[The correct answer is B! ] Congratulations on the correct answer!

As soon as the answer came out, the live broadcast room was quiet for a few seconds, and then boiled again.

[Yae Miko: It turns out that the little guy was "pushed ~ poured down~" that night, this is really... [

Amber: @优菈, @空, you two that night, is it really...]

[Lisa: @空, I didn't expect the little cutie to be quite capable. [

Paimon: @空, traveler! [

Wendy: Have you two ever had such a thing?] What a surprise. 】

【Xingqiu: This kind of plot is also very common in novels, the male and female protagonists tell each other heartfelt feelings when drinking, and then the relationship warms up, and finally through the intention of drinking... Hey, you know. 【

Chongyun: I don't understand! But why do you understand so much? Aren't you engaged in martial arts?

[Shen He: @重云, it seems that my previous approach is really correct, and it is better for you to have less contact with him in the future. 【

Seven Seven: Push down? Why... That sister... Want to push down the traveler? 【

Baishu: Qiqi, don't think about this, I prepared fresh coconut milk for you.】 【

Yun Pansy: The development of Traveler and Miss Youra has many similarities with the plot in the Liyue ancient script. 】

【Shikanoin Heizo: @空, oh, my best friend is really a real person.

[Alheisen: Although it is a little unexpected, it seems to be reasonable. [

Fuchigami: @空, is this true? Are you really being pushed down? [

Empty: @全体, I have been wronged! ] Nothing really happened that night! @优菈, you say something! Eura! Yura!! If

the light curtain was physical and could be destroyed, it would have already been crushed by Youra.

Countless people are crazy @ Youra, but she doesn't seem to see it.

Eura has long had a thorough grasp of human nature, and if there is no conclusive evidence for this kind of thing, then no matter what the parties say, there will be people who do not want to believe it.

This situation is the same as when she first joined the Knights.

Ura is now pinning hopes on the interactive live broadcast room, hoping that it can explain it like the previous question.

And the live broadcast room did not disappoint Youra.

[Please watch the problem analysis below - pushed down by Youra!] The

light curtain lit up again, and everyone stared at the live broadcast room extremely seriously.

At this time, only two people were left in the hotel: Traveler and Youra.

From the clock behind Youra, you can tell that it is now close to two o'clock in the morning.

For some reason, the tavern is full of festive lights.

With an elegant piano sound, the camera was given to Youra.

"Hey~~ When the lady speaks, look her in the eye." Eura said while repeating with body movements.

"Traveler, my side is not crowded, you smoked me, it is the only oh~~"

Hearing this, many viewers in the live broadcast room once again showed lewd expressions.

What does it mean that my side is not crowded?

Could it be that famous travelers have been "crowded" with others before?

Without waiting for them to continue gossiping, Eura in the video continued to speak: "Do you think I will be the type who takes revenge on you?"

"For your sake, you're willing to share a table with me."

"I'll give you a not-so-ugly ending."

After Eura finished speaking, the video music suddenly changed.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Yura cross her waist with one hand and push forward with one hand.

The traveler in front of her was easily pushed to the ground.

The camera also turns into a bottom-up perspective as the traveler falls to the ground.

Eura slowly approached the traveler, the expression on her face showing her imminence.

Eura came to the traveler's waist and looked at the traveler from top to bottom, "This hatred, I made a note..." Then

the screen went black, announcing the end of the entire video.

Yura's eyes were dark, and she fell straight to the ground, and a white soul seemed to fly out of her mouth.

"The image that I had worked so hard for so long in Mond was ruined. Hehe! Huh! [

In order to prevent misunderstandings, it is hereby explained that this video is a fandom for fans of parallel worlds.] 【

The content in the video does not mean that it has really happened, it is just for entertainment.】 "


The soul that flew out of Yura's mouth quickly returned to her body.

Originally, after the video was played, the person who was going to continue to ridicule the traveler and Eura stopped the fire after seeing the doujin second creation.

[Sumida: It turned out to be a second creation, I understand, just like Yaedo's publication "Transformed into a Raiden General, and then the World is Invincible" is of the same nature, but it is in the form of a video. 【

Lisa: Cut ~~ Make me happy for nothing. [

Amber: I just said, how can Yura be this kind of person.

[Empty: I just say that I have been wronged, but it can be regarded as proving my innocence.

[Jean: Since it is a false thing, then I am also relieved, and I also ask everyone in Mond not to joke with this kind of thing. [

Ellheisen: @互动直播间, since it is the work of Erchuang, then please also ask questions and answers involving Erchuang in the future, it is best to mark it out, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to the parties. 】

【Kavi: It's worthy of being a man who has acted as an agent sage, and he is bold, but can he still @ the interactive live broadcast room! ]

[Elheisen: I'm just talking about things, it has nothing to do with boldness. 【

Ding! To fix the bug that can @ the interactive live room, @艾尔海森, your suggestion has been received, and it will be improved in the second Q&A session. ]

in the answer space.

Kaiya: "Is it a fan video of Erchuan?" No wonder it will be so outrageous, thanks to the head of my analysis.

Arataki Ichidou: "It's okay, it's wrong anyway, the last question depends on Uncle Ben's, hahahahaha."

Collet: "That's right, but in the video of the second creation of the parallel world, what will I look like with the master and Amber?"

Condensing light: "Erchuang's video?" Interesting. "


【Ding! Take note! The last video of the day will be played soon, so please watch it carefully. 】

【3... 2... 1..."Proud Glory", coming soon (1e5411u7QD). 】

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