Miss Hina and Wendy used the scene of prop cards, which made many people in the live broadcast room look forward to it.

There is no need to say more about the members of the Miss Hina Support Association, led by Kazuto Araki and Nobuhiro.

Those who have already guessed the true identity of Miss Hina are also very curious about the effect of this prop card.

And Wendy, as the wind god, there are many people who know his true identity.

Since Wendy's group had already withdrawn from the follow-up questions at the end of the first question, there were naturally fewer people who paid attention.

Plus watched several videos, and just a series of wonderful competitions.

As a result, many people have forgotten that they still have a prop card in their hands.

Many people think that Wendy's prop card will be a killer app, but Miss Hina is also performing a synchronous 'performance', and for a while, she doesn't know who to watch.

But the two parties did not know this.

Goro was teleported to the center of a stage that resembled 'Star G Avenue', and countless spotlights hit him.

Women's shoes, which had been discarded, were also worn on their feet again at this time.

The clothes that had been wrinkled due to the battle were all restored to a brand new state.

【The stage has been set! 】 Item card effect has taken effect! This challenge will start in ten seconds, please pay attention to the rules of the item card. 】

【10... 9...]

Goro took a deep breath and quickly recalled the rules so that he would not make a mistake in the challenge!

'Card name – Schrödinger's Curse of the Evil Devil (Item-up card with great side effects).

''Effect: After use, it will be teleported to a space that attracts everyone's attention. In this space, five self-detonations will be carried out.

''The interval between each self-explosion must be within ten seconds, and the content must be realistic, otherwise it will be considered a challenge failure. The

more vigorous the content (the following, only visible to card holders and users) is said, the less people know about it, and the better the reward will be when the challenge is settled. "

'But during the self-detonation process, the heavenly evil ghosts will come from time to time to make trouble, inflicting curses on the user, so that the self-detonator says the exact opposite of the original meaning (without affecting the final reward settlement)!'

【... 2... 1! The time is up! When

Goro got this card at the beginning, he thought about what to blow himself up.

"I sleep at night, I sleep with my tail in my arms, and I usually want to be combed by someone!"

A little-known secret was said in person, and it did not go against the original intent, indicating that the curse did not take effect.

But Goro was a little disappointed in his heart, but time did not wait for anyone, and ten seconds were fleeting.

"I think the easiest thing is to be able to chat with Yae Miko, she is both elegant and gentle, noble and generous, and thinks about others at every turn! Every time you talk to her, it's good for your physical and mental health! (The Heavenly Evil Curse takes effect!) Experiencing

the power of the curse for the first time, Goro panicked for a while.

He obviously wanted to say another meaning, but when the words came to his lips, they became the opposite.

The most frightening thing is that when he said it, he didn't know that he was saying the opposite, and only after saying it, he realized what he had just said.

'It's okay, don't panic, it just took effect once, it doesn't matter.'

Goro comforted himself in his heart and began his next self-explosion.

"I like women's clothing the most! Especially today's kimono! And which good person who bought Miss Hina and other standing cards, I am so ~~ thank you! (The Heavenly Evil Curse takes effect!)

Goro's body shook, and he almost didn't stand firm.

He finally realized how terrible the effect of this item card was, no wonder it was classified as extremely side effects.

But the time did not allow Goro to think more, and quickly continued to break the news.

"I don't eat most of the food, but onions are an exception. Once, someone added minced onion to a meal, making me cry at the dinner table... What a shame! "

Although it was a relatively humiliating thing, fortunately the curse did not take effect, and it did not become something strange.

In just a few tens of seconds, Goro completely understood what it means to be like a year.

The challenge is the last one left!

Goro shouted, "This girl is Miss Hina!" You all remembered it for me!! (The Heavenly Evil Curse takes effect!)

Goro's eyes darkened, and he felt a sense of suffocation hit him.

What he clearly wanted to say was, 'I'm not Miss Sheena at all, don't be mistaken.' [

Challenge completed!] The reward is being settled, please wait a minute...]

Goro couldn't hear anything now, his ears were buzzing.

And many people in the live broadcast room are completely crazy at this time!

