Counting this time, the live broadcast has been carried out four times.

There are Inazuma's Oni, Ligetsu's Rock God, Mond's Night Hero, Meru's Dancer, etc.

But some people will sleep directly in the answer space, and everyone is still amazed!

The person who knew the inside story of Liyue quickly explained.

[Uncle Tian: The first live broadcast was at ten o'clock in the morning, and the weekly live broadcast time will be fixed from then on. ] 】

【Yelan: Because the video time of each live broadcast broadcast before was about 2 minutes, even if you add the answer time of each question, it can be finished before 12. [

Condensing light: And Ganyu has the habit of taking a nap, once it is time for lunch break, she will fall asleep immediately regardless of the occasion, even if there is a group of hills dancing around her, she will not wake up. 【

Keqing: This incident was originally just a joke circulating inside our Liyue Seven Stars, but then once during lunchtime, Gan Yu fell asleep directly on the haystack on the side of the road, and was transported all the way to Ogihuazhou. 】

【Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: This kind of thing has happened (/ write it down)! ] It seems that Gan Yu's child is still as confused as when he was a child. [

Xingqiu: But fortunately, Miss Ganyu activated two prop cards before falling asleep, and it seems that they are still a pair of combination cards. [

Chongyun: It's this 'dream' card, it's not clear what the effect is. Yae

Miko in the answer space is also entangled, she wants to wake up Ganyu and let her sleep like this first.

"It's a good thing that Sister Gan Yu fell asleep, at least she lost the ability to answer questions on her own."

"But the two prop cards she used before going to bed..." Yae

Miko thought about it for a moment, and finally decided to wait and see, but she couldn't be unguarded.

"Use item cards!"

A prop card in Yae Miko's hand disappeared, and immediately above her head, a round, solid purple question mark pattern appeared.

And the video in this time curtain has also been played to the Sanssouci Festival that has been organized!

As the traveler carries the flower crown woven by the Lannaros and plays the tune of the big dream, in the collective chorus, the story develops to the highest // tide!

Now, there's only one last thing to do!

Go to the old Huanna Lanna, end the last Muryuta, plant a new King Tree, and bring the entire forest of Meru back to life!

At this point, everyone in the live broadcast room has lost their initial impatience and are watching the light curtain intently.

Along the way, travelers have forged deep friendships with many Lannaros.

When they see the relic guard who can't be killed no matter what, everyone will be worried!

When they see the strange and inexplicable attack methods of the avatar of Wuliutuo, everyone will cheer up!

But when they saw that after defeating the incarnation of Muryuta, Lanrama absorbed the power of the Enlightenment King Tree and transformed himself into a new seed and took root in the land of Meru, everyone fell silent.

At the end of the video, the foolish spy Alfonso, who failed the mission, was also bitten to death by a bloody dog on the way to Huannalanna.

Losing her memory, Lanlana follows the traveler to rescue Lana, who also obtains an eye of the gods and finds her way forward.

"Don't lose to the wind, don't lose to the rain, don't lose to the winter snow, don't lose to the hot summer..." The

traveler also brought the piano every day to the tree where Lanroma incarnated and played the music he loved to hear.

The video is all over here, and everyone in the live broadcast room finally understands why Lana, an ordinary person, is called "the leader of the true main line of Meru"! "

From the chance encounter with Lana and ending with the rescue of Lana, the traveler's footprints cover almost the entire Meru rainforest.

Memory and reality, dreams and reality, stories and reality intersect to form the "forest book" in the traveler's hand.

As the Lannaros say, "The forest remembers everything!" [

Yelan: I now understand the meaning of the traveler's wry smile before the video plays. [

Keqing: I also understand that it is both a bitter smile at the end of the story, and a bitter smile that Lannaros will eventually lose their memory, but they can't do anything about it.]

[Nasida: But in my opinion, this is a sad but still happy ending. Lannaros will attach their memories to plants, so they will say, the forest, will remember everything! [

Xingqiu: The Torch Book of the Dharma also mentions that Lannaro will have amnesia, and travelers should have noticed it. Because from then on, the traveler's answer began to become monolithic.

[Dainsreb: Not only that, but the traveler should also realize who the golden Nara was five hundred years ago.

[Dadalia: It's a pity that the one named Alfonso, but this also shows that the orphanage system established by the servants is a complete failure. 【

Yan Qi: Jurisprudence and human feelings sometimes conflict, sometimes compatible, weighing the relationship between the two, what a learning. 】

【Kaedehara Manyo: @空, traveler, so in the end you left the piano yourself? 【

Empty: I went to return it afterwards!】 But Grandpa Amazia didn't ask for it!

[Kavi: Then again, the names of the Lannaros are really awkward, thanks to travelers who can write them all down. [

Null: Actually... When I was looking for seventy-six Lannaro, I also wasted a lot of effort. 】

【Kazuto Arataki: Woo~~ It's so touching! What a good story! It's just a little bit long. 】

【Shinobu Kuki: Boss, although it is not good to say this when you are emotional, but I also want to ask, why is there less than half of the funds of our Arataki faction? 】

【Kazuto Arataki: This matter, I bought Miss Hina's peripherals from the Tachimoto brothers, and I promised Miss Hina that I would put her peripherals all over the Arataki faction!


【Coral Miyashinkai: Uh-huh! It seems that the prop card that Lord Miyaji just used is the new mystery card this time. 】

【Fischer: It is worthy of being the live broadcast room that this queen loves, even the Great Fantasy Dream Senluo Wanxiang Judgment Eye cannot see through the essence of the mystery! ] 【

Oz: Miss means that she also wants to answer questions and is very interested in item cards.

【Fischer: Hmph~~(/Ignore you)】While

everyone in the live broadcast room was discussing, the content about the next video was also displayed on the light screen.

【Ding! Take note! 【

The video of "Forest Book" has been played, please watch the next video - Happy Birthday! 】 "

The float is upside down, Nasida opens her eyes..."

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