Kumi: "Welcome to the beautiful island of Kaijima, where you don't have to worry about buying fake coral pearls, you can buy them with confidence!" "

The tourism industry on Haiji Island is developing with a steady stream of people coming to visit every day.

But most people are most interested in the secret cave of the Coral Palace Xinhai exposed by the live broadcast room.

They all wanted to see with their own eyes the volume of the "energy diary" that directly changed the development of Kaijima Island.

It is best to take photos with a photo camera, which is not also a witness to history!

The heart sea is also broken and broken, anyway, all the Tivats know about it, and there is no need to hide it.

In this way, that cave has become a check-in mecca on today's Kaiji Island!

The economic growth of Haiji Island is growing by leaps and bounds, and there are improved land for grain, and Miss Hina's fairy shop is infinitely replenished with medicine.

The leader who can fight and milk in the armed forces, coupled with the fact that there are now blank enhancement talismans to enchant the weapons of the soldiers, has also increased the combat power of the soldiers a lot.

It can be said that the situation on Haiji Island is now very good.

But in the heart of Coral Palace Xinhai, there has always been a problem in mind these days.

"What secret did Lord Orobas know so he had to die?" Even Lord General, one of the witnesses of this incident, said that he did not know about it.

"But judging from the last live broadcast, the traveler must know something, could it be that there are still secrets in the Yuanxia Palace?"

"Haiyu Island is developing very well now, do I want to continue to investigate?"

Just when Xinhai was tangled, Goro came to Xinhai's office with a large pile of materials.

"Lord Coral Palace, these are the financial statements for the past few days, take a look."

Seeing that Goro was coming, Shinkai put the problem aside for the time being, and said to Goro with a smile: "You worked hard Goro, haven't you slept well recently?" The dark circles are all out. "

Oh... Actually..." Goro hesitated suddenly.

The fact that Miss Hina is his sister can be regarded as a duck on the shelf, and if it is not on it, it will be on it!

Otherwise, some words will not be rounded, unless he can open up his true identity.

And since he returned to Haiji Island in the past few days, I don't know if it is a psychological effect, he always feels that others look at him a little strangely, and always whisper.

In addition, I don't know where the news came from, saying that Lord Coral Palace intended to make Miss Hina a recruitment ambassador for Kaiji Island.

Under the triple blow, Goro has been sleepless all these days, let alone taking care of his tail.

Shinkai saw that Goro hesitated, looking like he wanted to say but was embarrassed to say, and immediately understood everything.

Xinhai comforted: "Don't worry Goro, I let the news that Miss Hina is an ambassador because I thought of a solution to Miss Hina's matter." As

soon as Goro heard that Lord Coral Palace had a way to solve this very difficult problem, he immediately stood up.

"Lord Coral Palace, what is the plan? Where can I work?

After seeing Goro finally come to good spirits, Shinkai explained, "Didn't Yae Miko still have a deal with you?" I plan to let her act as an intermediary for me to meet with Lord General. "

Inazuma's current state of rule has returned to hundreds of years ago, and under the rule of Raiden Jin, all aspects are thriving.

And Ray Movie also did what she was good at, responsible for the force aspect, and protecting her sister's safety.

"I'm going to use Goro's fifth-level goods from your fairy shop to ask Lord General to make a Miss Hina doll."

"There is no need to worry about the puppet charging, there are a lot of electric crystals on Haiqi Island, which is enough."

Goro seemed to have swept away the fatigue accumulated over the days in an instant, and his whole person was full of vitality.

But then, Goro asked, "Lord Coral Palace, don't we leave some behind?"

"Leave no one!" Xinhai replied categorically, "Although these things are good, there is a proverb in Liyue, which makes Pifu innocent and guilty."

"If you don't have great strength, then no matter how good things you hold in your hands, it will become a very troublesome hot potato."

"And Haijima Island can't use these things for the time being."

After Goro was silent for a moment, he said with a serious expression: "Lord Coral Palace, I understand what to do. "

Goro now fully understands this brilliant plan of Lord Coral Palace!

Previously, due to an unexpected war, the monsters of the entire island were almost wiped out.

Plus knowing the real cause of death of Lord Orobas, the lifting of the Eye Hunting Order, the introduction of a new bill, etc.! Let them rebel and now the hostility to Lord General is gradually decreasing.

In this case, the Buddha light relic is really not used.

But the situation of the shogunate army was completely different from theirs.

The strength of the monsters in Inazuma is obvious to all, not to mention the bloody dog species.

How many soldiers have died in the land of Inazuma because of the beasts killed that day!

