Today is another sunny, windy and sunny day. And the temperature is suitable, making people lazy.

And this kind of weather, the most suitable is lazy fish.

But for someone, a new nightmare is about to begin.

"Wendy is up, it's past eight o'clock!"

"Hah... Sleep so soundly! But I'm so tired, traveler! In the Traveler's Dust Song Pot, Wendy leaned on the bed with extreme reluctance, looking at the Traveler with accusatory eyes.

While making the Northland apple stew, Sora said: "But you listened to me in everything you said, so it is reasonable to accompany me to fight some monsters." "

What do you call that?" Speaking of this, Wendy rubbed her spirits.

"You killed all the way from the Cangfeng Highlands to the Wind Dragon Ruins, then from the Mingguan Mountain to the east to the Falling Star Valley, and finally south to the Wind Roaring Hillside!"

"What's more, you haven't even let go of the fish and wild boars you encounter on the road!"

"When I encounter scattered monsters, you make me gather monsters!!"

"When I encounter a towering cliff, you let me release the wind field!!"

"When you rush, you switch to the wind attribute and activate the double wind team effect!!"

"The most frustrating thing is that I have to kill with you every day from nine o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock at night!! This is 997!! Don't you feel tired!!

Faced with Wendy's accusations one by one, the empty face replied without changing color: "I'm tired too, but there is no way, who called the interval between the two live broadcast rooms is seven days!" Of course, take good time

, and..." Sora handed Wendy the finished Northland apple stew, and pointed to the empty bottle on the ground, "I treat you with good food and drink every day!" Pulling

Wendy to kill the monster together was something he suddenly realized when he obtained the "killing knife".

The buff on his body was called 'I'm here to see the scenery, or...'

Because he was in a trance at the moment at the moment at the point of not being able to obtain the rough stone, he did not notice the unfinished words.

Although he was not allowed to collect any materials either, Sora noticed a little later.

If it is a material that bursts out of the monster's body, is this considered a collection of materials?

After leaving the answer space, he killed a slime in the first place.

When he saw that he could successfully collect slime into his backpack, this 'Purification Tivat Project' was raised by him as the highest priority!

But if he was alone for the next seven days, the efficiency would be slow, and Sora realized that he had to find a strong teammate! Destroy at least 1400 monsters every day!

After looking around, the air general's eyes focused on Wendy, whose identity has not yet been exposed, and drinks and fishes every day!

It just so happened that Wendy was also made to hide in the live broadcast room, what happened next... Everyone knows it!

"o(╥_╥)o I shouldn't have promised you 2,000 bottles of dandelion wine in the first place!" Wendy scratched her head in annoyance.

Sora smiled and said, "When we talked about psalms before, didn't you always say that my psalms deserve to be sung by the best bard in the world?"

"Isn't it time for us to write a new psalm?"

Wendy: "This kind of psalm, don't do it." But even though he said so, he took the breakfast prepared by the traveler.

Sora began to plan his itinerary for this day and tomorrow.

"After eating in a while, let's go straight to the snowy mountains today!" Then go to Yaoguangtan and strive to clean up the Liyue place except for the stratum abyss tomorrow.

"The first two days of progress lagged behind, and we have to redouble our efforts to make up for it later!" But yesterday the explosion rate seems to have increased somewhat.

"Wait! Snow? Hearing these two words, Wendy's eyes immediately lit up, "Traveler, I remember where there are fools stationed near the snowy mountains, right?" Is there an Ice Warlock among them?

Sora was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Wendy was asking this.

But when he saw Wendy's shining eyes and the figure of the ice warlock flashing in his mind, he immediately knew what Wendy was going to do.

And the ice warlock in the snowy mountain carried the ice lantern, still showing her graceful figure on the ice, not knowing what was about to greet her.

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