Angel's gift tavern.

Wendy was still drinking apple brew, but Charles, who was in charge of bartending, and the other guests in the tavern were dumbfounded.

They never dreamed that this bard, who often drank on credit, turned out to be Lord Barbatos!

To be honest, Charles's psychological gap is a bit big now.

Not only him, Barbara, who has woken up, now also looks unacceptable.

"I still can't believe that the Lord of the Wind God who blew away the ice and snow in the early days of Mond City, fought off the evil dragon with Lord Winessa, spread the will of freedom, and defeated the magic dragon Durin, would be... It will be..." Just

as Barbara was about to pass out again, Jean sent her a private chat.

[Jean: Sometimes seeing is not true, Lord Barbatos seems to be going to give an important speech at the door of the angel's gift, so come and listen to it.

At this time, at the gate of the angel's gift, almost all the inhabitants gathered here.

"I didn't expect that the bard who was running around in Mondstadt all day was actually Lord Fengshin! I've heard him play!

"Me too! Lord Fengshen isn't this the same as the rock god of Liyue? They are silently protecting their people. I don't know what Lord Fengshen will say in a moment!

"I hope Lord Fengshen will use his divine power to blow that snowy mountain away, so that when you go to Liyue Port for business, you don't have to detour through Shimen!"

Everyone was talking about it, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

The Knights, led by Jean, are struggling to maintain order on the scene.

A moment later, the door of the tavern "creaked" open!

Their wind god, Lord Barbatos, has finally appeared!

"Hey~~ Hello everyone! Hiccup~~" Wendy greeted everyone with a smile.


scene, which was originally very warm, suddenly became a lot colder.

Because Wendy was holding a bottle of apple brew, her cheeks were slightly red, and she looked like a drunken 'wine mengzi'.

If it was before he knew Wendy's true identity, then his image didn't matter.

But now that it is known that Wendy is one of the seven rulings of the earthly world, and then show people in this image, everyone is a little unacceptable.

Especially after the live broadcast room has exposed the rock god, the thunder god, the big merci tree king and the little auspicious grass king.

Wendy tilted her head and wondered, "What's wrong with everyone?" Shouldn't you cheer when you see the dream wind god? "

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, and after a moment of silence, finally someone stood up.

"Lord Fengshin, you shouldn't be like this! Now that you've returned to Mond, we're all waiting for you to lead!!

Wendy asked, "I ask you, what is Mond's faith?"

"Of course it's you, Lord Barbatos." The man said without hesitation.

"No, no, no!" Wendy shook her head, "Mond is a city that believes in the 'wind', and the wind is free and unfettered, which is also the origin of the 'City of Freedom'."

"Since it is the capital of freedom, if everything is under the leadership of me, the 'wind god', can this still be called freedom?"

"This..." The questioner was momentarily speechless.

Wendy continued, "I am Barbatos, the wind god, and I am a barrier to protect my people.

"But I'm also Wendy of Mondstad, a bard who loves to drink, is allergic to cat hair, and loves to play beautiful poetry."

"That's why I don't want the status of the gods to become a shackle placed on you. I hope that everyone can live freely in this land as before.

"Let the wind guide and blow the blessing of freedom in a brighter and better direction!"

"Snap!!" Jean was the first to applaud.

Under the lead of the piano, the mountain roared into a tsunami of applause.

Barbara in the crowd also understood what Wendy meant, and also understood why the answer to the wind god in the last question in the live broadcast room was 'free-range, but always caring'.

Her faith in Lord Fengshen will also be unwavering!

Wendy was pleased with the reaction of the people of Mond and was relieved.

'Finally got this over! '

But the next second!

[Since the four gods with children belong to the second creation video, according to the previous rules, a consolation prize will be given to the protagonist in the video! ] 】

【Congratulations to Zhongli for getting the 'laptop' new LAN function, and adding large-scale games such as Final Fantasy series, Honkai series, Sword and Fairy series, and Warcraft series. 】

【Congratulations to Nasida for winning the two masterpieces of "Computer Fundamentals" and "How to Write Code - From Entry to Hospitalization"! ] 【

Congratulations to Wendy for getting a 'Liguo Limin Discount Coupon'! 】】【Congratulations to Wendy for getting a 'Liguo Limin Discount Coupon'! 】 In the next seven days, people who come to you to learn your skills will spend 10% less Mora! 】

【Since Thor does not appear in the video, but there is Thor everywhere, the foodie tablecloth that can only be used three times is rewarded! 】

Wendy: "???? "

He knew something bad was going to happen!

Especially now that he had just finished speaking, Wendy could already anticipate what would happen in the next seven days!

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