And although the Buddha light relic will make people fall into a state of extreme endangerment, it is ultimately a life saved!

With the current variety of treatment methods, are you afraid that it will not be cured?

In addition, he used this thing to help him solve Miss Sheena's problem.

Goro has also figured it out now, and the news that Lord Coral Palace released the image ambassador is a smoke bomb.

At that time, as long as he and Miss Sheena leave the country at the same time, then any rumors will be dispelled.

The most important thing is that the woman will not tease him with this matter!!

But what Goro doesn't know is that there is a truth in the parallel world that has been verified by countless predecessors - women's clothing is only zero times and countless times!

Especially later, with the unintentional help of a certain fan, he completely let 'Miss Sheena' out of the circle!

When Goro returned to his former radiance and left, Xinhai no longer struggled with the previous problems.

"Forget it, it's still waiting, now there is an interactive live broadcast room, maybe one day all this will be exposed."

"Wasn't that rock god of Liyue exposed? I'd better wait and see. "


"When contemplating the bodhisattva at ease, walking in the depths of Prajnaparamita..."

In the evening of the same day, Wei was alone on the roof of the Wangshu Inn reading the Heart Sutra he had obtained earlier.

This heart sutra is extremely obscure, when Hu Tao glanced at it, after reading a short paragraph, his eyes turned to mosquito coils!

Fortunately, Lord Emperor was well-informed and made annotations on many difficult points.

Through this period of reading, the "karma" in his body has indeed been reduced a lot.

In addition, the traveler and Lord Fengshen cleaned up all the monsters in Liyue today.

Before the power of the earth veins respawns them, they can also relax a little.

I just don't know why, they will tie up a foolish ice warlock and walk around.

“...... Boro-monk revealed, Bodhisattva Bhava! Well? As soon as

the upper scroll of the Heart Sutra was finished, a sound of footsteps gradually came.

Through the shadow of the light on the visitor, Raya knew that it was Sumi's Miss Nilu who was here again.

Last time, I obviously rejected her in person, and I don't know what she wants to do this time.

But when Nilu's figure got closer and closer, the fish breathed! My eyes stared at the entrance of the stairs in disbelief! Even the Heart Sutra in his hand fell to the ground because he was too shocked, and he didn't care to pick it up.

"Wei Shangxian, good evening!"

As soon as Nilu finished saying hello, she heard a "brush" sound!

Immediately afterwards, a green figure instantly appeared in front of him.

"What's going on with your outfit?"

Nilu sensed the loss in the tone of the Immortals, but she was already familiar with the "Protector Yasha Immortals" and knew the reason.

Nilu explained, "Have you forgotten the Immortals? This is the reward I received, the clothes in the 'Miracle Wardrobe', and the limited clothing for this issue is the COS suit. "

The outfit she is wearing now is exactly the same as the Mizuyashi who used to be Liyue, that is, the general of the screw roll.

And she has a similar height and hairstyle to Fa Yan.

What's even more amazing is that when she wears this dress, even her hair color turns aqua blue.

Although Nilu still doesn't know what the aura and temperament attribute bonuses on the clothes mean.

But seeing that Wei Shangxian did not say two words coldly like last time, he disappeared on the spot, and boldly continued: "Wei Shangxian, I think sometimes, dance conveys mood better than words.

"Meru has a legend that when Lord Hanagami dances, the real Patisharan will bloom on the ground where she has stepped on, and I really want to see such a scene!"

"And in the last live broadcast, the live broadcast room played the green of the immortal of the fish... The process of descending demons made me know the ritual of dancing.

"So I later thought, does Wei Shangxian also want to use this dance to express what kind of mood?"

The heart of the fish trembled!

Expressed... Mood....

I'm not human, so I can't understand human emotions, so I always keep a certain distance from the lively world.

But when humans pray to him in the form of food offerings, or almsgiving, etc., he willingly protects their peace.

But what Wei always thought about was that one day he could bring this noodle to dance.

Not for the sake of exorcising demons, but to accompany the sound of the flute of that flower continent.

However, just as Wei was about to say something, both of them heard the familiar 'ding-dong~~' sound in the live broadcast room!

[Ice Warlock: @全体, come on! ] I'm in Hmm! 【

Ding! The Ice Warlock exited the live broadcast room, and cannot enter today!

[Wendy: @班尼特, take back your astrology skills!

[Bennett: Huh? But I still don't know how to take it back, what happened? [

Empty: @班尼特, it's okay, you don't have to care, just act like nothing happened.] But I still have to say, the astrological effect is really fantastic! (/like)].

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