The video has not yet been played, but everyone in the live broadcast room saw this answer and immediately became calm.

[Yoomiya : Is Kelly going to use the bouncing bomb as fireworks? 】

【Hakujutsu: @可莉, it's okay to detonate the bomb, but please stay away, Qiqi doesn't like high temperatures, please understand. [

Jean: @白术, I just sent a private chat to Kelly. 【

Kaia: @可莉, do you remember the Order's rules of survival? [

Kelly: Kelly knows, but brother Kaiya, are you also locked up by Captain Qin? Kelly hadn't seen Brother Kaiya for a long time.

[Diluc: He's still fine, but he can go back in a few days. 【

Barbara: Finally meet Lord Barbatos!】 O great god who guided Mond to freedom!! 】

【Kujo Choro: This live broadcast room dares to slander Lord General like this, what a darede! ] 【

Yura: The raising of children mentioned in the stem does not necessarily refer to real children, but may also refer to the people of the gods. [

Ning Guang: That's right, the emperor's guided upbringing, does it mean that Liyue entered the era of human rule? 】

【Raiden Zhen: Shadow turned out to be abandoned? Or as long as you don't die? Hehe~~]

[Nilu: If you understand it this way, why is Kusakami-sama adopted? [

Empty: Then it depends on the next video analysis, just right, the video is now also playing. Everyone

in the live broadcast room instantly stopped discussing and looked at the light curtain intently.

In a white snowy field, a group of adorable furry penguins live here.

As the camera continues to zoom in, two penguins, one big and one small, become the protagonists of the video.

Four big characters also appeared in the center of the light curtain - the rock god with children!

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that the tall little penguin had the head of 'Fish on Immortal' on his head.

I don't know if it's because the fish has just learned to walk, or if it's because the snow is too slippery.

After walking a few steps, one of the 'rays' fell directly!

"Be careless!"

Behind the 'fish', the tall big penguin with a portrait of Zhongli hurriedly stepped forward and lifted up the fallen 'fish'.

"Find a place to shelter from the snow, I'll be fine, but you might catch a cold!"

Zhongli said as he carefully moved the fish under his gentle and strong belly.

Under the very reliable and meticulous care of 'Zhongli', 'Ray' grew rapidly.

At the beginning of the video, everyone in the live broadcast room realized that this was a second creation video from another world.

They were already mentally prepared, but they didn't expect that they still overestimated their ability to bear.

That famous Devil Descent Great Sage, can be so cute?

But this is only one god, and the appearance of three gods awaits them.

Next second!

The warm picture suddenly disappeared, and even the background music became sad.

On the video screen, the five words "Thor with children" also appeared!

The same little penguin, its head is like that hat!

Now everyone is even more curious about his true identity!

Thor's 'child' built a huge mecha in Meru to make trouble, took out the heart of the grass god, and then even became a scholar in Meru!

But now is not the time to ask questions, because the video continues.

The 'Ah Hat' in the picture walks alone in the cold snow.

The only thing he could protect himself from was the thin layer of fluff outside.

Just as 'Ahat' was shivering from the cold, a big penguin quickly rushed over! Weathered the wind and snow for him!

When everyone thought that it was Thor who arrived, they found that on the head of this big penguin, it was the head of Nasida!

The subtitle in the video also became "Grass God with Children!" The

narrator then explains, "He's still learning what to do right and how to do it wrong!" "

Two penguins, one big and one small, are walking on the snowfield.

Under the education of 'Nasida', 'Ah Hat' quickly mastered many skills.

But sharp-eyed viewers have noticed that the image of 'A hat' at this time is closer to the one in the answering space now.

Some active viewers immediately guessed something that might happen during this time.

I also realized why the grass god is 'adopted' education, while the thunder god is 'abandoned'.

But just when they wanted to dig into more details, suddenly the picture turned!

A group of 'little Mond penguins' appeared in the snow, one by one, walking forward.

At the back of the team is the big penguin with the head of the 'Captain Qin'!

Everyone was puzzled again at this time.

Captain Qin's sense of responsibility to Mond is obvious to all.

But what about the good Fengshen?

It was also at this time that a penguin with Wendy's head "roared" from the snow and quickly rowed over.

"Ouch~~ Let's play together!"

The five words 'Fengshen with children' also appeared at this time.

And the video, too, ended at this time.

Although this video is a second-creation video from another world, it also exposes a lot of information!

[Fish: Snow... Hmph, remembered something unpleasant. 【

Kelly: The little penguin is so cute! 】 Kelly loves furry things the most! [

Shikanoin Heizo: I roughly guessed the cause and effect of the whole incident with 'Ahat', but I still need to testify. 【

Keqing: Have you forgotten one thing.】 [

Hu Tao: Not bad, @温迪, this little brother, are you really the wind god? 【

Xiangling: So, last time at the Haidang Festival, I was actually eating with two gods!!】

【Guoba: Lu~~Lulu~~】【

Twalin: @温迪, your image of not doing business, but even people in the other world know everything, so don't you admit it? [

Wendy: (/Spread hands) When I borrowed the Sky Piano, I had a showdown and admitted that I was the wind god Barbatos himself, but no one believed it! 【

Gothlinder: Lord Kazeshin actually called my sister!!】 Or twice!! 【

Jack: Lord Fengshen also pointed me to find the brilliant sword of courage!!】

[Barbara: So... You really are... Lord Barbatos! [

Wendy: It's like a fake bag change~~ How about it, isn't it shocking? Are you so excited that you want to cry?

[Lisa: @琴, Barbara couldn't stand the blow and just passed out. [

Amber: @琴, a large number of Mond residents are running towards the gift of angels! What to do?

[Wendy: It's okay, just let them come. But keep everyone safe, don't crowd and stampede! 】

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