Accompanied by Wendy's attractive voice, the video begins to play a memory of a past story.

In the dark night sky, cyan wind elements flashed.

From the insignificance at the beginning, these wind elements gradually condensed into a force that could not be ignored, and went straight to the "high tower" not far away!

The darkness of the tower is lit up, reflecting the silhouette of a teenager.

The young man with double twisted braids and a harp in his hand knelt in the magnificent lecture hall, playing beautiful music.

Wendy, who still looked like a wind elemental elf, floated in front of the teenager, quietly enjoying the teenager's playing.

"The boy knows how to play the piano and follow his own psalms."

"But he was born within the wind wall and never saw the blue sky."

"I want to see birds soaring!" The boy's eyes were stubborn, and there was light in his pupils.

"But his voice was overshadowed by the howling wind, because the tornado would only receive the ode and leave no other sounds."

The boy and the wind spirit got to know each other in the following days, and they got along for a long time, weaving a lot of beautiful pictures together.

The Wind Spirit collected the feathers of the eagle falcon for a boy who had never seen a bird.

But no matter how beautiful things are, they cannot escape the walls of tyrants and really see things beyond the world.

In order to be "free", the boy looked at the wind spirit with determination and extended an invitation to him.

"The real sky, the poetry and songs outside the cage, is not a desire worth fighting for?"

"Come with me, crush the tyrant, tear open the wind wall!"

As the video music became intense, the boy, the wind elf, and the ancestors of the Leganfender family raised the banner of resistance.

The raging fire, the towers that were torn down by the people, and the rebels who came after them pushed this war to overthrow the tyrant to a climax!

"The boy raised the banner of resistance, and I also threw myself into the war for freedom."

"He who breaks through the cage of the flash triumphs all the way, causing the throne of God to collapse, a thousand winds to be chaotic, and the kingdoms to shake."

Although they won this war, on the battlefield filled with gunfire, there were broken arrows, broken harps, and the corpse of a teenager...

"In the smoke of gunfire, we witness the death of tyrants; In the ashes, we witness the collapse of towers.

"If so, the beginning of the new mond; Since then, no one has ascended the throne again. "

Above the clear blue sky, a bird flew by freely.

But in the cheers and tears of the people who were given a new life, the teenager could no longer see this scene....

Until this moment, the Wind Spirit had not been able to hand over that piece of plume to the young man.

And the king had provided his courtiers with a city free from bitter cold, but in the end, he thought that his courtiers loved him as much as the king loved them.

The fall of the old gods heralded the birth of a new god.

Barbatos, the wind god, felt the power flowing in his body, but the first thing he did with this power was to reshape his body in the form of a teenager.

Because only with a human body can you play the harp that teenagers love.

Wendy, of the Wind God Statue, recalled these past events, and her eyes flickered.

"The wine, the breeze... Moments like this always remind me of... Remember the song I heard from him..." "

Fly, fly."

"Just like a bird, see the world for me."

"Fly high in the sky on my behalf..."

The video also entered a black screen, announcing that it had been broadcast, but the mood of many viewers could not be calmed for a long time after hearing Wendy's final recitation.

In all the legends about the god of wind, it is how Lord Barbatos behaved.

But no one expected that the one who overthrew the tyrant in the first place was an unknown young man.

And unlike Stanley's fantasy friends.

Wendy's incarnation as this teenager does not want people to remember the great deeds of the teenager.

He is just using his own way, silently fulfilling the boy's wish - "Fly high in the sky on my behalf..."

[Candice: Whether it is Mr. Stanley's story or the past of Lord Fengshin, it is very emotional. 】

【Yorumiya: Who would have thought that Lord Fengshin, who always shows his smile, would have such a sad past behind him.】 After watching the video, my heart was stuffy. 【

Adventurer Jack: After watching the video, my enthusiasm for adventure will not wane! I will take the "courage and shield" given to me by Mr. Wendy and continue my adventure!

Hans Azebald: Good! I've also packed everything up and I'm ready to start a whole new life! 【

Xingqiu: Mr. Zhong Li once said that it is really good to say that a person's past cannot be measured externally. 】

【Kamisato Ayaka: The story begins with a child's fantasy friend, then Mr. Stanley puts down the past, and finally the nameless friend of Kazegami-sama. In everyone's heart, there is an unknown past. 】

【Kaedehara Manyo: Having the privilege of learning about the past of Miss Yura and Mr. Wendy made me understand that the soul of the Mond people yearns for freedom, the blood flows with resistance, and the wind is accompanied by poetry. [

Sora too: I'm also glad that Wendy was the first deity I met, a god that symbolized freedom.

Wendy has a gentleness that belongs to him, and even though Twalin is eroded by the abyss and wants to hurt Munder, Wendy still refuses to command it, and gives Twalin divine power, blessing it to fly more freely.

Barbara: Lord Barbatos, it is my greatest blessing to be your disciple. [

Wendy: Oops~~ I'm embarrassed about what everyone said. The thousands of Mond residents who participated in that revolt are all worthy of praise. [

Donna: The Hongfa warrior holding the nameless boy at the end of the video is somewhat similar to Master Diluc at the eyebrows, shouldn't it be the ancestor of Master Diluc?

[Amber: Ode to the Wind and Flowers is recorded, "A red-haired warrior turns his back to the newborn god and weaves the morning light in the long, dark night before dawn. "Isn't this description very similar to what Lord Diluc did! [

Mika: Do you mean the Night Heroes?] [

Jean: Legon Fender once opened the curtain of the morning sun for Mond and sang the song of liberation. When the dust of the battle settles, the man with the sword quietly returns to the countryside, waiting for the tranquility between the winery and the orchard, watching for every first dawn...]

[Collet: This is the song at the Wind and Flower Festival - the first appearance of the morning sun. [

Diluc: This is all in the past, so don't mention it anymore, let's continue watching the video. [

Kaia: Righteous brother, shouldn't you be... Shy. [

Distressed Leanne: But since Mond finally got free, why did the live broadcast room be so cruel to us last week? 【

Jack the Man: People have had a bad week this week, and their skin has become rough. [

Wendy: There are still eight days to go, everyone just needs to hold on for a while, maybe there will be surprises by then. [

Lisa: That's right, but is there still a video that hasn't been broadcast? 【

Ding! If you're stuck in a windless place, the play ends! 【

Next, please watch the video - Wind and Birds! 】 】


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