dry and desolate land

The heat wave swept the land, and there was no sun in the sky, but the columnar luminous bodies were still spraying light and heat wanton.

Horseshoe kicked away the gravel and gravel on the ground.

The equipment on Claire's body at this time is no longer the set of lion armor on her body when she just entered the dungeon.

Instead, it was replaced by a light leather armor.

In this way, the hot environment around her can relieve the loss of water in her body.

For her who has the ability to quickly change clothes, the cumbersome armor wearing will not cause even the slightest trouble to her.

Although they were well prepared, they still suffered from the harsh environment around them.

The light and heat emitted by the columnar luminous bodies in the sky are more uncomfortable than the sun felt outside.

In addition, there is no trace of green on the endless land, all dry light brown soil and gray gravel.

The lively Li Lulu was now lying on Claire's back with a look of discomfort, and the pair of crystal shaved butterfly wings behind her were drooping weakly on either side.

Since entering the dungeon, they have advanced for almost three hours.

At this time, Kane was standing on Marshmallow above Claire and the others, investigating the surrounding environment.

Every time you pass a certain distance, turn on the eagle eye to see if there are hidden monsters.

"I saw the ruins ahead, get ready to fight" Kane stood on the cotton candy and flew down from the sky.

After hearing Kane's reminder, Claire and the others quickly clenched their weapons.

A flash of light flashed, and Claire's leather armor was replaced by a splendid and mighty lion suit.

Just now Kane saw in the sky not far from the left front, there was a lot of ruins.

After opening the eagle eye, I saw that there were many large and small magical reactions in the ruins.

Since the eagle eye also has the function of farsightedness, even if Kane stands at an altitude close to 1 km away from the ruins, he can clearly see the specific situation in the ruins.

The entire ruins basically do not see even the slightest complete building, all kinds of rubble, if not these rubble are round and square with traces of artificial polishing.

It will make people feel that this is just an ordinary rubble.

However, the piles of these waste rocks are extremely high and widely distributed, resulting in a lot of blind spots and blocked places in the entire ruins.

And the magical reactions that Kane saw were either behind the gravel or beneath the ruins.

hidden deep

With the team carefully touched the direction of the ruins.

After walking for a while, I saw the ruins and rubble ahead.

Slowly came to the side of the gravel. These stones were much larger than Kane thought. Due to the limitation of the distance, Kane misestimated the volume of these gravel.

The blue pupils slowly changed into eagle-like vertical pupils.

A mass of magical reaction was revealed behind the pile of rubble ahead.


Claire and Lombe immediately came to the front of the team, raised their shields in their hands, and guarded the team to move forward slowly.

"Lure out and see how the monsters in this dungeon attack"

Due to the lack of understanding of the nature of the monsters in this dungeon, such a preliminary test is absolutely necessary.

Before Longbei appeared at the corner, the group of magic reaction couldn't help rushing out.

This dungeon monster has the shape of a scorpion and is close to an ordinary tiger.

But the gears revealing from its somewhat broken casing, and the exposed spherical plain bearings.

Everything shows its essence.

This is a mechanical construct, which is the same as the dungeon information that Kane and the others obtained before.

And in the broken shell, the core of its body can be clearly seen.

Neither Lombe nor Kane attacked first, but waited for the mechanical monster to act first.

The mechanical scorpion waved the giant pliers in his hand, and the rotating saw teeth could be clearly seen on both sides of the pliers.

The whole body made a harsh rubbing sound, which seemed to be used to disturb the enemy.

Its tail pin, raised high.

call out!

The tip of the needle at the tail shot towards Lombe with the tail flame.

Lombe seemed to be at ease and took the initiative to catch the attack.

The tail needle slammed into his shield, making a loud noise.

However, it can be seen from Longbe's unmoving shield and body that did not shake at all, this attack was a little too easy for him.

Seeing that his attack didn't work, the giant mechanical scorpion swayed the mechanical legs beside him and rushed towards Longbei quickly.

The serrations on the giant pliers whirring.

The swinging giant tongs smashed into Longbei's shield.

Lombe took it easily, and then pushed forward hard.

The huge force from the shield directly knocked the mechanical giant scorpion back again and again.

After it stabilized its body, it continued to attack Lombe.

These were easily taken over by Lombe.

After dealing with it for a while, it was determined that this mechanical structure had no other means of attack.

He smashed the pincers of the mechanical giant scorpion with his shield, and then grabbed the pincers attacking from the other side with his right hand.

He threw it hard behind him.

The huge force directly drove the entire body of the mechanical giant scorpion, which was thrown from the ground to the air, and then smashed to the ground from the air.

a loud bang

Gravel and smoke filled the air.

"Breath of Wind"

Lilulu raised her magic wand to her mouth, and the tip of the wand turned into a pink circle.

Puff up your cheeks and blow into the circle.

A strong wind dragged a rainbow-like wake towards the smoke.

There's nothing wrong with this magic, but what's going on with this girl's fairytale-like special effect?

Kane watched this scene and muttered silently in his heart.

The smoke and dust that had just diffused were quickly blown away.

Because the dry and cracked ground was somewhat crunchy, the mechanical scorpion was directly smashed into the ground.

There is a pothole

His metal casing was completely smashed, and the parts inside were exposed and scattered.

The core that shimmered with blue light was smashed to pieces, and a liquid similar to oil flowed out around the core.

Then the monster's corpse began to fade and dissipate, slowly turning into a pile of gray-white dust.

Lombe immediately trotted over to brush away the accumulated dust with his hands, and then a bright light shone through the dust.

"Oh! Shipped"

Immediately lift up the magic item that exploded, and show off to Kane and the others.

Kane and the others were also a little surprised. After all, this monster was indeed too weak to keep up with their strength.

And it is such a weak monster that a magic item has been exploded.

Although they have long known that this is just a magic material.

But this does not affect their excitement when they ship.

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