It still seems heavy. [

Wendy: It's nothing, it's just that Fischer went to another world some time ago and brought back a lot of 'interesting cultural products' from another world, and his thoughts were shocked. [

Saino: I also feel the same about this, such as the five generations and ten kingdoms described in the "Twenty-Four History", many heinous behaviors, just reading the records can not stand it. ]

Zhongli in the answer space, he and Wendy have witnessed too much of the history of Tivat, and after watching the video, they also have some feelings.

"Painting the things of the world into the four winds, so that people can understand what 'freedom' is, can also give people enlightenment, admonition, and insight."

"This is actually the same as reading history to know the rise and fall, and knowing the gains and losses."

【Ding! 】

【Video played out! 】 Contestants are asked to answer the following two questions within 10 minutes! [

The second question, the other world has a very famous mission, trapping all the following people, please ask this task is...]

[List of trapped people: Diluc, Jack, Stanley, Quinn, Stanley, Charles, Pine, Nelson, Six Finger Joseph, Bruce. [

A: Chapter of the Lion Cub

] [B: Chapter of the Wave] [C: Chapter of the Song Immortal

] [D: Chapter of Reflecting the Sky] [E: Chapter of the Chalk] [

Question 3,

may I ask, is the following statement about the wind god Barbatos wrong? 【

Reminder: This title is a multiple-choice question, and no points will be awarded for wrong selection. [

A: He has done many things recklessly, including stealing the scepter of the Ice Empress and replacing it with a chuchuman's stick. [

B: After the demon god Andrius died, he was buried in the Wolf Collar with a sword. [

C: He once imitated the characteristics of the "Chosen One" and made many glass beads that resembled the "Eye of God". [

D: The first thing he did after becoming a god was to blow away the ice and snow with divine power and split the mountains. [

E: In order to tease Morax, Barbatos has developed a hand that is enough to use fake signatures.

Zhongli saw the E option in the third question and remembered the past.

"When today's live broadcast is over, invite him to Liyue for a talk."

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