Time goes back more than two minutes!

The light curtain of everyone in the live broadcast room was temporarily divided into several channels, just like the homepage of a certain fish live broadcast area, who wants to see can directly click in.

A large part of them went to see Miss Sheena.

Some of them were very curious about Wendy's prop card and went to see him.

[Sister Victoria: Why is the name of the item card in Wendy's hand this?] Could he have some relationship with the Wind God?

[Rudolph: But why are the words "Protector" in quotation marks? [

Hoffman: Is there anything wrong with the statement that the wind god will protect you? I often say this to passers-by. [

Mika: Brother, Lord Barbatos, the god of wind, will indeed shelter us, but if you think about it, any word that is put in quotation marks in the live broadcast room, which time is good?

[Hoffman: Is that right? I didn't pay much attention. [

Diluc: If you look at the appearance of any bard, you can tell that he must be acting, just like every time he comes to drink on credit.

[Twalin: Let's not talk about this, the drunkard who doesn't do business is moving, let's see what he is going to do. In

the answer area where Sora and Paimon were, Wendy came playing a moving melody.

The void was like a great enemy in an instant, and every hair in the body was guarding against the person in front of him.

Wendy pretended to have a very hurt expression, "It's too much, traveler, I'm here to help you, don't be so guarded against me, right?" Sora

was not affected by Wendy's acting skills at all, and his eyes were firmly fixed on Wendy.

"You used a prop card on me, but the effect of the prop card did not appear, indicating that the effect is being launched, the effect of the prop card is strange, who knows what will happen?"

"That's how it is." Wendy returned to her usual relaxed appearance, "That card called Fengshen will protect you, and the effect is to designate a contestant and help him answer the specified questions correctly."

"If the assigned question is answered correctly, I will also add one point."

Although Wendy said it very sincerely, Sora still did not let down her guard much.

On the contrary, Paimon flew around Wendy twice very excitedly.

"Wow~~ I didn't expect Wendy to be so good, I won't ask you to sing in the future."

Wendy smiled, "Thank you then, Paimon." Then, turning his head, he looked at the traveler with somewhat sad eyes.

"Traveler, we stole the Sky Lyre together, helped Twalin together in the Wind Dragon Ruins, and fought against the Wind Core together in the Wind Rising Land."

As Wendy described it in a lush voice, Sorca's expression eased a lot.

When he awakens on the continent of Tivat, the first thing he sees is Paimon, and then Wendy and Twalin in the forest.

Thinking about what he saw and heard when he first came to Mond, his empty guard was let down a lot.

But this scene was seen by Twalin and Andrius, the wolf king, who knew what virtues Wendy had, and almost choked without a breath.

Wendy continued to say slowly: "The wind, there is a story from afar. All your movements in Inazuma, the wind told me exactly what it was, so I assigned the sixth question to help you.

After that, Wendy instantly became very serious, "Traveler, time is running out, you first tell me if you have any ideas for the sixth question." After

thinking about it, anyway, the final right to answer the question was in his own hands, and Wendy couldn't force the answer according to his hand, so he decided to tell Wendy his guess first.

Wendy: "It's worthy of being a traveler, you can lock the correct answer in the three options of ACE, I'll tell you right now, the correct answer is C Oh~"

Why? Sora asked, puzzled, "As mentioned in the Kamikura Daiyu mission, only Harunosuke Kami is a human, but the man in the video obviously has the mask of the Tengu clan on his head.

Wendy's expression suddenly became a little sad, and she let out a long sigh, "Traveler, you know the Demon God Remnants. That was five hundred years ago..., when the dark calamity suddenly befell Inazuma, so..." The

most intelligent speaking realm is to say half the truth, leave half cover and half cover, and give the other party infinite reverie.

And when the other party does not trust him, this kind of speech is better used.

Because no matter what you say, the other person will be suspicious.

Instead of this, it is better to let the other person think for himself.

After all, the answers you come up with are often able to find various reasons to convince yourself.

