After watching the video about Raiden General just now, there was a round of applause in the live broadcast room.

[Kujo Jura: The common way is magnificent, Naruto is eternal! ] [

Thoma: (/scared) Seeing the appearance of Lord General drawing his sword again in the video reminds me of some things in front of the statue of a thousand hands and eyes. 】

【Coral Palace Shinkai: Is this the strength of Lord Thor?】 Even through the light curtain, people can feel a weak sense of suffocation. 】

【Kazuto Arataki: Eh... I'm sorry Thor-sama, I used to talk too loudly, and I will keep a low profile in the future. [

Lisa: It's really a very dazzling thunder light, I believe it will definitely make people crispy and numb~]

[Dadalia: It's worthy of being the god of thunder who cut off ladies, I really see that my hands are itchy, I have been involved in the experiment for so long, and it's time to find someone to have a hearty discussion. [

Kamisato Ayaka: When Lord Shogun casts an imaginary sword, even the space is distorted in an instant, and I can't achieve this kind of strength in any way. [

Xin Yan: Inazuma and Kaze's music can still burn like this, and the dense drumbeat makes me get goosebumps when I hear it. 】

【Lyra: Lord Thor is unmatched, but... Why do I feel a faint sadness in her words and in the last harmony song? 】

【Yun Pansy: Lord Thor has been pursuing eternity, but at the end of the video, he says that everything is empty, and I always feel that there is a deep story hidden on this side. 】

【Yae Miko: This is all in the past, and I don't know how much she has ever had now! It's hard work on that fully automatic cooking machine. [

Ray Movie: It was an accident, how much ingredients and materials to put in this machine also has every hint, it seems that there is still room for improvement.

[Raiden Zhen: Shadow, you better give up, you can't cook now, I believe the entire Tivat continent already knows. [

Thunder Movie

:...] [Elheisen: Lord Thor mentioned 'Tianli', when playing the bandit stone before, the Dragon King also mentioned Tianli many times, and the 'Emperor's Little Cotton Jacket' also mentioned, what exactly is this Tianli...] [

Nasida: @艾尔海森, I translated the set of twenty-four histories rewarded in the last live broadcast room, you take a look at it, and verify it. [

Elheisen: ... Little auspicious grass king, I understand, here we go. [

Kavi: (/ doubtful) Always feeling... Alheisen: You just touched on a very strange topic. [

Zhong Li: Don't say this, the video broadcast is over, then the fourth question should also come out.

All the contestants in the answer space, except for Wendy and Bennett's group, were also waiting for the fourth question.

And yet....

【Ding! 【

Coming soon to the next video - Nightmare! 】 【

Countdown: 179... 178...]

Everyone in the answer space heard the prompt tone in the live broadcast room and the title of this video, and they were first stunned, and then they couldn't help but guess.

Bennett: "Two videos in a row?

Wendy: "Whatever he plays, anyway, it doesn't have much to do with us for the time being, come, then eat, then drink!"

Bennett: "You still want to drink!" (/ horror)

"Kaedehara Manyo: "Nightmare? Just by looking at the name, there is a not very good feeling.

Goro: "Well, that's what I thought too." Judging from the previous video, the story of Lord General is not so simple.

Kaedehara Manyo: "Maybe... From the next video, you can know why Lord General issued the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order.

Dolly: "Two videos in a row!" In this way, the more it is played, the more information the 'stealing intelligence' will return. Nilu

: "But we can't put everything on the prop card, the content of the video still needs to be carefully monitored." "

Empty:" The previous question turned out to be wrong! Then the next few questions, must not go wrong again!

Paimon: "Come on traveler!" I always have your back!

Chongyun: "Xingqiu, are you better now?" Do you want to drink another bucket of milk? "

Xingqiu:"... No, my stomach is going to explode if I drink it again, so watch the video. "

【3... 2... 1】

【Start playing video! 】【Start playing video! 】

"In the past, there were only false dreams. The hearts of the people of the world are silent into eternity.

"This is the remnant image of the Pure Land of One Heart, on the day of the eye-hunting ceremony."

Another familiar opening few lines of text, and then the picture on the light curtain turned to a sunny lawn.

In a burst of relaxed music, I saw General Raiden and a few friends sitting on the grass.

The little girl in the middle was even more bold to rest on General Raiden's thigh.

But everyone seemed to be accustomed to it, and Lord General himself did not care.

Several people were laughing happily, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

It looks like they're here for a picnic, with two boxes of Inazuma's local specialties on the mats.

At this time, the Raiden General is not as cold as in the previous video.

But this atmosphere did not last long.

In the next second, the video screen is switched.

I saw General Raiden wielding a beak knife and slashing a huge white snake.

The word 'thoughtless' also flashed on the screen.

When the camera cuts back to where the picnic is, the man with the tengu mask in the lower left corner is gone.

After a brief laughter between the remaining three girls, the picture suddenly distorted.

Then, the girl who was still lying on the general's lap just now, as if crazy, took up a weapon and slashed at the general of Raiden.

Two big words appear again in the video screen - no thought!

At this point in the video, many viewers frowned.

Yae Miko also fell silent in a very rare way.

She looked at the girl with fox ears in the lower right corner of the light curtain, and wanted to reach out and touch it.

But it turned out that her hand passed through the transparent light curtain and touched nothing.

And the picture in the video also turned again at this time.

As a result, apparently, the fox-eared girl also disappeared.

The word eternal also appeared in the video at this time.

There were a few people who were talking and laughing just now, and now only General Raiden is left.

She looked up at the sky, but the clouds in the sky were terrifyingly thick, and she couldn't see a little sunlight.

After a sigh, General Raiden closed his eyes in silence.

The sky also began to rain hazy at this time.

The rhythm of the background music has also changed at this time, becoming less relaxed than at the beginning.

I don't know how long it took.

General Raiden suddenly opened his eyes, and not far in front of her, a woman who looked almost exactly like her held an umbrella and turned her back to her.

General Raiden, who had always remained in a sitting position, saw this figure, and she immediately got up and ran towards the woman.


Just when the lightning general was about to touch the woman, the other party turned into countless points of light and dissipated in the heavens and the earth.

Looking at the empty front, Raiden General's eyes changed from expectation to disappointment.

On her face, the sweet smile she used to have with her friends was no longer visible.

In its place, there is a creepy coldness and determination.

When General Raiden turned around and the camera gradually zoomed out, he stood on the statue of a thousand hands and eyes.

A fire attribute divine eye flew towards her.

But then, the picture turned, and it became a pure land.

General Raiden sat quietly on the ground, his eyes slowly opened without any emotion, and closed again in the next second.

It seems that he has no concern for everything that is about to happen.

When the video is played here, it also gradually turns black.

But just when everyone thought that the video was over, they heard the voice of the traveler panicking....

"Toma! Paimon! Here..."

At this point, the video playback is completely over!

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