After Li Lulu joined the team, she began to circle around the Kane crowd.

The race of the little fairy really has special effects all over the body.

With the flapping of her wings.

There was a faint rainbow trail in the air, and a little sparkling gold powder, falling down with the flapping of her wings.

"Are you a dwarf? Your beard is so beautiful, it's red."

Lilulu fluttered her wings, surrounded Lombe, and reached out to touch his beloved beard.

Lombe didn't mind at all, but instead laughed: "Oh! Thank you for your liking, my beard is the most beautiful among the dwarves"


Looking at Li Lulu's behavior, Kane stretched out his hand to hold his forehead, feeling a little regretful.

This is exactly like a child, is it really capable of fighting?

However, they all agreed that she would join the team, so she could only try it out.

Seeing his teammates interact with Li Lulu curiously.

Kane clapped his hands, attracting their attention.

"Okay, let's advance to the dungeon"

After that, he waved to the sky.

The marshmallow fell from the sky and slowly flew towards Kane's side.

Not long after leaving the city gate, when Kane found that Li Lulu had been following the team, he was wary and let the marshmallow fly into the sky.

Now that the danger is lifted and the dungeon is about to enter, of course, the marshmallow must be called first.

However, in the shape of a marshmallow, Kane was afraid that it would cause great damage to Li Lulu.


"Ah! It's a cloud, the cloud is floating down"

A rainbow-like light flashed, and Li Lulu disappeared directly in place.

Then a rainbow light appeared beside Marshmallow, and it was Li Lulu who appeared under the light.

Her eyes were full of stars, looking at the marshmallows.

Not a metaphor.

But her eyes are really shining with stars.

From the moment she appeared, whether it was clothing, character, or special effects all over her body.

It all gives a weird feeling.

It's very... very fairy tale, like the children's cartoons that Kane has seen before.

fairy tale spirit

Li Lulu directly hugged the marshmallow with both hands, and her face buried in Yun was full of happiness.

Marshmallow, who had always been afraid of life, didn't break free or expressed discomfort, but instead started laughing with Li Lulu.

Kane shook his head helplessly and began to lead the team towards the dungeon outpost in front.

And Lilulu and Marshmallow began to fly around Kane's team, chasing each other.

When Kane entered the outpost and came to the dungeon entrance to prepare for registration.

A young man hurriedly got out of the small room next to him.

Looking at the sleepy eyes on his face, he should have just woken up.

Beside the registration table, I sat down after finishing my clothes.

"Are you explorers? No explorers have come here for a long time. I'm a little slack. I'm sorry."

Kane smiled and said it didn't matter, and then began to record the information of his players in the record book.

After writing, he returned the pen to the staff, greeted him, and walked towards the entrance with the team.

Looking at Kane's team, he instinctively wanted to give a blessing.

I wish them a rich harvest, and then think about the situation of this dungeon, and can only say: "I wish you a safe exploration."

The entrance to the dungeon was on the beach not far from the sea, and Kane took his teammates directly to the teleportation platform.

Then a gust of sea breeze blew, and everyone disappeared in place.

When the light appeared again, it was already on the floating platform in the starry sky.

However, this is not the first time that everyone has entered the dungeon, and such a scene is not surprising.

From the position of the galaxy in the starry sky, it can be seen that the floating platform this time is much farther away from the position of the galaxy than the floating platforms in the previous dungeons.

Looking at the door of the mist in front of him, Kane took the lead to get in.

Everyone followed suit.

Feeling that the body passes through a layer of film is like passing through two spaces, and the surrounding environment changes directly.

The endless light brown earth, fine sand and small stones, are densely spread on the ground.

Looking around, there is not a shred of greenery.

The radiant object in the sky is no longer a round sun.

Rather, it is a glowing columnar object that hangs in the sky and acts like the sun.

The strong light prevented Kane's eyes from prying into its body.

A gust of hot wind blew past, and the sand and gravel on the ground rolled with the wind.

Claire and the others entered the dungeon one after another, holding weapons in their hands, vigilant about the surroundings.

Lombe squatted down, picked up the hammer in his hand and knocked on the stones on the ground.

"It's really desolate"

Kane covered the sunshade with his hand: "Otherwise, why is it called the Gobi Ruins?"

The surrounding is too desolate, and there are no road signs that can be used as indicators.

Based on currently available information.

The randomness of this map is very strong, only know that the goal of customs clearance is in a ruins with a large number of complete buildings.

There are also many ruined ruins scattered on the map. There are not many intact buildings in these ruins, but there are still monsters in them.

However, Kane didn't think about the fast pass. The purpose of coming here is to clear the entire dungeon.

If there is a monster that is not killed, it is a huge loss for Kane, and he is hiding deep.

He reached out and patted Yoyo beside him: "Now start recording the terrain, we have to step into every corner of this dungeon, not letting go of even a bug."

Hearing Kane's serious words, the blue light in Yoyo's eyes turned red, and she nodded solemnly.

The team-mates also knew Kane's purpose for a long time, and they were all in favor of it.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Kane began to think about countermeasures. The information showed that the area of ​​​​the dungeon was extremely wide.

In order to improve efficiency, you still have to think of a way to detect monsters more easily, otherwise you can really only walk the entire dungeon with your legs.

Looking at the cotton candy, Kane suddenly said: "You choose a direction and go forward. I will ride the cotton candy and scout in the sky, which will make it easier to find the target."

After speaking, the marshmallow swelled up, and Kane rolled over and stood on top of the marshmallow.

When the marshmallows carried Kane and flew into the sky, Claire and the others below also chose a direction and started to move forward.

When the height was almost the same, Kane patted the cotton candy under him, indicating that it was almost time to stop.

Standing on the marshmallow, Kane said to it: "Follow Claire, just fly over them"

After he finished speaking, he opened his eagle eyes and began to investigate the surroundings.

Since the skill switch has an hour cooling time, every time Kane enters the map, he puts Hawkeye on the skill grid first.

As for other skill stones, it depends on the situation, and then think about whether to switch other skills.

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