Although the video has been broadcast, many details in it have not yet been explained.

For example, why does Wendy keep holding that harp?

For example, at the beginning of the video, what does the image of the four winds converge into Wendy?

But now the few people in the answering space, except for Zhong Li, have no mind to think about this for the time being.

The things that Wendy had done, Zhongli naturally knew very well.

But Xiangling, who is also in the Liyue camp, is still sighing.

"The dragons in Mondstadt are really big! I definitely can't fight with Guoba now! I asked for dragon meat from the answer space, but it gave me a cage of steamed dumplings with donkey meat!

"Aaaaaa Now is not the time to think about this! What to do with these two questions? My item cards are also gone!

Xiangling also understands that the biggest possibility of the second question is Wendy, but the biggest problem for her is how to find out that it is Wendy's task.

"Langmo should refer to Miss Youra, Chalk is Mr. Albedo, and Lion Cub is the head of the piano."

"Although I don't know who it refers to, Mr. Wendy, as a bard, must be related to song chanting."

"The second question is C."

Kavi's idea is the same as Xiangling's, and the third question is also difficult.

"Even if you use a prop card, you may not answer it correctly, and this is only the third question."

Noelle and Thoma in the other division, they had a big advantage in the third question.

Toma thought back to the account of Barbatos he had read in Mond.

"The second question is relatively simple, but why do you have two Stanleys in the list? Could it be the same name?

Thomas thought for a moment, "When Stanley comes to mind, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous adventurer. "

The task that can trap him and Lord Diluc must be related to Lord Fengshin."

"But the third question, first of all, option B must be one of the correct answers. In the relevant documents, it was the knight of the North Wind who set up a sword mound for him and buried him. "

It is true that Lord Barbatos blew away the ice and snow and split the mountains, and it has been talked about to this day, and option D can be ruled out."

"And option C..." Thoma thought that Wendy and Zhongli both had god eyes on their bodies, and they both liked to mess with the two things in the world.

"Both of them are members of the Seven Earthly Rulers, and they themselves have great power and the heart of God. The Eye of God, which is regarded as a treasure by many, may be for the two adults,"

Toma boldly speculated, "It may just be an ornament."

"As for the final E option..." Toma thought of some of the things that had happened when Kazegami-sama came to Inazuma to participate in the Radiant Beauty Festival before, and couldn't help but drip a drop of sweat on his head.

"It does seem like something that Lord Fengshen can do."

"Then the third question will choose AB!"

Noelle, in another division, clasped his hands and looked at him firmly when the video began to play.

"To be able to see the legendary Lord Vanessa in the video, even if it is just a back, is precious to me."

"Before I become an official Knight of the Zephyr, I must redouble my efforts!"

Noelle has similar ideas to Thoma, but unlike Thoma, Noelle has lived in Mond for a long time and knows more things than Thoma.

Especially after Wendy's identity was exposed, all the deeds about Lord Fengshen were familiar to Noelle like the "Knights Guidebook".

"The thing about option A, I remember Lord Barbatos used to chant everywhere, so it must be true, then this question is to choose... Huh? Noelle suddenly noticed something was wrong.

"This question is a multiple-choice question, but except for option B, the other four options have all been excluded by me, what is this..."

But Noelle's panic was only a momentary matter, and she immediately took out the prop card.

"Use item cards!"

【Ding! Item cards used successfully! 】

【Challenge Card - World Famous Painting: The glory of the maid is sprinkled all over the earth! 】 【

There are four ruins guarding somewhere in the Liyue Lonely Cloud Pavilion, please wipe it out within three minutes!】 】

【Successful challenge, reward a precious clue card, you can get two useful clues.】

In the next second, Noelle was teleported to the Lone Cloud Pavilion.

At the moment she arrived, the four guards who had originally fallen to the ground were immediately activated, slowly stood up, and activated the enemy annihilation mode.

Noelle immediately took out the Zephyr Great Sword, "The weight of the rock is reassuring.

"I will pay attention to the etiquette of the maid and the manners of the knight."

Noelle, who put on a solid shield, also turned the giant sword in his hand into a rock attribute giant sword of several meters, and fought with the ruins guards to "circle in a circle".

What's even more outrageous is that the four relic guards have never fought Noelle.

Everyone in Tivat, who had been watching the situation of the answer space, was stunned after seeing Noelle so brave.

[Diona: Miss Noelle's shield is also too exaggerated! ] 【

Yun Pansy: The weight of the rock is indeed reassuring.

[Goro: But I'm not good at strength. 】

【Kazuto Arataki: It's a pity that Mond is too far away from Inazuma, otherwise Uncle Ben must try it with her.] [

Kaia: Previously, Yura gave me the job of cleaning up the ruins guard, I think it should be handed over to Noelle. 】

【Shinobu Kuki: Miss Noelle has such powers, but she doesn't seem to be an official Zephyr Knight, just a maid?】 [

Kamisato Ayato: I don't know if Toma also hid such a hand. [

Bennett: Alas~~ If Miss Noelle was willing to come to the Adventurers Association, she would probably have been a great adventurer.

[Jean: Noelle still has weakness in his heart and will not refuse others. At this stage, it is not suitable for her to be exposed to the dangers of the outside world. [

Alice: Maybe after this live broadcast, this little girl will usher in a new transformation.

While everyone was chatting, Noelle had completed the challenge without injury.

【Ding! Congratulations on the success of the challenge! Rewards have been distributed! 【

Clue 1: The wind god will fool you, hehe! [

Clue 2: At that time, Barbatos was originally a wisp of a thousand winds in the northern land, a subtle elemental spirit in the wind, and did not have the personality of a demon god. After

reading the two clues, Noelle's mind 'boomed'.

The six words 'the wind god will fool you' are so famous that travelers once suffered a loss in the answering space.

Lord Barbatos is the faith of most Monds, and Noelle, as a member of it, is naturally influenced by Wendy's own aura and overlooks many things.

"Could it be that the things in option A are fake? But clue two..." A

wisp of a thousand winds, an elemental spirit, and no demon god, Noelle read these three words repeatedly.

They all illustrate one thing, Lord Barbatos was probably disembodied in the beginning!

Noelle suddenly remembered that just at the beginning of the video, the winds of the four directions gathered together and turned into the appearance of 'Wendy'.

"So the third question, is the answer ABD?"

Just when Noelle's heart was shaking, another prompt sound in the live broadcast room recalled her thoughts.

【Ding! 】

【Linney player prop card 'Mind Stealing' takes effect, and information is being recovered from Noelle player! 】 【

Mind stealing: After use, when the rest of the players you have contacted successfully use the item card, you will directly get the same reward.

Noelle's face was a little ugly, "Linny? Contact? "

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