[Xiangling: Aaaa Dad! What the hell are you doing!! 【

Yonomiya: This and this! 】 [

Youra: I know that all the second creation videos in this live broadcast room are basically not serious. 【

Naganohara Ryunosuke: Abominable! Old man, my famous name! 【

Master Xuan: This is the video of Erchuang! 】 Everyone must believe that I have never even met Brother Ryunosuke. 】

【Gilded Brigade Regiment ・Daylight Thunder: Dancing aside, this dance is good, and you can usually dance with leaf dancers and others. 】

【Gilded Brigade Regiment ・ Pure Water in the Sand: Do you want to die? 【

Wei: Dare to let the emperor dance like this! 】 At

this moment, Wei is definitely having zero favorability for the live broadcast room.

In fact, as early as the first day of the live broadcast room, the fish tried to destroy it.

But unfortunately, no matter how he or other immortals, no matter what method they use, they can't cause any harm to the live broadcast room.

But after the first live broadcast ended, after Inazuma's ghost clan boy obtained the Divine Charm, Wei's attitude towards the live broadcast room changed a little.

Until Ray Movie successfully summoned Raiden Jin, after Raiden Zhen also spoke on the barrage.

The fish's heart began to heat up.

"Can I also... Summoning back to your former family? But

the live broadcast room actually wanted to let his most respected emperor perform this dance, and the favorability that had risen before dropped to freezing point in an instant.

It can be said that Wei is looking forward to and taking revenge on the live broadcast room at this time.

Thinking the same as Wei is also Ryunosuke from Inazuma Naganohara Fireworks Shop, and Master Yu from Manmin Hall in Liyue Port.

Many customers who enjoyed food while watching the live broadcast at Wanmintang ridiculed Master Yu.

"Master Yu, I didn't expect that you in another world would be so familiar with that Mr. Naganohara from Inazuma, and the dance you danced was really good."

When Master Yu heard this, he couldn't even maintain the barely maintained smile on his face, and quickly waved his hand at the diners.

"All said, it's a second creation video, and I haven't known Brother Ryunosuke for a long time. Besides, I'm old, and I really can't dance this kind of dance. The

same scene happened at the fireworks shop in Naganobara.

But Ryunosuke's ears were not very good, and some of the words of the people who came to tease did not hear too clearly.

But even if he couldn't hear clearly, he knew what these people were here for, and quickly explained.

【Ding! The video finishes playing for the first time. 【

Have Zhongli and Dadalia learned it?】

Zhongli in the answer space nodded, "I've learned." "

The total duration of the video is just over a minute, and there are no complicated movements in the dance, so you can naturally learn it by watching it once.

"I learned too."

As a martial arts wizard, although Dadalia can't dance, he remembers all the movements after watching them all.

But now the question is....

This is a pas de deux, how should the labor be divided between the two?

【Ding! Zhongli and Dadalia will start performing in a minute, so get ready!

"Wait a minute!"

Originally, Dadalia wanted to discuss with Zhongli, but he didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately teleported to a brand new space.

Dadalia looked up and saw that he was now on the stage of an ancient castle, in a relatively dark environment, surrounded by candles.

The stage was surrounded by fog, plus lights from distant windows.

It makes this place look like a fantasy hazy beauty.

Zhong Li, on the other hand, was standing not far in front of him.

"Mr. Zhongli, time is urgent, let's discuss how to divide labor."

"I dance the master's dance steps." Zhong Li didn't even think about it and said directly.

Zhong Li is well-informed, and naturally knows a little about dance.

When he just watched the video, Zhong Li found that this pas de deux has two dance steps: men and women.

If the identity is not exposed by the live broadcast room, it doesn't matter what kind of dance steps you dance.

But now he is jumping in front of all the people of the continent of Teivat, and at least he must keep a little of his own face.

As for Gongzi....

He wants to come to Liyue to sell the one-eyed little treasure, let Ning Guang turn a blind eye.

"Okay, then I'll do Ryunosuke's dance." Dadalia recalled Ryunosuke's actions in the video.

Although the amplitude of several movements is a bit large, it is not a problem at all for myself who has been practicing martial arts for many years.

[Please get ready, your performance will start in fifteen seconds!] 】

【10... 9... 8...]

"Let's start preparing too, Mr. Zhongli."

Saying that, Dadalia walked to Zhongli, was close to Zhongli, and put his hands on Zhongli's shoulders.

Zhongli, who was so intimately contacted, was a little unaccustomed.

But Zhongli did not show it, also as in the video, holding Dadalia's waist with both hands.

But as we all know, Gongzi's clothes are more special, especially near the waist, which is a small waist exposed.

And Zhongli wore gloves again.

When the cold gloves touched the sensitive skin on her waist, Dadalia's body inevitably trembled slightly.

Coupled with the fact that he had drunk vodka and combustible oolong tea before, even if he was a winter man, he could not stand the alcohol.

At this time, Dadalia only felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

Zhongli was so close to Dadalia that he naturally smelled a smell of wine on him.

Zhong Li just wanted to remind him, but the music in the space sounded.

As the brief intro ended, Gongzi began his part of the dance.

And a silent contest between the two also began.

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