Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 111 Consecutive Transmission (For First Order)

next morning

Everyone packed up their luggage and left the villa.

When he came to the teleportation station next to the explorer's house, Kane asked his teammates to wait outside while he entered the ticket office.

Find a window with fewer people and line up.

Not long after, it was finally Kane's turn, this time the ticket salesperson was a cat girl.

However, Kane has no interest in Catgirl, mainly because he has seen too much of this half-beast race, and it has passed his original sense of novelty.

"Need 4 teleportation tickets to Cantor Harbour."

"4 Canter Harbor, please wait a minute."

After speaking, the conductor started to fiddle with the machine in front of him.

It was a rectangular machine covered with countless buttons, something Kane didn't understand.

After some operations, I took out 4 tickets, handed them to Kane and said, "A total of 120 gold"

It seems that the amount of money required for such cross-border transmission has increased exponentially.

After paying the money and getting the tickets, Kane quickly returned to his team.

Pass the ticket to everyone, and the ticket has several transmission points that need to be passed through this time.

Before reaching the destination, there are still two transfer stations in the middle to transfer.

When they came to the transmission station, everyone handed the tickets to the conductor next to them.

This time, the conductor did not directly collect the ticket, but made a mark on the ticket, and then let everyone enter the transmission station.

Everyone stood close to the teleportation station, and disappeared with a burst of bright light.

It was pitch black all around, Kane felt the world spinning, and a sense of disgust came to his heart.

I don't know if it's because of the long transmission distance, but after a while, the surroundings regained the light.

As soon as it was teleported, Kane was a little unsteady, and his whole body was shaking.

Long-distance transportation feels like throwing someone into a front-loading washing machine and being frantically re-washed.

Lombe and Metzker take Kane off the teleporter

When Kane finally recovers, start observing for 4 weeks.

It can be seen from the surrounding environment that this teleportation station is set on a mountain peak.

The surrounding and distant surroundings are snow-covered peaks, and the clouds are so close to him.

The few man-made buildings around are the transmission station and a few houses next to it.

So where is this?

Seeming to see Kane's doubts, Claire leaned over and said, "This is the Mismik Mountains, and it is this mountain that separates the Kingdom of Hetris from the border city-states.

Generally speaking, if you want to transfer from the border city-state to the kingdom, you need to reach the transfer station on the mountain first, and then from the transfer station to the kingdom capital. "

After listening, Kane nodded.

Now that he has recovered himself, let's start the next teleportation.

Then everyone came to the transmission station again.

This time the teleportation didn't last long, so when the teleportation was complete, Kane didn't stagger again.

"The person who has completed the teleportation, please go this way, and please leave the teleportation platform in an orderly manner."

As soon as Kane and the others arrived, they heard the staff next to them shouting to them.

This teleportation station seems to be built in an open tunnel, and the surrounding stone walls are full of various buildings.

Kane and the others followed the flow of people and moved in the direction given by the staff.

This is indeed the imperial capital of a kingdom, and the flow of people sent is far greater than that of the city of lions.

With the crowd crowded, everyone finally passed through the teleportation station.

As soon as he left the teleportation station, the scene outside gave Kane a lot of shock.

The surrounding buildings are different from the architectural style of the city of lions, and do not have the delicate and elegant feeling of the city of lions.

However, it is more atmospheric and ancient than the style of the City of Lions, giving people a sense of history.

A variety of high and low exquisite, quaint and atmospheric buildings have been extended beyond Kane's sight.

The city dwellers who come and go around, their clothes and facial expressions give people a feeling of happiness and vitality.

The city of the lion seems to have some numbness on the faces of the local residents due to the pressure of the government.

Of course, these are not enough to surprise Kane.

What surprised Kane was that in the sky of the capital, there were countless cylindrical pointed TC cities floating in the sky above the center of the city, and there was a floating city that was unusually conspicuous.

From a distance, the appearance of the entire floating city is made of white and blue, which is very noble and elegant.

Part of the light from the scorching sun in the sky was gathered above the floating city.

The entire floating city seems to be the palace and castle of the royal family.

The environment of the entire city seems to have been artificially transformed, and it is very suitable for intelligent races to live.

Although it is autumn, it gives people a feeling like spring. Various plants and trees are cultivated in various parts of the city in an orderly manner.

I have to say that the City of Lions is very much compared to this...

Not far in front of Kane and the others is the local explorer's home. It seems that the explorer's home is basically built around the teleportation station.

But they didn't want to go in.

Instead, he made a circle and came to the entrance of the transmission station, queuing up and following the flow of people to enter the transmission station again.

This is the last transfer, this time it will be sent directly to the coast of the Kingdom of Heteris, Kanter Seaport.

After the ticket collector collected all of Kane's tickets, he let them stand on the transmission platform.

This time, they reached their destination in just an instant.

A salty and wet sea breeze blew on Kane's face, and there was a faint sea smell in the breeze.

There was no one else around the teleportation table except Kane.

Follow the signs and go out of the teleportation station.

There were finally two soldiers at the door, but they were sitting lazily at the table next to them and playing chess.

Seeing Kane and the others coming out of the teleportation station, the two of them couldn't believe it.

One of the soldiers with freckles came over and asked, "Are you explorers?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Kane was a little puzzled. Is the control here so strict, and he even questioned him.

The soldier touched his head embarrassedly and said, "It's nothing, it's just that there have been no explorers here for several weeks. Suddenly, I saw a new explorer coming, and I was a little curious."

Kane had expected these situations for a long time. After all, the surrounding dungeon [Gobi Ruins] was a useless place for ordinary explorers.

"Then ask, in which direction is the dungeon?"

Hearing Kane's question, the soldier immediately replied: "[Gobi Ruins] is on the seaside outside the city. There are signs along the way. Follow the signs to get there."

"Okay, thank you, let's say goodbye first."

"Where are you, you're welcome."

Saying goodbye to the two soldiers, everyone came to the city and observed the surroundings.

The surrounding architectural style is not much different from the architectural style of the royal capital, but the materials of the building are much worse, all of which are relatively common stone materials.

The area of ​​this small town is also extremely limited, and around the line of sight, you can see the city walls of the small town.

It is estimated that the city wall will not exceed three meters.

The residents who came and went around seemed to be ordinary fishermen.

It seems that I haven't seen the explorers for a long time, and they all looked at Kane curiously, especially the cotton candy following Kane, which attracted most of the attention.

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