As soon as the system's tone fell, the light curtain lit up again.

At the beginning of the video, Eura stands alone on the beach, letting the sea breeze blow her body.

After a moment, Eura took out the bone whistle and began to play.

The afterglow of the setting sun filled the earth, and Yura also recalled some things from her youth.

Thinking of her when she was just born, her parents had happy smiles on their faces.

Many servants were also very happy about her birth.

Everything looks so beautiful.


When Eura reached the age of four, things began to evolve in a heavy direction.

Created by the first three nobles of Mond, the ritual dance is called the crystallization of the soul, the most shining jewel at the top of the scepter.

And the Lawrence family is responsible for the solo dance in the third act, the sparkling candlelight.

The person in charge of the solo dance must be the eldest daughter of the honorable status of the Lawrence family, and Yura happens to be the heir of the contemporary Lawrence family.

In order to let Yura practice this dance well, her father invited her to invite professional elders in the family.

At a young age, Yura had to keep her toes on the ground for a long time, resulting in frequent injuries and bleeding on her toes.

Even if he is bandaged, blood still oozes from time to time.

In addition to dancing, Eura also learns the skills of using two-handed swords, music, aristocratic etiquette, and knowledge every day.

Whenever Eura lay in bed confused at night, it was the maid who had taken care of her since birth.

Thinking of this, the young Eura decided to give the maid a cake she made by herself on her birthday.

In this way, Yura coped with the heavy schoolwork of the family while secretly learning how to make cakes.

When the maid's birthday comes on this day.

Yura happily took out a cake and gave it to the maid, who was also very surprised.

But at this moment, Yura's father suddenly appeared.

Not only did he knock over the cake, but he also expelled the maid from Lawrence's house, and Eura was naturally severely reprimanded.

At this moment, all the dissatisfaction accumulated in Yura's heart exploded, and she had a big fight with her father.

Eura theorized with her father, but in exchange for a resounding slap in the face and punishment for putting her in a confinement cell.

At this time, for the first time, Eura wavered in the family's philosophy.

With the scene of Youra being locked up, the anger that had long accumulated in the live broadcast room broke out at this moment.

[Diluc: Although as a child of a nobleman, he must fulfill his responsibilities while enjoying high treatment, the Lawrence family master's approach is too much. [

Mika: When I first started to join the guerrilla team led by Captain Yura, I heard rumors about her and her family, but I didn't expect this to be the case.

[Thoma: I also serve the nobility, and I am much luckier than the maid. [

Goro: No wonder the Lawrence family will eventually be expelled, and if they are all this kind of educational philosophy for their children, then the attitude towards the people can be imagined. 【

Kamisato Ayaka: Miss Yura...】【

Yan Qi: It's so angry! If you are in Liyue, I will definitely help you fight a lawsuit with the Lawrence family. 【

Zhong Li: Although there is a saying in ancient Liyue that "filial piety comes out under the stick, children cannot become talents if they don't fight", I personally do not dare to agree with this method of education. The

discussion in the live broadcast room gradually shifted towards education, but the video on the light screen continued to play.

After Eura came out of the confinement room, on a sunny afternoon, she overheard two young servants outside the window talking about the previous events.

"I heard that the maid who has been in charge of taking care of the eldest miss has been driven away to be punished because she was discovered secretly withholding the eldest miss's food in private."

"I also heard that it is said that the old man just wanted to see the eldest miss, and only then did he see the scene of the maid stealing the cake."

"Not only this, it is said that the maid accidentally hit the eldest lady in a hurry, and the face of the eldest lady was red for the past few days."

When Eura heard these words, she was struck by lightning.

She knew that this was a lie deliberately spread by her father in order to protect the face of the Lawrence family and to give an account of the events of that day.

If these words were to be circulated, one could imagine what would happen to that maid in the future.

At this moment, Eura felt extremely disgusting to this Lawrence family, which she once held up as glory!

Regardless, Eura rushed out of the Lawrence family's gate and ran ahead until she reached a beach.

The injured and bandaged feet were soaked in seawater, making Yura feel as if the wound was burned by fire, and it hurt for a while.

However, Yura danced in this situation, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

Youra's heart has never been as happy as it is today.

This kind of breaking free from the shackles does not fight for the so-called family glory, let alone those disgusting tricks.

Yes, just dancing in the sea under the moon!

From this winter, across the seasons and hatred, everything turned into frost and snow.

As soon as the video screen turned, it was the grown up Eura who appeared in Mondstadt.

She has studied with Amber's grandfather in recent years, and has saved ordinary people who have been attacked by the chuchu people in the wild many times.

But even so, Yura's life in Mondstadt is still not very good.

Just because she is the person of the Lawrence family who once caused harm to Mond.

It was clear that there were goods, but the store refused to sell them to her; The restaurant ignored her orders, sometimes even using leftover materials.

Even when Eura walks on the street, she will have strange eyes on her.

Anyway, no matter what she says or does, she will be treated with hostility and treated as a potential danger.

Eura had no choice but to hunt outside the city to make ends meet.

One day....

After a collision with the people of the city, Yura sat alone and a little lonely by the big tree in the wind.

In the next second, Jean appeared in front of Youra, with a sincere smile on her face, and stretched out her hand to Youra.

"Yura, join the Knights! Please don't dwell on your own background, the Zephyr Knight will judge everyone fairly.

"I will do my best to help you, and of course, if your direction deviates from justice, I will not hesitate to point it out."

Seeing Jean's invitation to her, Eura felt as if she was dreaming.

After confirming that Jean was not joking, Eura seized the opportunity and successfully joined the Knights, and had a discussion with Jean by the way.

But the news caused an uproar in the city.

On the day of the joining ceremony, countless people came to the gate of the Knights, sneered at Youra, and rolled their eyes.

But at this moment, a familiar voice came.

Youra's body shook, and she quickly followed the voice.

Sure enough, it was the former maid who waved enthusiastically at her, congratulating her on joining the Knights.

At this moment, Eura recalled those things in the past, and tears remained in her eyes.

Eura quickly wiped away her tears, no longer confused in her heart, and firmly faced everyone: "Knights of the Zephyr, the leader of the guerrilla team, the "Wave Knight" Eura Lawrence, greetings to you..."

As you can see, I am a descendant of sinners, an inner demon of the Knights, and I am taking revenge on them.

With that, Eura turned around and prepared to return to the Knights.

But she saw that Kaia, Corly, Lisa, Amber, Jean, Albedo and others were waiting for her.

Seeing this, Eura smiled and said, "So... Are you ready for revenge by me? "

The video is played here, and the picture starts to gradually turn black.

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