All videos about Eura have been played.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but breathe a sigh.

[Coral Palace Xinhai: I didn't expect Miss Youra's experience to be so tortuous, but fortunately, Miss Youra persevered.

[Hu Tao: A rotten family like Lawrence should have disappeared into the tide of history a long time ago, otherwise it would be too tiring to live in this kind of family.

[Thoma: But I still can't believe why the hospitable residents of Mond would treat Miss Eura like that? 【

Xeno: Maybe... It is the former Lawrence family, and the pain that brought Mond is too deep.

[Wanyan: The residents of Mondstadt are similar to me in the past, and they are only willing to believe what they believe, even if the truth is in front of them, they are not willing to admit it. [

Ellheisen: Lawrence is like a label, once this mark is marked, then everyone can only see the three words "Lawrence" on the label, but not Eura. [

Tinari: It's worthy of Ellheisen, it's really a sharp assessment (/ applause). [

Sora: Yura still has such a past, no wonder when she first meets her, she will preemptively say that she is the descendant of a sinner.

Paimon: Huh? Traveler, what do you mean by that?

[Diluc: Because if you speak first, you will avoid being accused of being a sinner and hurt. But one thing is to say, the Knights have done a good job in treating Youra. [

Jean: Yura is discerning right from wrong, has outstanding talent, and occasionally makes dangerous remarks, which is only due to her personality. Even if she always says she wants to challenge me, I don't mind. But...]

[Lisa: Captain Qin wants to say that there is something wrong with the content in the video, right? [

Amber: So Lisa, did you also notice? I thought I had a problem with my own memory. [

Kavi: What do you mean by that? Is this video still a fan work of Erchuan?

Kavi's words directly made the barrage in the live broadcast room stop.

Everyone is very emotional about Youra's past and growth, and then you tell me that this is the work of Erchuang? Everything is fake?

Many people almost didn't go back.

[Jean: Eh... I don't know what to say, but most of the content of this video is true, but there are some details that are different from what I know.

[For example, when Yura joined the Knights, there was indeed a lot of controversy in the city, and in the end, it was the Grand Master who came forward to calm the incident. ]

[Albedo: Also, the last crowd waiting for the picture of Eura could not appear for me, because I was basically in the snowy mountains at that time. 【

Interactive Live Room: Strictly speaking, this is a secondary creation based on the background of Youra, and some of the content adds the author's ideas and stories. 】

[It can not only let everyone know Eura in a short time, but also make the story of Eura come to fruition, which is a rare good work]

After hearing the interactive live broadcast room say this, those who almost turned their backs before instantly lived.

But a message suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

[Zhongli uses the red envelope function and gives Yura the best night stone X1]

[Yura: Mr. Zhongli, what are you? 【

Zhongli: The night stone will emit a faint blue light in the quiet night, not to mention this superb night stone. I hope that Miss Eura can be like this stone, illuminating the darkness with herself. Yura

looked at the night stone that suddenly appeared in her hand and held it tightly.

Zhongli's words she understood what they meant.

[Wendy: Wow~~ The best night poise stone ambiguity~ The old man is really expensive. 【

Zhongli: Uh-huh! @胡桃, Hall Master, is there anything I need to serve in the Hall of Life today? 【

Walnut: Huh? Hakqing, why are you so self-conscious today, are you buying something expensive behind my back again? The

atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very joyful, but Zhong Li's behavior of just sending red envelopes seemed to trigger a certain signal, and countless people sent red envelopes to Youra.

Eura looked at the Mora, dandelion seeds, broken masks, mourning ice jade fragments and other items that kept appearing around her.

As well as the subsequent appearance of Bungee Bomb, Count Bunny, Exorcism Talisman Paper, Almond Tofu, Egret Golden Fan, Araki Pie Business Card, Seven Saints Summoning Rare Cards, One-Eyed Little Treasure and other things.

There are also objects such as love letters, confession letters, etc.

Eura is crying and laughing.

[Yura: @全体, cough... That one... Thank you all so much for the gift, great... Everyone, in short, I have written down all these hatreds, and I will never forget them. 】


Within the answer space.

Collet and others were all moved by Youra's story and were very emotional.

But not long after, the voice of the interactive live broadcast room sounded.

[Please answer the following questions within five minutes.] [

At a Mond tea party in a parallel world, Eura showed everyone her revenge notebook and drew the vengeful person on it, drawing it under the picture. 【

Excuse me, who is the person who was drawn by Youra?】 (1Mq4y1g7wE, about 20 points)

] [A: Diluc]

[B: Kazuto Arataki

] [C: Chongyun

] [D: Nilu]

In the light curtain, a figure drawn by Yura with red crayons appears in front of everyone.

Kaia: "The drawing skills of the parallel world Eura... It's quite intentional, and the face of this kitten is painted vividly.


: "Should this person be..." Condensing Light: "By common sense, this person can only be Diluc." But the question deliberately added the four words of parallel world, indicating that this is a high probability of a second creation content, if so, then the final answer is not easy to determine. "

Arataki Kazudou: "Uncle Ben's name is also on it, then needless to say, the correct answer must be B!" Wait, wait, I still have a prop that is useless, so I don't need to use it for nothing. "

After Kazuto Arataki finished using the items, option B was removed.

"Huh?" Arataki's eyes widened in disbelief, "Uncle Ben turned out to be the right answer?" How is this possible? "

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