Sure enough, after listening to Wendy's words, Sora shrank his pupils.

This kind of thing is really harmful to too many people.

The tragedy of Scarlet Village caused by the Inazuma Evil Eye Factory, and... Teppei.

and the sanatorium of Meru, which seemed like hell on earth.

Sora "You mean to say that Harunosuke the god fused the remains of the Tengu clan in order to protect Inazuma because of the dark calamity?"

Wendy didn't answer positively, just sighed again.

But Wendy's performance is obvious to the empty eye.

Wendy suddenly said anxiously: "Traveler, there are less than forty seconds left, hurry up and make a choice!" Seeing

that the time was coming, there was no time to think about it, and he quickly filled in the answer to the question.

But at the moment when he submitted the answer, he saw a sly smile on Wendy's face.

Sora suddenly felt a pang in his heart.

【Ding! Item Card - Aeolian will 'protect' you and the effect is successfully activated! 【

Congratulations to Wendy and Bennett for winning a point! 】 【

The answer time ends with the correct answer D, C, E!】 【

Congratulations to Kaedehara Manyo and Miss Hina (?) Get all the combinations correct and get three points! 【

Congratulations to the traveler and Paimon for answering two questions correctly and getting two points! 】 】

【Congratulations to Xingqiu and Chongyun, Nilu and Dolly for answering one question correctly and getting one point! 】 Traveler

: "Wendy!!!!!!

Wendy: "Oh hey ~ (/ sticking out your tongue)"

At this time, everyone in the empty and live broadcast room finally knew the effect of this card.

'Card Name-Fengshen will 'protect' you (trap card)

'' effect: Designate a contestant and assign a question, the user will get the correct answer to the question, but the user will not be able to answer this question. Before

the end of the answering time, the user can only use the art of language to make the other person choose the wrong answer.

''If the selector is directed to make a wrong judgment, the user gets a point! '

'But if the chosen person is not lured and makes another choice, even if it is a wrong option, the user will be deducted one point and paid to the chosen one!'' Covering

his face with his empty hands, he looked shocked and muttered.

"I should have thought that he could fake the 'Leeward XXX (silenced)' thing, and now he just tricked me into making a wrong judgment, what is it?"

"Also, once at the door of Mond Cathedral, when he was subjected to lady XXXXX (has been silenced), his braids were not lit, and he clearly had the ability to resist, but deliberately released water."

"Tinkering with the Sky Piano, fooling the witch of the Witch Society, etc!"

"So that's the case, no wonder the guardian will put quotation marks, is it taken from the homonym of fleeing? Haha~hahaha~~

" Paimon flew to the air very worried, "Traveler, shouldn't you have been hit too hard today and your mind is not normal?" You're laughing like a wanderer.

Paimon's concern was not unreasonable, and in this short period of more than an hour, the emptiness felt as if a long time had passed.

First, unfortunately, the two item cards only removed two wrong options.

After that, the reward of the battle card was cut off by Manyo.

The last item card was countered by Xing Qiu.

Unexpectedly, in less than three minutes, he was fooled by a person who had been watching the play from the beginning.

This mentality has always been engaged, and no one can stand it if they believe it.

【Ding! 】

【This answer is all over, the results are now announced! 】 【

Wendy and Bennett, Kaedehara Manyo and Miss Hina (?) A total of five points were earned! 】

【The two groups should have won the first place together, but because the Wanye combination received an upgrade ticket, the final reward was increased by one level! 】 【

So, congratulations to the Wanye group for winning the first place, and congratulations to the Wendy group for winning the second place! 】 【

Congratulations to the Traveler and Paimon combination for scoring four points and finishing third! 】 】

【Congratulations to Xingqiu and Chongyun, Dolly and Nilu for answering three questions correctly and winning the fourth place! 】

Wendy, who returned to the competition area, was dumbfounded after seeing the prompt in the live broadcast room, "Huh? This

result is not what he thought!

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