Within the answer space.

Diluc, who finished watching the video, frowned.

The combat power problems shown in the video and the degree of grass are not mentioned for the time being.

But as a hero of the night, I am afraid that he will be exposed.

"When he was a hero of the night, he had many times eliminated the conspiracy of the Abyss Order."

"As the head of the Château Sunrise, he also secretly crushed the actions of the fools several times."

"Now that my intelligence network is temporarily gone, if these two forces take the opportunity to retaliate..."

Diluc took a deep breath, "It's okay, Kaia's burning fruit has been developed for a while, and when Zhongli and Gongzi's price is paid, it will be time for the prize to be given, and I can still get a reward for answering this question."

"I hope it's all just that I've overthought it."

【Ding! "In the Name of Lu" is finished. [

Although this is a second creation video, because this is the "price" charged, the contestant Diluc cannot win the consolation prize.] 【

Ding! Since there is also an award session, in order to save time for everyone, Zhongli and Dadalia will be charged a "price" together. 【

The price of the two is...】

Speaking of this in the live broadcast room, it was the turn of the condensing light in the Jade Pavilion to start worrying.

With the examples of Haijidao and Sunrise Winery in front, Ning Guang also had some guesses.

The higher the identity of the person who appears to be charged the "price", the greater the scope of impact. "

Coral Palace Shinkai is the supreme leader of Kaiji Island, so the soldiers of an entire island have been affected."

"Diluc is the head of the Château Dawn and the hero of the night in the night, so the winery and the intelligence network have been affected."

"If it is really according to this law, then Lord Zhongli is the Rock King Emperor who shelters Liyue, then I am afraid that the entire Liyue will be affected."

She was not the only one who thought the same thing as Ning Guang, and the immortals also thought so.

Except for the True Monarch of the Moon Cutting Moon and Zhuyang True Monarch who was wandering outside, and the Fish guarding the Fulong Tree, the rest of the immortals had all gathered in the Jade Pavilion, waiting for the arrival of the "price".

[(1) In the next seven days, the Past Life Hall must send away a customer in a very "joyful" form, the specific form can refer to the following form - black people carrying the coffin! ] 【

(2) Zhongli and Walnut get debuff, and for the next seven days, Zhongli can only eat golden shrimp balls and fish belly, and Walnut can only eat mint and buckle three filament, and Zhongli will be starved to death like ordinary people.

[(3) Dadalia must sell at least 1,000 one-eyed treasures in the Liyue region at a price of 600,000 mora per 600,000 in the next three days.

[(4) Dadalia and his men get a debuff, and for the next three days, they will lose a fight with anyone. ] Originally

, they had already prepared the condensation light to let Liyue enter the wartime state, and they were stunned after seeing the (2) and (3) of the cost.

She thought that Liyue would encounter an unprecedented crisis, but she didn't expect that it was just Hu Tao and Zhongli who were affected.

Especially (3)!

Although it is easy to get tired of eating one food for three meals a day for seven consecutive days, it is simply not too simple compared with the "price" that others are charged.

Ning Guang said: "It seems that the mechanism of the live broadcast room is as simple as I thought, but anyway, Liyue will be fine in the next period of time, and I am tired of all the immortals to come here." "

Gongzi, I asked Yelan to pay attention."

"I will also take special care of the past life hall, and will make people pay attention to who is going to do the quota recently... During the funeral, someone will also be sent to send the freshest seafood to the Past Life Hall every day to ensure that the emperor can eat comfortably. Seeing

that the immortals

were silent, Condensing Light's heart clicked, and immediately pondered several "costs" several times.

But I still didn't find anything wrong.

Liuyun borrowed the wind to Zhenjun: "Regarding the food of Lord Emperor, leave it to me." Last time, due to temporary accidents, I couldn't let the 'cooking magic machine' appear, and now I just took advantage of this opportunity, and Benxian opened the eyes of the world.