[Kazuto Arataki: Woo~~ so impressed! ] I didn't expect Miss Hina to notice the standing card. Miss Hina, don't worry, now that the Arataki faction is rich, I will definitely fill my room with all kinds of your peripherals. 【

Yuka: So Miss Hina is so eager to be touched by the tail?】 So can I... [

Nobuhiro: Thanks to this item card, the information of the support club can be updated a lot now. 【

Koji: Miss Hina! I'm a fan of yours! 【

Ryomoto: It seems that Miss Hina's peripherals will be sold, so I will hurry to Inazuma to stock up on a sum.】 】

【Yae Miko: Hahaha~~ It turns out that Miss Hina likes to chat with me so much, then I will spend more time talking to you in the future. 】

【Logistics soldiers of Haiji Island: Forehead... How do I feel that eating onions and crying, it seems that Brother Goro also happened, is this telepathy between brothers and sisters? 【

A captain of the Swordfish Ichiban team: There is a rumor among the soldiers that if you can touch the ears of Brother Goro, you will get the good luck of General Changsheng. If the two are brothers and sisters, Miss Sheena's ears must also play a big role. 【

Coral Palace Heart Sea:......... [

Albert: Oops! I suddenly felt that Miss Hina was also very good, and I felt a heartwarming feeling. 【

Kaia: Oops~ Or a 'Shining Duel' between the Mond Idol and the Inazuma Idol! [

Afsin: If there is a duel in this regard, of course, add our Miss Nilu of Meru! 】

【Quick Dao Chen: Then our Mr. Yun Yan and Miss Xin Yan from Liyue will also participate. [

Dadalia: It's a pity that we don't have an idol who debuted until winter, otherwise we would definitely overwhelm the crowd. 【

Zhong Li: Where did this gratuitous desire to win come from?

After Goro returned to the answer area, he stood there dumbfounded.

Wanye saw his friend who lost his bright light and was covered in misery, and wanted to step forward to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

【Ding! Settlement completed! 】

【Due to the unexpectedly good self-detonation effect, a bonus upgrade card! 】 Used automatically! 【Effect

: After use, when the final settlement of the answer reward, the reward will be increased by one notch.

Wanye was shocked, the effect of this card was too important.

If they answer the sixth question correctly, they will get a total of five points for this answer.

It is the highest in the field, but not all of them are correct, and according to the convention, you will finally get a flawed version of the top matching magic box.

But now with this card, you can get the magic box of the top match.

Of course, the premise is that they answer the sixth question correctly.

Goro didn't care whether to live on another planet at this time, and he also thought of this possibility, desperately recalling the rumored story of Inazuma.

After a few tens of seconds, Wanye frowned and recalled: "When I came into contact with the knife 'Cage Fishing Bottle One Heart', I learned that if this knife wanted to become sharper, it needed the material 'Ghost Man of Past and Present Dramas'. "

It's a special material that's only produced in the garden of sand flows, and it rarely drops."

"I've been there a few times later and learned that there is a backstory in this material, which is about a female warrior of the Oni clan named "Chiyo" with the pattern of "Thunder no Mieba" on her back."

Speaking of this, Wanye covered his forehead and recalled carefully.

"In the nightmare video, the scene in the middle when the girl kills Thor with a weapon, I seem... I saw this pattern, and she had horns on her head, which indicated that she was most likely a ghost. That

fleeting picture may not even be for a second, but Wanye can still remember these details, and this observation and memory really impressed Goro.

There was more than a minute left, and Goro suddenly remembered a piece of information he had read, "Kujo Jura is the adopted daughter of the Kujo family of Tenling, and Kujo is the surname she changed after she was adopted, so..." Analyzing

this, the two said in unison: "The correct answer is E!" The

two of them hurriedly submitted their answers, and they were very excited!

A dozen seconds later, near the end of the answer time, a message suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room!

[The wind god will 'protect' you to launch successfully, Wendy and Bennett combination plus one point! ] 【

The answer time is over, and the correct answer is announced! 】 Traveler

: "Wendy!!!!!!

Wendy: "Ouch~(/sticking out your tongue)"

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