Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 112 Uninvited new teammates (please order first)

Follow the narrow earthen main road to the city gate ahead.

Next to the road, the residents of the small town are at their doorsteps, and by the road are hung dried fish and nets for fishing.

The air is filled with a faint fishy smell, mixed with the sea breeze, which makes people have to feel the breath of the sea.

Kane and his party walked out of the city gate, and the soldiers patrolling beside the city gate and the city wall were sucked by their team and turned their heads frequently.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked out of the city gate, he saw a raised wooden sign beside the path.

The wooden sign reads Dungeon and draws a sign with an arrow to the front left.

Kane looked up and glanced into the woods beside him.

Everyone moved in the direction indicated by the sign. It seemed to have rained here yesterday. There were a lot of axle marks on the dirt road under their feet, and there was still a lot of muddy water in the bottom of the pit.

Along the way, there were many residents of the small town dragging wooden trucks to the city. The goods on the wooden boards were hugged by oil cloth skins, but the strong fishy smell emanating from them still indicated what was inside.

Walking along the sign all the way, I finally saw a relatively simple camp by the sea.

A tall flagpole was erected in the middle of the camp, and the flag hung on it was the symbol of the Misty Council.

When he was about to arrive at the camp, Kane suddenly raised his hand and stopped.

Watching Kane stop, his teammates also stopped.

When Kane turned his head, his pupils had turned into vertical eagle eyes.

Claire and the others instantly saw weapons in their hands, alerting the surroundings.

Kane stared at the woods next to him, and there was a very obvious copper-colored magic reaction flashing on the branches.

When Kane left the city, he just habitually turned on his eagle eyes to scan the surroundings, and found a copper-colored magic reaction on the spot.

According to the soldiers at the transmission station, there have been no explorers for a while, and Kane they are the only explorers that have appeared during this time.

And this group's magic reaction is even bigger than Mezick's.

This can rule out the possibility of ordinary people with extraordinary talents.

When Kai discovered the reaction of this group of magic power, he paid attention to him from time to time, and as a result, he kept following Kane's team and never left Kane's line of sight.

It's time to enter the dungeon now.

It's better to find this person out and ask him clearly.

Facing the direction of the woods, Kane shouted: "Come out, I have found you, why should you follow us all the way."

After hearing Kane's words, the magic reaction trembled, then flashed to another tree and stopped.

What's the meaning? Are you afraid I will deceive him?

"On the big tree next to the pink flowers, don't hide."

It seemed that it was really confirmed that Kane had discovered him, and the magical reaction began to slowly float out.

Seeing the movement in the jungle ahead, Claire and the others clenched the weapons in their hands instantly and became vigilant.

After seeing the original appearance of the magic reaction, Kane and the others were a little confused.

This is a small man the size of a human head, with pink and transparent fluttering behind it, similar to butterfly wings.

She was wearing this red and white Lolita, and her head was dyed yellow hair.

In her hand she also held a staff about the size of her body, but it looked more like a fairy wand.

This is a little fairy, a rare race with a small population, but each one is sheltered by the mist.

"Hey, I was caught, now you can be a ghost." A girl's innocent childish voice came out of her mouth.


What are you talking about?

Seeing the confused expressions on Kane and the others, the little fairy realized that there was a huge problem with her words.

With the fairy stick at hand, he tapped his head and stuck out his tongue.

"Hee hee, I'm sorry, what I want to express is can you let me join your team?"

Is this person familiar? Kane was a little helpless by the little fairy's series of operations.

"Why should I let you join our team? And who are you? Why are you following us all the way?"

Facing Kane's question, the little fairy fluttered her wings and flew up and down.

After turning around Kane, he said: "Because I also want to team up to explore the dungeon. After I became an explorer in my hometown, I sneaked out. I heard that there is a dungeon here, but there is no explorer. "

"It's the first time I left my hometown, so I lost my way." Then he used two small hands to place a circle on his eyes and said to Kane.

"And you have a misty breath on you, so you won't be a bad person."

Hearing what the little fairy said, Kane frowned, the breath of the mist, was he talking about the medal of the mist warrior on his body?

However, it is not uncommon for the little fairy, known as the Mist, to feel Kane's Mist Medal.

Then he stared at the little fairy and continued to ask: "Then who are you? Or what are you good at? If you don't know these, how do I know if you are suitable for our team."

After hearing Kane's words, the little fairy happily flew around the crowd and giggled.

"I haven't agreed yet. What are you happy about?"

"Yeah." The little fairy hurriedly stopped, clenched her skirts with both hands, and gave a salute: "My name is Li Lulu. The fairy tale spirit, from the Dream Garden, is a mage."

Then he waved the staff in his hand, and three colored stars appeared beside him, and flew to the stone next to him with the wave of the staff.


With a loud bang, the man-high boulder was blown to smithereens.

After seeing this scene, Kane turned his head, looked at his teammates, and asked them with his eyes if they would accept this temporary new teammate.

Lombe shrugged, indicating that there was no problem, while Metzker and Claire nodded.

After all, my team really needs a mage, and now there is a mage who wants to join them, and there is no reason to refuse.

And the race is still a fairy, this race is notoriously powerful and kind. Otherwise, it will not always be blessed by the fog.

Run in first, and if it doesn't work, look for other mages.

And although this little fairy looks innocent and likes to smirk, she can keenly feel the breath of Kane's body and the attack she just made, which means that she is hidden.

Since the teammates agreed, there is no reason to refuse.

He said to Li Lulu: "Then we will temporarily invite you to join our team. If there is any problem at that time, I can only ask you to leave the team. Is it alright?"

Li Lulu folded her hands and flew in the air, her face was a little puffed up, and she said in an unhappy tone: "Li Lulu is so powerful, how could it not be suitable for a team, and Li Lulu is kind and cute. , I'm sure you will like me."

Everyone shook their heads and laughed when a child like Li Lulu spoke with the same temper.

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