After that, Liuyun flew away with the help of the Wind True Monarch flapping his wings.

Because Lishan Dieshui Zhenjun was quite good at talismans, he temporarily stayed on the Qunyu Pavilion to help add several layers of talismans to the Qunyu Pavilion, so that the power of Condensing Guang's newly acquired skills could increase.

Before Grandma Ping left, she specially said to Ning Guang: "It is not a big secret that the emperor has become very dislike of seafood because of the follow-up aftermath of the demon god Orcel back then. Ning

Guang suddenly realized, and immediately understood what "cost" (3) meant.

"Hall Master Hu likes to eat golden shrimp balls and all kinds of fish dishes, but this happens to be what Lord Zhongli hates."

"And the dish that Lord Zhong Li likes is buckle three silks, which also happens to be the food that Hall Master Hu hates, this price is really..."

Zhong Li in the answer space couldn't help but sigh and shake his head slightly.

This live broadcast room is really mentally pleasing.

He is nothing, but let Hall Master Hu eat mint for a week, I am afraid that Hall Master Hu's "fire" will drop a lot.

"But I didn't expect that it was just me and the hall master who suffered, is it because my current status is that of the guest secretary of the past life hall?"

"And..., there is no video of me and Gongzi in 'The Price'?"

Compared to Zhongli, Dadalia was much more depressed.

"I was expelled by Liyue, so I swaggered back to sell the one-eyed treasure, can they let me go?"

"Even if they can let me go, but a one-eyed treasure of 600,000, will anyone buy it?"

"The most important thing is that you will lose a fight in three days, is this an unclear way to tell others that I am weak now?"

The more Dadalia thought about it, the more unhappy she became, and poured several sips of combustible oolong tea.

Compared to Liyue's wine, this spirit is more suitable for him.

But in the next second, the live broadcast room launched an announcement again, saying that the "price" charged was not over.

[Please Zhongli and Dadalia carefully watch the next second creation video, and learn the content of it and perform it.] The video will be played repeatedly until the two learn it. 】

【The video selected is - dangerous party, but it's Yoomiya her daddy and Xiangling her dad! 】 (1cu411q7QT)】

【Requirements: Must be more than 95% similar to the action in the video!】 【

Master Dian:???? 【

Ryunosuke Naganohara:???? 】

【Yoomiya : It turned out to be the second creation video of the father and the master? [

Chongyun: The two old people chatted so closely in the live broadcast room before, it seems that they are free to arrange. 【

Sumida: More than that! Both of them are the owners of a shop, each has a lovely daughter, and the daughter is also the eye of the fire god, this is fate. 】

【Xiangling: Although I know that it is a second creation video, for some reason, my heart is always hairy.

[Wendy: I'm really looking forward to seeing why this party is dangerous. 【

Yukiaki: @墨田, Miss Sumida, how is the situation in Kaijima Island and Inazuma Castle now?】 【

Sumida: I don't know about the situation on Kaijima Island, but not long ago I saw Kujo-sama leading soldiers on the beach heading in the direction of Kaijima Island. [

Amber: I hope that this incident on Kaijima Island can be safely passed. 【

Ding! 】

【Video will be played soon, please enjoy! 】 As

soon as the voice in the live broadcast room fell, as the BGM (Wang Ether/Liu Zhijia - Dangerous Party) sounded, the light curtain lit up again.

I saw Nagano Hara Ryunosuke wearing a gray yukata standing at the door of the Wangshu Inn with Master Yue in ordinary clothes in Liyue.

In the middle of the night, the inn is lit with bright red lanterns, and the scene looks a little warm.

But the next scene shattered everyone's psychology.

I saw the two hugging together, and with the sound of the female voice in the music, Ryunosuke held Master Yu's shoulders with both hands and began to twist his upper body.

Master Yu also responded, putting his arms around Ryunosuke's waist.

The two danced a very "enchanting" dance.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was even darker!

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