After watching the video, everyone in the live broadcast room and the answer space fell into a short silence.

Watching the friends who used to laugh together leave one by one, this kind of heart-wrenching feeling, I believe only those who experience it can experience.

And judging from the short pictures in the video, those people are not normal births, old ages, illnesses and deaths, and it seems that they all left due to "accidents".

[Lei Dian Zhen: I was still speculating about what caused the big change in your personality, and I should have thought of this a long time ago. Raiden

was really the first to spot and break the silence in the barrage area.

[Wei: The departure of relatives and friends really hit people hard, and I can understand that feeling. [

Kaiya: Because of such a painful experience, his temperament has changed greatly, I believe that someone in the past also has a deep understanding, but fortunately, he has now come out. [

Albedo: In the special scene where the fox-eared girl died in the lower right corner, I saw the monster from the disaster, so... Is this still caused by the incident five hundred years ago? 】

【Zhongli: Time is fleeting, everything is impermanent, hey~

】【Coral Palace Xinhai: Lord Orobas...】【

Hu Tao: The cycle of life and death is the most normal thing in heaven and earth, but even if the hall master sees it so clearly, it is often inevitable to feel sad. [

Ruoda Dragon King: @钟离, don't say such difficult words, you might as well fight me a few more King of Fighters 97 at this time, so as not to wear out again. 【

Rishan Tsushui Shin-kun: Ruota, I think you want to play.】 【

Sumida: This is the story of Lord Shogun and several of her dependents, right?】 I have heard a lot of rumors about this, but I don't know if it's true or not. [

Candice: By now I have finally figured out the relationship between Thunder Movie, Raiden Zhen, and Raiden General. And

several people in the answer space also lamented the past of General Raiden in the video.

Kaedehara Wanye pondered for a moment and said, "I seem to understand the purpose of playing these videos in the live broadcast room."

"The first video - the lonely journey chasing the thunderous light! From my perspective, that is, from the perspective of outsiders, I tell what Inazuma has seen and heard today.

"The second video - Pure Land Cut! It is to express the character, martial arts, and pursuit of eternity and other aspects of Lord Thor.

"And just now this video - nightmare! It explains why Thor-sama became like in the second video, and also gives an explanation to the waka song at the end. "

Xingqiu on the other side also has the same idea as Kaedehara Manyo.

But as a novelist, he also has a deeper insight into these videos.

Xing Qiu covered his stomach, obviously looking very uncomfortable, but still said to Chongyun with an excited face: "That second creation video - General Raiden does not understand youth!" It seems that the live broadcast room is not randomly selected.

"Just because Lord Thor created a doll to handle all kinds of things for herself, and she locked herself up in a pure land, can this be seen as an act of escape?"

"And what is youth? As explained to the live broadcast room, youth is unrepentant, and it is like a shangxian with blood!

"I have to say that the order of the videos played in the live broadcast room this time is very standard, and the foreshadowing is also buried just right, which will be of great help to my future writing!"

Seeing that Xing Qiu became more and more excited the more he spoke, Chongyun was helpless.

In fact, Chongyun really wanted to say, 'Did you think too much?'

But seeing that his friend quickly wrote down all kinds of sudden ideas and ideas, Chongyun thought about it and decided not to say it.

【Ding! Two videos have been played! 【

Please answer the following three questions within fifteen minutes.】 】

[The fourth question, may I ask: Who below blocked the thoughtless stab of the raiden general? ] [

A: Paimon

] [B: Zhongli

] [C: Kazuto Arataki] [D: Kaedehara Manyo

] [E: Shikanoin Heizo]

[Question 5, excuse me: The truth of the death of the demon god Orobas is...] [

A: It is synonymous with brutality in itself, and was slashed by Thor, which is equivalent to eliminating harm to the people. [

B: Accidentally killed Thor's friend, and was later slashed by the furious Thor to take revenge. [

C: Because I saw something I shouldn't see, I willingly died under Thor's knife in order not to affect others. 】

【D: Since Kaijima is not suitable for growing crops, in desperation to start a war for the survival of the people of Haiji Island, he was defeated by Thor and was slashed with a knife. 】

【E: It was simply a fight with Thor, and the result was just in time for Thor's hand, and he was slashed. 】

【The sixth question, and the last question of this live broadcast, excuse me: In the video nightmare, the other three people in the picnic with Raiden Shogun, from left to right, are...

] [A: Kujo Yuri, Tora Chiyo

, Kitsunaimiya] [B: Konbu Maru, 500 Zang, Asase Hibiki

] [C: Yugami Harunosuke, Mitsuyo, Kitsunomiya

] [D: Iwazo Michikei, Kohibiki, Yae Tsaiko]

[E: Sasa Yuri, Miyu Chiyo, Kitsunaiya]

Although everyone guessed that after playing two questions in a row, there was a big wave.

But I didn't expect that three problems appeared together!

Moreover, except for the last one, the first two of these three questions are very explosive!

Dolly and Nilu jumped up excitedly and slapped their hands.

Dolly: "Three questions in a row, this time I made a lot of money!" Nilu

: "When there are still a few minutes left, based on the stolen information, let's decide which question to use the last item card for."

Paimon was also not allowed to eat food, and quickly flew to the empty side, "The last three questions, hurry up and use the prop card!" "


Sora first used up the 'Challenge is the Holy Remains Beast' item card.

But then, Sora was taken aback.

Because in a preparation area in a challenge space, he was surprised to see that Manyo and Goro in women's clothes were also here.

"Why are you here?"

Sora was stunned for a second, and then immediately reacted, "It's your prop card effect!!" "

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