Dadalia's dance moves are bold and unrestrained, showing their edge and charm.

But since he didn't study dance specifically, his movements were still a little stiff.

Especially he drank a lot of wine before, his face was slightly drunk, and his eyes were shining, but he unexpectedly fit the female dance steps in this dance.

Especially in some small movements, such as raising eyebrows, raising hands, etc., the Shen Yun, which was originally only eight points, was pulled to a full score.

Zhongli, who danced with Dadalya, seemed to be comfortable and calm and restrained, perfectly cooperating with Dardalia.

Although the whole dance is only a short minute or less, it is different from Master Yu's version, which makes many people, especially many girls, addicted to it.

[Nilu: Although it is a little offensive to the two elders of Master Yu and Ryunosuke, Lord Iwami-sama and Mr. Dadalia dance really well, and it is very pleasing to the eye. 】

【Yun Pansy: Lord Emperor deserves to be the oldest god, there is no need to talk about poetry, calligraphy and painting, appreciation, etc., but I didn't expect that the dance was also hand-to-hand, and the expressions and movements were very in place. 【

Walnut: How do I feel guest cough... The emperor was a little unable to suppress the appearance of the prince, especially when the prince touched the emperor's chest just now, if I am not mistaken, the emperor's eyes instantly widened at that time. [

Wei: Master Zhongli must have some deep meaning in doing this. [

Paimon: Shouldn't it be that Gongzi remembered the scene when he was in the Golden House and took out the Ancestral Law Metamorphosis of God's Heart?]

[Sora: It is very likely, plus Gongzi is still drunk now, so it is inevitable that he will do some bold things. [

Ning Guang: Didn't the live broadcast room say that Gongzi will lose in the next three days, and he will come to Liyue to sell things in these three days, so let me entertain distinguished guests from the winter well. 】

【Toke: Wow~~ Can you see the scene of my brother selling toys at the scene in Liyue?】

【Tonya: @托克, you give me an honest stay at home, I will watch you step by step these days. 【

Ding! It's time

for the performance!】【Calculating whether the two of you have passed the level, please wait a while...】

【Since the reference video played before is a second creation video of a parallel world, Master Yu and Ryunosuke Nagano Hara are the protagonists of the video, so each won a consolation prize

!】【Congratulations to Master Yu for getting a big stir-fry pot that will never be damaged!】

【 Congratulations to Ryunosuke Nagano for obtaining a panacea for ear ailments. 【

Chef Xuan: Great! Now there is no need to worry that when Xiangling is studying strange dishes, the pot is damaged!

】【Xiangling: Dad, don't talk nonsense! What I make is obviously stir-fried frozen leaves, how can this be a dark dish?

】【Guoba: Lulu~~】

【Liuyun borrows the wind Zhenjun: This pot, maybe it will have other uses in the future. 【

Yonomiya: A panacea for ears?So my dad's ears can be cured?

】【Kori: Congratulations Yoomiya sister!】【Naganohara

Ryunosuke: I'll take the medicine. 】

Inazuma is now a bit cold in the live broadcast room because of Kaijima.

After learning that his father's ear was expected to be cured, Yoomiya rushed back to the fireworks shop to confirm the situation.

"Daddy, Daddy!!" As soon as he entered the door, Yoomiya couldn't wait to shout.

"What are you doing shouting so loudly, you're a dead girl? "

Dad, are your ears finally healing, so can you hear the voice I speak in now?" said Yoomiya softly as he pressed the excitement in his heart.

"Of course you can hear it, the effect of this medicine is really immediate. "

Great! Great!!" After

making sure that Daddy's ears were really good, Yoomiya suddenly rejoiced.

Congratulations to Zhongli and Dadalia for passing the challenge and receiving numerous praises, and are about to return to the answering space. Zhongli

and Dadalia, who returned to the answer space, did not mention anything about dancing to each other.

Zhong Li said to Gongzi: "You want to sell 1,000 copies of the one-eyed treasure in Liyue territory in the next three days, and after leaving the answer space, I will tell Liyue Qixing and let them open a convenient door for you."

"But whether you can sell a thousand copies depends on your skills."

Dadalia looked at Zhongli with some surprise.

Before, when he went to Liyue to be responsible for getting the Heart of the Rock God God, Zhongli used him thoroughly.

"That's really thanks to Mr. Zhongli. "

Although I don't know what Zhong Li is calculating this time, being able to enter Liyue Port in a generous manner can be regarded as solving a small problem.


The "cost" of all the contestants has been collected, the reward distribution has been counted, and it will be distributed soon...]

Seeing this, countless people's eyes immediately lit up.

The Doctor's two new slices are leading a group of modified soldiers wearing the latest evil eye to ambush a little outside the Sunrise Winery.

The first slice said: "The prince is loyal to Her Royal Highness, as long as the empress gives an order, he will definitely hand over the reward."

The other slice shook his head and sighed, "But it's a pity that he didn't use it himself, making the highest reward he could have obtained the worst."

"But if Gongzi gets a reward similar to Condensing Light, then we can only hope that Diluc will surprise us."

"I hope that the next live broadcast can elect me, hehe." "

The advent of the interactive live broadcast room has caused many of their original plans to be deviated.

In particular, rewards are given after each answer.

Taking advantage of the fact that the rewards issued in the live broadcast room were not much and had not completely changed the pattern of the continent of Tivat, the doctor decisively chose to strike at the end of the second answer.

Today, Inazuma's water is muddy, and although it is suitable for fishing in troubled waters, Kaijima Island is now attracting attention and has become less accessible.

The Liyue Rock God is already powerful, coupled with the deterrence of the Heavenly Movement Group Jade Pavilion with condensing light, the doctor does not dare to provoke easily.

Meru was miserable by him before, and I am afraid that as soon as he shows his face, he will be targeted by countless people.

So, naturally, he set his sights on Diluc.

It seems that the people of the Knights have arrived, and it seems that they are also very cautious.

The first slice smiled indifferently, "Isn't this also in our plan." At

this time, on Haiji Island, the situation has become very serious.

Goro originally planned to disperse the assembled soldiers back to the various squads.

But as soon as their soldiers retreated, those heavenly killing floating spirits and wild people would take the opportunity to attack.

Goro had no choice but to stalemate with them while calming the soldier while keeping himself awake at all times.

"Don't be seduced by monsters, they are trying to provoke us, there are soldiers to report, now that the live broadcast room has entered the award session, Lord Coral Palace will be back soon!"

Goro inspected the various garrisons, constantly saying the above words.

Although the soldiers were affected by the debuff, they could still listen to General Goro's words a little at this time.

There are obviously people on the Yefu side who are also paying attention to the live broadcast room, and they also know that the Coral Palace will return soon.

So now it's their last time.

A high-ranking public official said: "Although they are ordinary people, in the final analysis, they are also relatively regular troops, and their combat effectiveness is still there, if we go head-to-head with them, we will definitely suffer losses."

"So, why don't we take advantage of the fact that they are now in irritability, let the floating spirits float into the sky above them, and spread some bad words about the Coral Palace Heart Sea, so as to provoke them and make them take the initiative to attack." His

proposal was unanimously approved by the Yefu people and the floating spirit.

In a few minutes, a group of floating spirits floated above the place where the soldiers of Haiji Island were stationed.

With the content of the previous five-star ornamental fish, they made a big splash about the sea of hearts.


anger of the soldiers was ignited, and a fierce battle began with the floating spirit and the wild people.

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