Everyone in the live broadcast room was relieved to see that the video had finally returned to its previous appearance.

If there were a few more videos as long as the Forest Book, it would be really unbearable.

However, before everyone could relax, the first sentence that appeared on the video shocked them again!


Isn't that the Lord of Meru's Maha Shamma, the Great Auspicious Wisdom?

Then I thought that the rock god of Liyue and the thunder god of Inazuma had been exposed in the live broadcast room, so today's video related to the grass god was also said to be in the past.

But the vast majority of Monds immediately became hot in their hearts.

With the exposure of the gods one by one, is their wind god Lord Barbatos also going to the live broadcast room?

But the traveler thinks completely differently than the others, and he is worried about one thing now.

"If that incident is exposed, then Sumi's magic scale disease that is not easy to disappear, as well as taboo knowledge..."

But no matter what everyone thought, the video was playing.

Accompanied by a burst of soothing and healing music, Nasita lies on a gorgeous float.

In the slight bump of the float, Nasida slowly opened her eyes.

"The float is upside down, Nasida opens her eyes!"

"She said she just dreamed that Nasida's birthday is today!"

The sleepy-eyed Nasida rubbed her eyes, but when she thought of the dream just now, she immediately happily shared the picture in the dream.

It was a vibrant lawn, with foxes, birds and other animals guarding the sweet-looking Nasida.

Until some people dressed in Meru clothes approached and woke Nasida up.

"In a dream, the knights of flowers and his attendants found him."

"O gods! But I found you, and everyone is looking forward to meeting you. Seeing

that the people of Meru had arrived, Nasida was naturally full of joy and readily agreed to be taken away by them.

When I came to Meru Castle.

I saw many people of Meru dancing hand in hand, surrounding Nasida in the center.

There were also many people scattering flowers, and the atmosphere was very cheerful and relaxed.

Nasida also threw three Yalda sugars red, green and blue into the air.

"The Flower God's Birthday Festival opened, and people happily circled around her."

"Until Nasida gets on the float, waves with everyone, and says goodbye."

Surrounded by the people of Meru, Nasida got into the float and waved goodbye to everyone.

It all seemed so peaceful.

At this point, the video is still normal, and everyone is looking forward to the subsequent development of the story.


"The float is upside down, Nasida opens her eyes!"

"She said she just dreamed that Nasida's birthday is today!"

Exactly the same lines as before, almost the same scene.

The reason why it was almost, was because Nasida's expression was a little depressed.

Even the emotion contained in the voice has weakened a little compared to the previous one.

Nasida's movements are also different from before.

She first reached out and touched her head, but she didn't touch anything.

Then, it was still that familiar land, familiar little animals.

It's just that Nasida is resting her head on a rock.

"In a dream, the knights of flowers and his attendants found him."

"O gods! But I found you, and everyone is looking forward to meeting you. "

But this time it is not the same people who came before.

It's Elheisen, Nilu, Tinari, Voyager, Paimon, Xeno, and Dihia.

They were running towards Nasida and putting a crown of flowers on her head.

"The Flower God's Birthday Festival opened, and people happily circled around her."

"Until Nasida gets on the float, waves with everyone, and says goodbye."

It's still the familiar Meru Castle, or the familiar festival.

But unlike before, the traveler joined in and had a great time smiling with Nasida!

When they saw this, 99% of the people were completely confused.

The remaining 1% began to think about the surprise displayed by the video content, and whether it was illustrative.

But then, the content of the video suddenly took a sharp turn!

"Floats... Twisted and turned, Nasida opened her eyes. "

The cheerful background music before is no longer there, and it has become very depressing and weird music.

What's even weirder is that at the bottom of the video, with Nasida's narration, a long string of text appeared below the subtitle!

"She said she just dreamed that Nasida's birthday was today."

Nasida's expression looked very painful, even if she woke up, the joy in her eyes was gone.

Now there is only sadness and exhaustion.

Even her voice became weak.

But the more terrifying picture is behind!

As the video flashed a few times quickly as if it were a bad contact, the picture came to the lawn again.

It's just that the land that was originally full of life has become a deserted ruin.

Nasida lay there alone.

The color of the sky has now turned a oozing blood red.

This picture with weird background music can't help but make people's hearts feel hairy.

"In a dream, the knights of flowers and his attendants found him."

"God, I can count you found, and everyone is looking forward to meeting you."

Several people dressed in patriarchal costumes came to Nasida's side and pulled Nasida's arm quite roughly.

Regardless of whether Nasida could keep up with them, she dragged her all the way back to Meru.

"The Flower God's Birthday Festival opened, and people happily circled around her."

"Until Nasida gets on the float, waves with everyone, and says goodbye."

Compared to the cheerful atmosphere of Meru Castle on the previous two occasions, this time it is much calmer.

No applause, no flowers, no candy!

There was no joy on people's faces, they all looked sad.

Nasida extended her helpless little hand, but eventually gave up.

"The float is bumpy, Nasida opens her eyes."

"She said that Nasida's birthday is today."

As soon as the video screen turned, everyone was surprised to find that Nasida at this time had been trapped in a spherical cage.

Her eyes, which had once twinkled with wisdom, also dimmed down.

Then the screen went completely black, and only Nasita's last words echoed in people's ears.

"Happy birthday, Nasida!"


【Ding! The video is finished! Please answer the following two questions within ten minutes! [

Second question, excuse me: When Nasida usually speaks, her tone is calm most of the time, but when it comes to one thing, her tone is full of curiosity.

For this matter, Nasida once specially suggested to the traveler, so what is this matter...

] [A: Badminton

] [B: Go to the toilet

] [C: swing] [D: Listen to cold jokes

] [E: E: E]


The third question, please translate the special characters under the text of the last scene in the "Happy Birthday" video into the common text of Tivat! 【Requirements

: As long as the general meaning is correct, within 100 words! 】 】

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