After a fight between these people, the mood that Wei had been brewing with great difficulty disappeared.

Nilu saw that things were going to be bad, and quickly spoke: "Wei Shangxian, now that the interactive live broadcast room has arrived, it is not that nothing can be changed.

"Lord General, Mr. Diluc, Master Sangma Habayi, and Mr. Kaedehara Manyo have all achieved miracles that change regrets!"

"Even Wei Shangxian, didn't you get a copy of the Heart Sutra after the last Erchuang video?"

"So Wei Shangxian, really don't you fight for it?"

But to be honest, Nilu actually has no bottom.

Judging from the ten people who were charged the 'price' for the second and third live broadcasts, her 'price' is the most special.

Because the live broadcast room deliberately added the sentence 'accept the results at the next live broadcast'.

Nilu later thought of the 'dangerous party' that once Master Yu had with her father in Yoomiya Palace.

The two elders have received the rewards they need, can they also get the immortals?

Wei didn't know that Nilu thought so much, but Nilu's words just now were fiercely pierced into his heart.

In the long bloody battle, the five most powerful immortals Yasha were inevitably bound by karma, and only he still survived.

The previous trip to the Strata Abyss was also for the only remaining hope in my heart.

And after the arrival of the interactive live broadcast room, his sad destiny has changed, so recalling his former brothers and sisters will definitely be realized!

Wei looked at Nilu, who could almost fake the real thing, again, and finally let go!

"I agree to your request, but say in advance that when someone is in danger, if you call out 'Three-eyed Five Immortals - Fish', then I will go to guard and interrupt the dance learning."

Hearing Wei say this, Nilu was even more in awe of this immortal.

"Everything is based on the immortals! So let's start the course, please don't blink, it's about to start-

" "First of all... The next action is... So be it, well... Well! "

Ray:"??? "


Before you know it, a week has passed quietly!

Now watching live broadcasts regularly every week has become a common habit for everyone in the continent of Tivat.

[Xingqiu: It's finally this time, do you know how I spent the week? Every day, a book of 300 Tang poems, plus more than 10,000 a day, my wrist is going to break! [

Paimon: Is it miserable for me? (/crying) Have you ever seen an apple or sunset fruit eat all-you-can-eat? I live like this every day!! 【

Chongyun: You are not as miserable as me! It took me more than eight hours in the end to kill the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard with the Spirit Blade! Moreover, you have to eat Jiyun pepper every day!! 【

Sora : @班尼特, thank you so much, let me harvest a lot of materials in the past seven days! It's a pity that I didn't go to Inazuma. 【

Wendy: Aaaa You say it again!! @空, I don't want to pay attention to you for now!! 】

【Ice Warlock: Who has me miserable! The two demons above tied me up without saying a word, making me keep summoning Bingying! Also gagged my mouth!! Do you know how much heartbreak this has been for me!! [

Ying: It turns out that my brother went to upgrade that weapon, no wonder the Abyss Mage I sent never returned. [

Nilu: You are all physical punishments, but I have to say ten words in the crowd every day, 'Little dog, you can't do it', this is mental torture! 【

Yoomiya: Eh... Am I coming to the Miserable Conference? [

Kelly: Is it worse than that?] That Kelly is also quite miserable, my mother is not around, Captain Qin always keeps me in confinement, fortunately, there is a good person like Brother Kaiya!


【Ding! 【

Long time no see! 】 】

【Before the official live broadcast starts, let's check the results of Nilu's 'cost' (1), and then announce the update content of version 1.3! 【

Next, please descend the Great Sage - Wei, start your performance!】


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