Seeing Liyue's famous Devil Sage about to dance, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

What surprised them even more was that the young lady named Nilu was really able to convince the Great Sage of Demons!

A few seconds later, everyone in the live broadcast room saw a scene on the light screen.

In Liyue's Wangshu Inn, I don't know whether to be shocked by the prestige of the fish or to maintain a sense of awe for the immortal master, and the fish stood there alone in front of the camera.

In the next second, the fish began his performance.

And the interactive live broadcast room was accompanied by music at the moment when the fish moved. (BGM:Empty Love)

The two movements of the fish made everyone in the live broadcast room amazing!

Miss Niru's dance is loved by many people in Meru and is very popular.

Her performance forms dances, movements and expressions to show her feelings for something, giving people a gentle and delicate beauty.

Everyone thought that if this dance were to be danced by men, it would be just a form at most.

Unexpectedly, Wei Shangxian showed all the advantages of this dance to the fullest!

The body of the fish is slender, the waist is light, the movements are flexible and powerful, and all kinds of difficult postures are not a problem.

And in the expression, the eyebrows are lightly raised, giving people a sense of indifference of combing.

But through the movement of eyes and gaze, it is not difficult to find the tenderness and warmth contained in it.

In short, during a period of dancing, everyone in the live broadcast room deeply imprinted Wei's elegant and beautiful posture and otherworldly temperament in their minds.

[Dina Zeda: It's so good to dance! [

Ah Wei (cat at Wangshu Inn): Meow Meow~~]

[Dixia: If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe anyone could dance Nilu's dance so well! [

Nilu: This is all thanks to the traveler's actions that greatly reduce the monsters, so that the leisure time of the fish immortals has become abundant. [

Wendy: Can we stop talking about it!] [

Yun Pansy: Meru's dance also has its own characteristics, so if you have the opportunity, you should definitely study it. 】

【Xin Yan: The immortal dance is good, and the background music in the live broadcast room is also very good! 】 Anyway, it's all good! [

Yan Xiao: Wei Shangxian and Miss Nilu seem to be about the same height, no wonder this dance party is so compatible. 【

魈: Humph! Disrespectful immortal master! [

Jodha Dragon King: My reason tells me that this dance is a bit incongruous, but the look in your eyes just in the dance tells me what you really think. 【

Tomo (Manyo friend): Is this the live broadcast room that Manyo said? It's really interesting! [

Hu Tao: The little brother above is Wanye's friend, and I felt that you and the hall master could get along when I watched the video. Nuo, the best-selling emperor earth puppet in the past life hall will give you one, and it will be a meeting gift. [

Keqing: Hall Master Hu, these emperor clay dolls were fired half a month ago, right? Still not sold out? 】

【Dolly: With King Yan's clay puppet in hand, you are guaranteed to be able to fight for gold every day! ] [

Dolly's sister: Although Mora is very important, what is more important is to be healthy, disease-free and painless! ] 】

【Kujo Jura: @Tomo, you can discuss it when you have time! 】 This is for you, I recently summarized the seventy points of the maintenance of the statue of the Lord of the Imperial Palace, which will be helpful to you. 】

【Shikanoin Heizo: (/Fue) Is the gist added again! [

Thunder Movie: If you still want to face the power of thunder, come to the castle tower to find me. The

friend who was sitting on the sail top of the Death Omen Star with Kaedehara Manyo, watching everyone enthusiastically send him various greetings, it was crying and laughing.

"Wanye, is everyone in the live broadcast room so enthusiastic? Inazuma's previous environment was so depressing that I couldn't believe it. Wanyo

: "Except for a very few people such as Doctor and Hazard, everyone is fine. Even the current Inazuma has changed a lot under the rule of Shin-sama.

"In that case..." the friend got up and moved his somewhat stiff shoulders, "I, who has always pursued the ultimate in martial arts, naturally have to gladly go to the appointment in the face of the invitation of Kujo Choluo."

Hearing his friend's words, Wanye immediately got up, "But before that, watch today's live broadcast, and then learn the breath of the day!" "

[Ding! 】

【After verification in this live broadcast room, congratulations to Wei for exceeding the test with 100% praise! 】 Congratulations to Wei for winning the Consolation Prize - a bottle of Ouhuang Potion! (Bound)】

【Since Nilu is the 'price' collector, she will not receive any rewards! 【

Ouhuang Potion: After use, in the next ten minutes, increase the probability of being selected by the answer space by 10%. [

Nilu: Great! Sure enough, it was the same as I guessed! Congratulations to the Immortals! As

soon as the voice in the live broadcast room fell, a golden bottle appeared in Wei's hand.

The fish immediately gripped the bottle, but did not use it immediately.

Through the first three live broadcasts, the order in which the videos were played in the live broadcast room was guessed by most people.

As expected, the main sentence of today's video will be a character from Meru.

Wei is basically not familiar with Meru's side, so instead of using it now, it is better to use it again when it is Liyue's turn.

But the fish will not just wait for

the monsters in Liyue territory to be cleaned up by the travelers, before they are reborn, use this time to collect more information in all aspects.

[Before this live broadcast officially starts, update the 1.3 version patch! ] 【

(1) Delete the defense item card and add the mystery card! Please experience the specific effect by yourself! 【(

2) Optimized the specific effect of the trap card to avoid various bugs that drill loopholes! 【

(3) Added private chat and group mode! 【

The answer space has been built, and the contestants are being randomly selected this time...】【

Drawing completed! 【

Congratulations to Albedo, Kori, Ganyu, Nanachi, Yae Miko, Lei Movie, Xino, Ahat (?) Wait for eight to be selected! 】

【The eight contestants of this question will be divided into four groups through random matching, and adopt a 1v1 face-to-face battle system! 】 【

When all the questions are over, the side with the lowest score will be forced to charge a 'price'! If it is tied, both parties will be charged! 【The

item cards obtained by each person at the beginning of the game will also be changed from one to two! 】 Other rules remain the same! 】

【There are still twenty minutes before the official answer begins, and random battle assignments are underway...】As

soon as this list and new rules came out, the live broadcast room was instantly fried!

[Alice: Don't be afraid, little Koli! ] If the live broadcast room dares to do something to you, when your mother's big project is completed, you will definitely do this live broadcast room!

[Jean: Ms. Alice doesn't have to be like this, with Albedo following, there will be no accident. 】

【Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: Since Gan Yu was selected, in order to let everyone know more about this child, I will tell you about her childhood. 【

Bai Shu: I'll go prepare some coconut milk in a while, and drink it when Qiqi comes back.】 【

Goro: It's that woman!!】 】

【Kujo Jura: The common way is magnificent, Narugami is eternal! 】 [

Nilu: Isn't this hat player the one from the last academy tournament? But why, like Miss Sheena, did he put a question mark after his name? [

Nasida: Hehe, I'm also puzzled by this matter, so let's continue reading first. In

the midst of everyone's discussion, the grouping in the live broadcast room was also completed.

[The grouping has been completed, the details will be announced below! ] 【

Albedo V Xino! 】

【Ganyu V Yae Miko! 】 】

【Kelly V Seven Seven! 【

Ray Movie V Ah Hat (?) )! 】

【This group is based on the principle of fairness and justice, and there is absolutely no black box operation! 】 【

There are still ten minutes left before the official answer, all the contestants are ready! 】 After

the live broadcast room finished speaking, the eight people were instantly teleported to their respective competition areas and met each other's opponents!

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