Kane took his teammates and slowly entered the tunnel.

Entering the tunnel, there is a circular space carved out, with a huge skull standing in the center.

The eye frame of the skull is decorated as a window and a door, and a platform extends out of the eye socket.

There is also a plaque on the nose with a line of unknown language written on it, and a warm light shines out from the skull.

The open mouth of the skull became the entrance to the store.

Kane and the others walked to the door, just as they were about to knock on the door.

A crisp bell rang, and the door opened automatically, as if inviting Kane and the others to enter.

Kane and the others entered the store.

The store is warmly and brightly lit by orange-yellow lights, with various items stacked on either side, with a wooden counter in the center.

In the counter is a skeleton wearing a black dress, a top hat, and holding a civilization stick. The civilization stick is inlaid with a small golden skull, and the skull is full of diamonds.

The skeleton looked up at Kane and the others, a monocle, buckled in one of his eye sockets, and a thin golden chain extending all the way to the chest pocket of his shirt.

"It's been a long time since I've had customers visiting my store. How did you find it here?"

He raised the monocle on his eye and asked Kane and the others.

His voice was as magnetic as an elegant middle-aged nobleman.

Before Kane and the others could answer, he suddenly said: "Oh, there is another guest injured, how can this be done."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the Civilization Staff and waved it towards Longbei.

Looking at the action of the skeleton boss, Kane and the others instantly took out their weapons and became vigilant.

Looking at the vigilant Kane and others, the skull boss smiled and said: "Don't be excited, honorable guest, I have no malicious intentions, and the shop is not allowed to use force."

"I'm fine, no, I'm fine." Lombe shook his bound arm and took off the bandage.

At this point his arm is intact and can move freely.

After seeing that Longbei was safe and his arm was healed, everyone put away their weapons.

Kane apologized directly to the skull boss: "I'm sorry boss, we are excited."

"Oh, it's okay, I'm not that stingy." The skull boss shook his head and smiled.

Kane picked up the business card in his hand and gestured to the boss: "We found this place with this business card."

Boss Skeleton steadied the monocle in his eye socket and hooked his neck forward, as if he was really short-sighted.

"It turned out to be the business card I once sent out. After so many years, I didn't expect someone to have it. How nostalgic.

Since we are so destined, come over and see what you need, but you can only buy two items in total, so think about it. "

After speaking, the skull boss picked up the civilization stick and waved it towards the counter. There were 5 boxes on the counter with question marks painted on them.

Kane and the others came over and looked at the five boxes with question marks on the counter, their faces full of doubts.

"The value of the items in each box is different. If you don't open it, you can't see it. How about the sales method that I just learned not long ago, it's very interesting." The owner of the skull seemed to be very proud of this sales method, and revealed in his tone out a pride.

Whoever taught you this way of selling, burn him to death, thank you.

Looking at the five boxes on the counter, Kane asked, "How much is a box?"

The boss stretched out two bone fingers: "20 Mist Coins"

After hearing this price, Kane turned his head and looked at his teammates. At this time, the team needs to make a decision.

"If you buy it now, you may regret it for a while, but if you don't buy it now, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Longbei said quietly.

Makes sense.

Hearing Lombe's words, everyone's mind couldn't help but agree.

"Then buy it"

After that, Kane turned around and prepared to choose two boxes.

Li Lulu flew to Kane's shoulder at this time, covered her mouth and whispered into Kane's ear: "Take the second one from the left."

After he finished speaking, he flew away, not forgetting to turn back and wink at Kane.

The skeleton boss couldn't help but look at Li Lulu.

Kane turned his head and directly picked up the second one on the left. The other thought about it and picked up the first one on the right.

Then, 40 Mist Coins were taken out of the public space equipment and given to the boss, which basically emptied their public funds.

After accepting the mist gift coin, the skull boss took off his top hat, bowed and said, "Thank you for your patronage."

Kane put the box into the space equipment, ready to go out and open it later.

"Young man, what's your name?"

"Kane, Kane Laflein"

The skull boss nodded, then stretched out his palm and hooked Kane's fingers, and the business card in Kane's hand flew towards him: "I am very optimistic about you young man, come, let me upgrade the business card in your hand, Hope you will be my regular."

After catching the business card, he picked up the civilization stick in his hand and pointed it on it, and a golden light wrapped around it.

Handed out the re-cast business card.

Kane grabbed the floating business card.

【Eternal treasure chest business card】


【Color: Gold】


【Real name binding】

【Extremely strong】

【Never Lost】


[Guide] (When a certain location or item is set, once it appears within a certain range, a guide sign will appear)

[Secret reception] (When you trigger the set conditions, an option will appear, and after confirmation, the user team will be sent to a secret space.)

[Introduction: T. Edwards, the mysterious skeleton mage wandering in various undead dungeons, is a mist lord, and he seems to be very optimistic about you. Whenever you enter a dungeon with undead elements, you can make an option, and when you choose to agree, you will go directly to his secret shop. 】

This actually turned into a piece of gold equipment, which would be the first gold-level equipment Kane had.

Although it doesn't bring him any real improvement.

However, there is a word in the introduction that makes Kane care very much, Lord of the Mist, this is the first time Kane has seen this word, it seems to represent a certain status.

"Then I'll take my leave and look forward to our next meeting."

After the skeleton boss said this, he waved the Civilization Staff in his hand.

The entire skull-like store disappeared directly, while Kane and the others were still standing there.

Due to the loss of the store's light source, the entire space also became pitch black.


Lilulu picked up her magic wand and waved it.

A round glowing ball appeared above their heads, illuminating the surrounding environment.

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