Wendy's words confused most of the audience, but many people faintly guessed the truth.

[Keqing: This great adventurer emphasizes his great achievements while behaving sneakily, as Paimon said, he is very weak-hearted. [

Nilu: Is this person a liar? All those adventures he told were lies? [

Kuki Shinobu: But from the attitude of Lord Kazeshin towards him, this person's past must have a hidden affair, plus that fantasy friend...]

[Condensing Light: So in the list of the second question, two Stanleys will appear. [

Elheisen: Indulge in the 'past', ignore the present and yourself, and let the 'past' exist in a special form. [

Tinari: This fantasy friend, I'm afraid it is... Alas. In

the video at this time, it has come to night.

Wendy brings the Traveler and Paimon to the Angel's Gift.

As soon as several people entered the door, they saw Stanley, who was already drunk.

At Wendy's signal, several people sat behind him and listened carefully to his drunken muttering.

"Stanley, tell me, what should I do..."

"I died in the Sea of Ash... Why not me!

"Why don't my souls stop me when I use your name?" Stanley!

"If it weren't for protecting me as a newcomer, you wouldn't have died in that windless place!"

"You've got the name of the Great Adventurer, but... But for my kind of waste, you can no longer become a legend..." Hearing

Stanley's words, both the traveler and Paimon were surprised.

Wendy didn't look very surprised, and said lightly: "I think he did find the Ember Sea back then, and he encountered a crisis there."

"It's just... The companion who went on the expedition with him was the real great adventurer Stanley.

"The real Stanley died to save this 'Stanley' we knew."

'Stanley' was still lying on the table, crying about the past.

"I've been afraid for so many years, I'm afraid that the people in Mondstadt will forget you completely, so I tell your adventure stories everywhere."

"I want everyone in Mond to remember that he is the greatest adventurer and that he is alive!"

"Stanley won't die because I am... I just... "I'm

sorry, Stanley, even I'm old, I'm old..."

When the traveler and Paimon heard this, their attitude towards 'Stanley' changed a lot.

But just as they were about to continue eavesdropping, 'Stanley's voice suddenly turned cold.

"How many of you, when are you going to overhear?"

But just as the traveler walked up to him, 'Stanley' waved impatiently.

"Let's go, don't ask anything, let me be alone for a while..." Just

as the traveler was about to say something, Jack suddenly came over.

His family has agreed that he will be a true adventurer!

The overjoyed Jack specially came over to thank everyone.

But 'Stanley' pretended to drink too much the whole time, until Jack left.

Looking out the window at Jack's departing back, 'Stanley' sighed.

"Thank you, thank you for not telling my secret."

"I... Just like he didn't dare to look at him just now, his sincerity towards adventure did not carry a trace of impurities.

"I'm a useless liar, but that kid is still a shiny newcomer, and I can't destroy his dreams!"

Speaking of this, 'Stanley' seems to have entered his twilight years, and his voice is full of powerlessness.

"Actually, by now, my memories of adventure, of Stanley, have been blurred. This is my biggest secret, my biggest fear..." His

life has been overwhelmed by guilt.

The real Stanley lives on in his memory, but sadly, his memories are now blurred.

Thinking back to the past, the sense of self-blame once again surged into his heart.

"The only thing I can't forget is that he died in the windless sea of embers, and the wind can't take his soul!"

"I'm so useless! It's useless..." Listening

to 'Stanley' as if in repentance, Wendy walked up to him, "Hans Azibold." "

As soon as I heard the name, 'Stanley' was shocked.

He raised his head and looked at Wendy with horror on his face: "How do you... Know my real name..."

Wendy didn't answer his question directly, but a fresh breeze suddenly blew in.

'Stanley' suddenly looked up and saw Wendy wrapped in cyan light and full of divine brilliance, he instantly figured everything out.

"The wind... Lord Barbatos... I, I've always believed in your existence..."

Wendy stretched out her hand to Stanley and asked seriously, "Can the soul of my old friend be given to me?" "

Stanley's hands couldn't stop shaking, and the breeze blew past him, which was the encouragement of the gods.

'Stanley' no longer hesitated, his hand clasped tightly with Wendy.

In an instant, a cyan wind blew through.

It was no longer Wendy who shook hands, but the real appearance of 'Stanley', the great adventurer he once remembered!

'Stanley' tried to step forward and hold him, but the figure scattered with the wind.

And the burden that he had suppressed in his heart for many years also dissipated with this wind.

After solving the incident, Wendy remembered that Jack still owed him money for his drink, so she left the sentence 'See you in the old place', and ran away without a trace.

At first, the traveler thought that the old place referred to the wind, but when he arrived at the place, he did not see Wendy.

After looking for a few more places, the traveler suddenly "flashed his mind" and thought of the place where he had just met Wendy today - Fengshen Statue Square!

Sure enough, he found Wendy in the palm of the idol's hand.

Looking down from the statue, the whole scenery of Mondstadt is in full view.

Wendy couldn't help but sigh: "I really miss it, when I first saw the scenery here, I wasn't like this."

"About two thousand six hundred years ago, before the earthly world was planned to be owned by the seven gods, then..."

"Old Mond was surrounded by a hurricane blown by tyrants, and even birds were not allowed to pass."

"And at that time, I was just a wisp of a thousand winds, and I didn't have a godhead, nor did I have a human form..."

"My current appearance is actually the same as that fake Stanley, borrowed from 'friend'."

After Wendy finished speaking, the video screen went black and entered Wendy's memories.

"The story I'm going to tell begins in Old Mond."

"In that tyrant-ruled country, I met a young man..."

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